Status: working on it

Say You Like Me

Drama Queen

It turns out when they got to Salt Lake City, their flights were at different times because apparently Allison had relatives in Salt Lake and she didn’t want to take two planes in the same place because she thought it was too much for her butt to handle so as Allison walked off to the taxi stand Callum stood with Kelsey in the terminal. “So I guess I’ll see you at the wedding, or we’ll see you at the wedding.” He laughed, she laughed. It wasn’t that funny. They stood there awkwardly for a moment. The more she thought about the napkin, the more embarrassing it sounded in her mind. She could tell he was struggling with whether he should bring it up or not. “Listen,” she said placing a hand on his arm. He didn’t flinch or pull his arm back. “The napkin…the more I think about it…it wasn’t very…” she didn’t finish. He smiled at her, exposing sparkling white teeth and just the hint of dimples, which she found cute. “I understand,” he said looking into her eyes. She looked down adjusting her grip on her suitcase handle. “Okay. Good because I didn’t really…” She looked up at him, and then stifled a laugh that barely escaped her mouth. “I’m sorry I’m not finishing sentences,” she shakes her head and looks down again. “No, it’s okay. I think it’s cute.” He said trying hard not to laugh. She could tell. “Well, have a safe flight. We’ll be there in a day or two. Allison wants to visit with her parents I believe, but we’ll definitely be there for the reception dinner.” She smiled away looking for which direction to go in. “Do you need help fining your next plane, ma’am?” Callum asked offering his arm to her. She laughed and thought about how she couldn’t remember a time where she felt so awkward and relaxed around someone at the same. “Why yes, that would be very thoughtful of you,” she said taking his offered arm and walking with him to her next plane, while from just outside Allison was watching the two of them from the taxi stand a disgusted look on her face.
“Can you do this?” Kelsey asked. “What do you mean?” he asked. “I mean, you’re with Allison and your walking me to my next plane. You just left her there.” He had forgotten about Allison the minute his brain had set on asking Kelsey about taking her to her next plane. “Oh, yeah…” he said and she laughed, but he didn’t laugh this time. Kelsey became quiet for the rest of the walk there and when she did get there and people were already in line Callum had to leave with out saying anything because…well, honestly he wasn’t really sure how to end their almost-just-barely-beginning-relationship. It had almost happened. Those sparks that seemed to fly through him all during the plane ride. Just when they were about to explode into fireworks he’d cut the cord and left her hanging. He wasn’t sure what to think about after that. He wasn’t even sure if Allison had seen anything. But knowing her, she had eyes like a hawk and she never missed a spot. And to make things worse, he’d left a bad ending between him and Kelsey. His head hurt. He’d thought it was a headache coming on, but when he caught view of Allison sitting in one of the chairs near the information desk, his head started to pound.