The Rising


A dream like voice talked to me, “C-Colette… I-It’s spreadink around ze world.” I got confused, the voice sounded familiar. It took me a while to realize it was Gustav’s. Why would I be dreaming about him saying that? Unless… I opened my eyes to see him shaking me. There was tears running down his face and he was actually shaking.
“W-what?” I asked in a bit of a daze/
“It’s spreadink, the virus. I heard it on the radio” he said and I stared at him shock. I sat up and looked at the others who were still asleep.
“How… how did you find out?” I asked.
He took a deep breath, “it vas a radio in one of the rooms, I vas looking for some news and ze person said zat. Vat should ve do?”
“Wait… wait till the other’s wake up and talk to them about it? For now you should sleep, it’s my turn right?” I asked and he nodded his head and went over to his spot and fell asleep. I sat up in my spot as his words stood in my brain. The virus was spreading, how far? The state? Nation? World? I sat there for a while and just stared at the wall until I could not take it. I stood up and continued Gustav’s expedition and left the room. I saw the open door to a room and walked by it toward another closed door. I opened it walked inside to see it was painted all pink and there was a crib in the center of the room. I walked toward it and gasped. I quickly backed away with my hand covering my mouth. There in the crib was a dead baby with a few bites in her. Could it still be here? I nervously exited the room and looked around the house by myself. I knew it wasn’t a good idea but I still did it. There was nothing on the second floor so I silently snuck down to the first. I peered in between curtains out the window to see tons of zombies, luckily none of them saw me and I quickly closed them and continued to the back of the house to where we entered. The same zombie was still out in the backyard walking around aimlessly.
I walked back to the stairs and saw something suspicious. A door which I did no see before. I opened it and saw a stair case going down. I made sure I had a baseball bat as I headed down the stairs nervously. There was a zombie chained up to the wall growling at me as it tried to attack. I lifted up the bat just in case as I looked around. It looked like a mini lab used for testing these things. I walked over to see notes on the table about the zombie. It took me a while to realize the notes were written in blood. I turned back to the chained monster and lifted my bat above me head and in one quick motion permanently killed it. I quickly headed back up to the first floor and shut the door quietly behind me.
I went back to the kitchen and looked to see if there was anything left behind. The kitchen seemed to be recently stocked. I took a few cans (mostly vegetables) and some stuff from the refrigerator (drinks, and some food) and brought it upstairs. Maybe it could be a sort of surprise. I tried to smile as I brought the stuff upstairs but I could not help but think about the baby and the zombie downstairs. Was that thing the experiment or… the person doing the experiment? I doubt it was the latter. I sat down in my spot and looked around, everyone was still sleeping and it’s only been about an hour.
I continued out of the room again and went to the study. The radio was still on the table with a few other stuff. I saw that two of the draws in the desk had been opened but another was closed. It took two tries but I finally opened it. I looked around it to see aspirin, medical books, old candy wrapper, and dust. Nothing that interesting. I decided to take the aspirin, medical books (for Gustav since he is our medic), empty journal, inkwell, pen, batteries, screwdriver, radio, and flashlight to the other room. I finally got it after two trips and sat down in my spot again with the journal, inkwell, and pen. I still had half an hour left so I began to write an entry.
“Dear Whoever reads this,
The world is ending, there is only four of us and I doubt anyone will read this. The human population will probably be erased from history any day now. Is there any hope for us.
Writing in a journal seems really stupid now actually, but it gives me something to do while I am on guard duty. Get all of my thoughts down on paper and one day when the zombies are all gone, which I doubt will occur, I can read this.
I can’t help but think about what my family must be doing now. Justin is the only family I know that is still human; my parents and two brother (Alois and Malo) went on a vacation leaving me with Justin and his mom (who is now a zombie) right before the outbreak. I haven’t heard from them since they left. I hope they are okay, but it’s highly unlikely. I guess I should go wake up Alfreda now and get another two hours of sleep.
Hopefully I am still alive to write in you again,
I stood up and walked toward Alfreda in a bit of a daze as I shook her arm. She opened her eyes still looking exhausted and muttered, “is it my turn?”
“Yeah” I said as I walked back to my spot and put the book with the pen and ink in my bag. I lie down and fell asleep.