Status: in progress.

I'd Run Away

Carry On

Dearest Jasmeow,

I can’t believe it’s almost time for you to go off to college. I’m not ready to let you go, honestly.

It almost seems as if this summer has flown by, so much faster than either of us wanted. It actually feels like just yesterday when you were getting on the tour bus with us.

Man, I would do anything to make every day like that. I wish this summer would never end.

Mainly because there wasn’t a day on that tour when you weren’t by my side (:

Can I just move up to New York with you? So when I’m not touring, I can still see you all the time? I really am going to miss you.

We’ll definitely have to talk about some things before you leave.

I love you too much to go months without seeing your beautiful face all the time.

Remember that one night on tour, when we were laying out in the parking lot at night and watching the stars? You asked me what I would be doing if I wasn’t in a band and I honestly could not find an answer to give you?

I still have no idea, really. But every time I think of that night, I think of our relationship. I mean, the way I view them is pretty almost exactly the same.

If I wasn’t in the band, I don’t know what I would do and I wouldn’t know the kind of person I’d be. If I didn’t have you in my life, I have no idea who I’d be or who I’d become. I mean, I could be like the rudest person ever without you, who knows. Thankfully, though, I still have you.

I really don’t mean to be so cute all the time when it comes to our relationship, I just can’t help it.

You just bring out the best in me.

Well, you just texted me asking if I could help you pack up some stuff and go shopping for your dorm, so this email must end.

It feels just how it did when we first started emailing each other.
I missed it.

I love you and I’ll see you in about fifteen minutes.

Love, Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter of the sequel!

I hope you guys like it (:

It would be super fantastic if someone could make me a layout for this with a banner and all. Really.
Updates will depend on comments in the beginning. I need inspiration starting this and I wont be able to do it without my readers. Please. I wont ask for drastic amounts but if you read it, please try to comment. A simple "loved it cant wait!" would work wonders.

I'll take requests for what you all want to happen until I really get it going. I'll do almost anything! Message me or put it in a comment!

Love you alll (: