Status: being written

Truth Or Dare

Chapter 5

On the morning bus to camp on a hot July morning sat Rose and Kaye. They were on there way to camp. Kaye was sitting next to their mutal friend Anne. Kaye told Anne "I started dating Bernard." Anne paused before saying "that girl sitting diagonal from us has been dating him for a while now." Anne was talking about Rose. Kaye thought Anne was talking about a different girl she didn't realize it was Rose.

They arrived at camp. A few of the courses went by without a word from either girl. It wasn't until lunch that they spoke. At lunch Kaye said "DO you see that girl over there" she pointed to a girl across the room. "She went of with Bernard Jones while I was dating him." Rose gave her a highfive and said "he cheated on me two before. The guy is an idoit." Kaye asked "when did you date and breakup?" Rose took a second and said "we started dating again at the end of May and are still together right now." Kaye asked the group "wait so he cheated with three girls?" Anne said "no I wasn't talking about her I was talking about Rose."
Lunch ended and the two girls decided they would call him on the bus ride home on Rose's phone.