Status: being written

Truth Or Dare

Chapter 3

It was late June and Kaye and her cousin Brianna were sitting in a bay window in their grandfather Michagian home during their summer vacation. It was big and beautiful and his backyard was a beach and a lake.
"You know what would be cute?" Kaye asked.
"No, what?" Brianna responded.
"If some guys just threw rocks at this window and it would be so cute like those cheesy romance movies."
"Yeah, it would. And then we'd go to the beach...."
For the next five minutes or so they just stared off into the beach dreaming of those two perfect dream boys.They headed out to the beach a little while after that.

Kaye and Bernard have been friends for a few years and met at an acting camp through a couple friends. They have dated before but it only lasted about tweleve hours until Kaye realized it's better to be friends. But, this time she really missed him and really wanted to be more than friends.
Taking a break from the lake, Kaye and Brianna sit down on an old wooden bench. Kaye felt now was the time to make a move and ask out Bernard.

KAYE: Whats up?
KAYE: Nm at a lake in Michagain. Can I ask you something?
BERNARD: Yea sure.
KAYE: Okay well I like you. Like more than a friend....
BERNARD: I told Lynn you were hot.

Kaye remember that night at the movies with their best friend Lynn. Kaye and Lynn with a couple of other people saw a movie she could no longer remeber the name of. During the movie Bernard texted Lynn "Kayes hot." She showed her the message and she just looked away and smiled. Five minutes later he texted "JK"

KAYE: Yeah. I know. Do you think thats true?
KAYE: So do you wanna date?
KAYE: Oh.... y not?
BERNARD: Cuz ur always messing with me
KAYE: Yea but im actually being serious this time.
KAYE: Okay fine dont beileve me then
BERNARD: No i believe you
KAYE: so do u want to?
KAYE: Cool
BERNARD: wait so are we bf and gf
KAYE: Yeah
KAYE: you know if you want to
BERNARD: yea i do