She's Got the Rhythm

New Beginnings

It all started on the first day of tenth grade. I was so nervous as I walked into homeroom that morning. I didn’t know anyone since I had transferred from private to public school-I had gotten pretty tired of the catty girls at private school and begged my dad to let me switch. He did, and here I was in a room full of people I didn’t know; but I didn’t regret not switching, at least there was a variety of people here.

I scanned the entire room, looking for someone to talk to. There was a girl with green streaks in her hair talking to a boy with a lip piercing-no, they didn’t look very promising. There were the jocks, all wearing matching Hollister shirts-definitely not; there were plenty of guys like them at my old school. Ah-ha! There were two guys sitting near me, and judging by their conversation, it was music related.

I tried to deliberate how I should jump into the conversation. I figured it would be awkward no matter what I did, but I might as well try.

“I know, man. Did you listen to their new album? It was sick,” one of the guys who had light brown hair, green eyes and a beanie was telling the other guy.

“I agree. It was kind of like a mix between their old and new stuff,” the other guy, whose wearing a Third Eye Blind shirt replied.

Okay, I’ve officially dubbed these guys as my kinda crowd. Third Eye Blind is one of my favorite bands, and they seem like nice guys.

“Whose new album?” I asked, unexpectedly.

They both turn their heads to face me. “Oh, uh, Yellowcard,” he answered.

“I love them!” I exclaimed. “Hang you up is probably my favorite off the album, oh, and ‘The Sound of You and Me’. I can’t get enough of the intro, it’s killer.”

They both stared at me for a few seconds until the guy with the beanie spoke up. “And who would you be?”

“Um, I’m Mandy, I’m new here.” God, I sounded like such a nerd when I said that.

“Really? Well, I’m Blake and this is Ryan,” he pointed to his other friend.

“Hi, sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation,” I apologized.

“No need to be sorry,” Blake said. “If you appreciate our music, then we’ll
appreciate you,” he smiled.

I grinned back. “Oh, um, cool, thanks. So, what classes do you guys have next?” I tried to continue the conversation.

“We both have chemistry with Mr. Wells. You?”

“Same,” I made sure to sound a little bit more relaxed although I was really stoked that I had these guys in my next period.

“Cool, we’ll show you the way,” Ryan piped up as soon as the bell rang.

“Awesome,” I grabbed my bag off the floor and tossed it over my shoulder, careful not to let my drum sticks fall out. (I had to help my dad out with lessons after school.)

I followed them into the crowded hallway, and tried my best to navigate around all the people. Okay, there were definitely not this many kids at my private school.

I almost lost them at one point, but Blake grabbed my arm and towed me out of the mess.

“It was like a huge mosh pit,” I told him and he laughed. He had really white teeth for a guy, I noticed.

“You’re definitely not from here, are you?” he asked me.

“Um, not exactly. Well, I used to go to Briar Prep, but I transferred,” I explained.

“The rich school? Really? You don’t seem like the type,” he told me.

I rolled my eyes. “Tell me about it. I hated it, so I told my dad I wanted to go here instead.”

“Nice choice. Alright, we’re here,” he led me into the room, where there were already a ton of people gathered in small groups talking.

I wasn’t really sure if I should keep following the guys around like a puppy dog, but whatever. Who else was I supposed to talk to anyway?

They were talking to another group of guys that were sitting in the back. I just kind of hung back, away from the conversation and studied the other guys. They all had the same skater look going on-skinny jeans, Vans, and band t-shirts. Geez, where have these guys been all my life?

“Hey, who’s your friend?” in an instant, one of the guys with jet black hair asks Blake.

“Oh, this is Mandy, everybody. She’s new here,” he introduces me.

The guys all offer me warm smiles and I can’t help but feel more at home. The people here were pretty welcoming.

“You must be from the puke prep school, eh?” a guy wearing a Glamour Kills tee asked.

“Haha, very funny. And yes, as a matter of fact, I hated it there. So I decided to come here.”

They all started laughing.

“Laugh all you want guys,” Blake gave them a look.

“Sorry, sorry,” the Glamour Kills guy apologized. “I’m Chase, by the way,” he held out his hand.

I shook it and looked at Blake for support.

“So, are we all still going to the party at Jane’s tonight?” he asked the group.

“Yeah, of course man, another party, another gig!” Chase punched him playfully on the arm.

“Right,” he said tightly, rubbing his arm.

“Wait, you guys are in a band?” I questioned.

“Yup,” Chase replied.

“Awesome,” I decided to keep my cool.

“You should come,” Ryan nudged me on the shoulder.

“I should,” my thoughts have wandered off by now. What am I going to wear? How am I going to get into the party? Who’s going to take me?

“We can give you a ride if you like,” Ryan told me, as if reading my thoughts.

“As long as you’re okay with riding in a stinky van full of guys,” Chase joked. I could tell he didn’t want me to ruin their ‘group’, but I wasn’t going to let him win.

“Oh, I’m up for it!” I exclaimed.

“Cool, we’ll pick you up around seven,” Ryan announced as soon as the bell rang.

We all scurried to our seats and listened to the teacher talk for an hour. It was pretty boring, but I distracted myself by thinking about the party. I checked my watch. Only seven more hours.
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