Status: Update every two weeks

The Betting Young

Out of habit I looked both ways before crossing the road. As I did so I realized I had nowhere to turn. Taking deep breaths weren’t calming me down anymore. In the second I was crossing the street everything that had just happened became really real really fast. After the orphanage I was traumatized. What could I do? Crossing this street was a very bad idea. I turned to a place where I knew no one would think to look for me: Yankee Bar and Slots.

After one night in the orphanage I ran away. It made it to real. I couldn’t handle the facts at age eleven. My coping skills were not developed for they had no need to. With my valuables, I started off to Yankee’s. Yankee’s was like a second home for me, and I figured the consolation I needed was there, at least in the form of gambling.

I was in it to win it. The guys at my table were too drunk to care that I was eleven. I couldn’t be beat. After any traumatic happenings I could play better than ever. I focused all my attention on the game. No distractions.