‹ Prequel: Human After All
Status: Updated frequently♥

I Come Alive

At a time not too far, in a society immersed in rebellion and corruption, two boys fight for a chance to be equal. After getting in and out of the society's largest building, the boys, Beau and Joshua, are faced with fame and fortune if they become the government's lackeys, or the chance to become legends if they are the first to openly host a rebellion against the Capital.

Beau just wishes things could be normal. Joshua wants to be free. When faced with two paths with two different outcomes, both of them want to know: Is it ever gonna be enough?

This story is a sequel to Human After All, so if you want to read this story, you'll probably want to read that first, or else you'll be totally confused.

This story is a slash. Plot and characters are mine. Please don't steal. Enjoy♥
Layout background taken from Deviantart, layout && banner courtesy of Sonshine.