Status: being written

Truth Or Dare

Chapter 2

A week after the conversation with Rose,Bernard finally texted her again. Seeing the name on her screen my her turn beat red. She was still confused on why he wouldn't answer a simple question.

ROSE: Hiyya
BERNARD: What you doing?
ROSE: Nothing much at my grandmom's because my grandpop died like last week and I haven't been able to get to school or anything I was really close with him and I am so devastated. What are you doing
ROSE: Cool sounds like you are having the time of your life
BERNARD: Oh yes and Rosie I do like you by the way. Tell your sister she wasn't supposed to tell you that though.
ROSE: Oh I don't know what to say I am just so shocked I never would have guessed that you could ever like me.
BERNARD: Well I do. Do you like me?
ROSE: Yes!
BERNARD: Ok so do you want to date
ROSE: Yes sure

A six months after they had been going out. She was madly in love with him he was in his own way her very own Prince Charming. He texted her, and made it the worst day of her life.

BERNARD: Hey I need to talk to you
ROSE: About what you are scaring me
(In her mind the image of him cheating on her was what she saw)
BERNARD: Don't be scared
ROSE: Ok so what do you need to tell me
BERNARD: I was at my friend's house and we were playing spin the bottle. It was raining and they said if I didn't play I would have to walk home. So I played and kissed a girl
ROSE: you like her?
BERNARD: No but she likes me. I have been friends with her since I was little
BERNARD: I guess I like her like that
ROSE: Oh are we still together
ROSE: OK gtg

That whole day Rose cried on her friend. Later sending her self into depression.

In the end of May they got back together. She knew to be carful be carful this time