The Rising


I did not know what I was really doing as I ran through the woods killing all the zombies that approached. My body had taken control and knew exactly what to do while mentally I was in in a different world. This is all my fault. If I did not shoot the girl the zombies would haven’t known where we were, they wouldn’t even have known we existed. After half an hour of killing the infernal things I escaped them and continued to run until my legs stopped from exhaustion. This did not happen until I reached a cliff which looked over fifty feet high and had a lake at the bottom. I noticed a trail going off toward it and turned around to tell the others. My eyes widened at the sigh.
“Fuck” I muttered, “this better not be a joke. It is definitely not the time to joke.” We got split up, I would go back to the plane but I doubt I would be able to find it. I gave a small sigh as I took my chances and walked toward the trail wondering where the others could be, and if they get attacked. If they did it would be all my fault…
I shook the thought out of my head and concentrated on listening for any strange noises. Once I got down to the lake I saw a small cottage beside it. The scene looked like some scene out of a fantasy movie that would contain fairies. I walked toward the cottage to see the door wide open as if it was waiting for me to come and now inviting me inside. The idea of it also reminded me of some kind of horror movie, which seems more realistic then the fantasy now and days. Hoping for some good luck I walked into the cottage and saw it was deserted.
It looked like a studio apartment with only two doors (door leading outside, and a door leading the bathroom). I looked around for any zombies and found none then I walked back to the door and looked outside. Nothing. Out of precaution I closed the door and saw three locks on it then put my bag on the kitchen counter with my weapons. Well the owner of this house was careful, I wonder if s/he is still alive. I locked all of them and went back to looking around the room. I found canned food (luckily vegetables), male clothes from the 60s probably, a bunch of books and etc. When I was done I walked over toward the window and peered out to see the sun was fully down and the stars sparkling across the sky. I let out a small yawn just now realizing how tired I was and walked over toward the bed and fell asleep.


I opened my eyes to see the morning sun peeking through the curtains and someone standing in the kitchen. I quickly sat up terrified, how did a walker get in?
“Your awake now?” the person asked. I blinked my eyes to see it was Colette, but… how did she get in. Didn’t I lock all three of the locks? Before I can say anything she walked toward me with a bowl in her hand and handed it to me. It was some kind of dark red liquid. I picked of the spoon and looked at the bowl confused as I placed it on my lap.
“What is this?” I asked.
“Blood” she said, but her voice had changed. I looked up quickly and saw it wasn’t Colette; it was the girl I had just shot. I didn’t say anything, I just stared at her in shock. She was dead, how could she be here? “Get out of my house” she said.


I quickly sat up covered in sweat and looked around to see I was still in the cottage, and still alone. I gave a small sigh; it was only a dream, a stupid nightmare. I got out of the bed and walked toward the cabinet and took a can of dried fruit and coconut milk out. I wonder if the last inhabitants of this place were vegetarians. Lucky them, at least they did not get infected by meat. I walked toward the window when I was done and quickly ducked at the sight of two zombies walking around the lake. I was stuck in here for now; I quickly crawled toward the kitchen table and took my bat and slide it down on the floor with me then took the bag. I crawled back to the window and looked out to see them still distracted then went back to my stuff. I crawled to the back of the cottage and opened the room divider which the old owner luckily had. I was stuck in the bedroom portion of the cottage until I decide to leave. This is going to be fun. I just hope the others found shelter.