The Rising


I adjusted my glasses, and set my medical book aside. “I’ll go look for her. You two chould schtay here and see vere ve’re goink to go.” I rummaged in my bag and pulled out one of my pistols and the pipe I’d found in the auto department in Wal-Mart. I didn’t wait for them to say anything, and just left the room.

I stood in the hallway, looking around me slowly. Then I noticed a door I hadn’t before. I slowly reached for the knob and opened the door. There was a staircase leading down. “C-Colette?” I called down, hoping to God she was down there.

“Huh?” I heard the reply float up the stairs a few moments later. I sighed in relief and headed down the stairs into what I believed was the basement of the house. Colette was standing by a table with different lab tools, holding a stack of papers.

“Vat are you doink, Colette?” I asked her, moving around to her side to see what she was looking at. I wrinkled my nose in confusion. “Vat are zose? Vere did you get zem?”

“They’re notes on that zombie.” Without looking up at me, Colette pointed towards the east wall. I followed where she was pointing and saw the obviously dead zombie slumped against the wall in chains.

“How veird; vat vould zey be down here for?” I asked, reaching over and pulling the notes out of her hands. I shuffled through them, and then frowned. “Ugh. Vat are zese sings written in?”

“I think that it’s blood.” Colette replied, taking the notes back from me.

“Zis is too veird. Vy vould you take notes on a zombie and zen abandon it?” I asked, walking over to the zombie and examining it. “How vould you even get a zombie down here und chained to ze vall?”

Colette shook her head. “I don’t know, Gustav. But this doesn’t seem…right. It seems almost suspicious.” She walked over to where I was and stood beside me, staring down at the zombie. I looked over at her, meting her gaze. I bit my lower lip, afraid at the thoughts that crept into my mind.

“Come on, Colette. Ve chould get back upstairs before ze ozers schtart to vorry about us.” I told her. Colette nodded and followed me up the stairs. “Let’s not tell the others about what was in the basement.” Colette said before reached the top of the stairs. I nodded in agreement. We shouldn’t worry the others.

When we got back to the master bedroom Justin was staring out the window, and Alfreda was staring at her reflection in the mirror. “Ve’re back!” I said loudly. The other two turned to stare at us.

“Where were you?” Alfreda and Justin asked in unison.

“I was in the basement.” Colette replied. “I think we should leave now, though.”

“That was what I was just thinking.” Justin said, and looked briefly out the window again. “I think we should head for the hills behind the house. I don’t know where they go, honestly. But I hope to God it’s out of this town.”

I nodded and packed away the medical book and stuffed animal in my backpack, and slipped it on. Colette, Alfreda, and Justin all got their backpacks and headed down the stairs.

As soon as we got out of the backyard and headed towards the hills I cleared my throat. “You know vat guys? Zis reminds me of somesink.” I said, listening to the sounds of the zombies soft groans.

“What would that be?” Justin asked, voicing the question all three of them wanted to know the answer to.

I hitched my backpack up higher on my shoulders, and ran past them. I stopped a couple yards in front of them. “Ze hills are alife vis ze sound of zombies.” I sang, twirling around in a circle. When I stopped the three of them stared at me and burst out laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh too.

God, we needed that laugh.