Devil in Disguise

The Devil is so much stronger than a Man

In the seven hours that followed, Herow spent his time with TK. They played guitar together. It turned out that Herow knew how to play and was good at it. He had an electric guitar with an amp attached. Herow was in favor of the acoustic guitar that TK had. So they switched and TK strummed along with Herow, jotting down the notes they played. Every now and then, someone would show up, looking for TK. Heather and Heath came in for his opinion on the cloth they used, Kaito, who trusted TK’s opinion of his food more than anyone else, came to have him try the food he and Frank had made, Gabe had come in to ask him if his suit looked official and professional for the princess, Parinum came in to ask if he knew how to say anything in Himish (which he didn’t) and told him that he would bring TK a sheet to study from, Rachel and Tanto came in, looking for TK to try out their new radio technology, which he often did, and Demitria and Avon managed to wrangle him away from his guitar long enough for them to explain to him a few Himish fighting techniques.

Herow watched on as he did all these things for people, watched as he stopped what he was doing, watched as he sacrificed the time he could have spent doing his own thing to help others. Herow smiled. He couldn’t help it. For a demon-child who was hated by everyone, a lot of people really depended on him.

“You know,” said Herow, “for someone with no friends, you seem to help a lot of people here.” TK glared at him and Herow only grinned. TK had been working on lyrics when he had brought up the comment.

“Shut up,” was his quiet reply. “What the hell does this have to do with anything?” TK snapped as he threw his pencil at the paper. Herow sighed and looked at what he had. It was a bunch of words that were slung together with nothing really in common.

“What are you thinking about?” Herow asked as he leaned back against the window frame where he and TK were sitting. TK stared long into Herow’s eyes and dug his fingers into this eyes, as if to push away the frustration.

“Nothing! I can’t think of anything.” Herow sighed and took the pencil from him, flipped the page over and began to scribble down words. Herow smirked when TK finished reading and playing along to the words. TK nodded his head a little and looked at Herow. “Since when have you been able to write lyrics?”

“Since I learned to play guitar. Let’s try it again with both of the guitars, yes?” TK smiled and nodded. It was like something lit a fire under him, under his heart and started a great fire that swept through him.

“Captain Herow?” said Gabriel from the door. “The plane is landing in about twenty minutes. We should go.” Herow nodded and placed the guitar on the cushions on the window.

“Already?” TK asked. Herow looked down at his watch and nodded.

“Thank you, Gabriel.” Herow said to the boy. He nodded and looked at TK and nodded a little to him. The two of them walked out of the den, guitars in hand. Heading towards the cars, everyone stood around, chattering away. Kaito and Frank were muttering together with Parinum, while Heath and Heather were trying to fashion a button on the suit they were going to hand to TK.

“Remember what we taught you,” said Demitria. “She might get dangerous.”

“I will,” TK promised, though was fully prepared to not do anything. Like a silly princess could get the better of him.

“Don’t forget to greet her as Hoshi,” Parinum said. “Just like I told you, alright? Be sure to practice in the car with Gabe. I taught him as well.” TK nodded and handed his guitar to Herow. Gabe was in the front seat, waiting patiently, while TK stared at Herow.

“You sure you want me on this?” he asked. Herow nodded, his face stern and fixed.

“Wouldn’t want anyone else on it,” TK sighed and opened the door to the passenger’s side.

“Whatever you say, old man. If she hates us, it’s all your fault.” Herow laughed and shook his head.

“Be sure to tell Victor I’ll be waiting for him here so we can go over how it went in Hime.” TK lifted an eyebrow, wondering if that was all they were going to talk about, and nodded.

“I’ll be sure your boyfriend knows we hung out all night.” Despite the casual joke, Herow blushed. It wasn’t like him to be embarrassed at the joke but in front of everyone, it was embarrassing to say the least. TK laughed and closed the door, throwing a wave to Herow as they drove away. Herow growled angrily at the car as it drove away, his hands gripping the guitars tightly.

“Why do you do that?” Gabriel asked him. TK looked at him and shrugged.

“He knows I’m kidding. Victor hates me and he seems to be the only one that defends Victor.”

“If that’s your basis then maybe you should start calling him your boyfriend. He defends you faster than he would defend a civilian from the devil himself.” TK paused and looked at him from the corner of his eye. “You didn’t know, did you? He defends you with all he is. He yells at anyone trying to say you’re not worthy of being here.”

“Let me take a guess at who that would be,” TK snarled out.

“Well, in Luke’s defense, Sauer wanted to get rid of you when you hit puberty so he assumed everyone wanted you gone.” TK looked up at the tall boy who had his eyes focused on the black SUV in front of them. “And besides, it’s not like Luke doesn’t have a reason. You are intimidating…”

“You’re the second one to say that to me today,” TK murmured out of the side of his mouth.

“You are though,” Gabe said. “You run by your own rules and you are so different than all of us. You have this great power that no one can match. You could kill us if you wanted to. You—”

“Lucky I don’t want you dead then huh?” TK snapped harshly.

“TK, look,” Gabriel’s otherwise soft voice was stern and serious. The tone made TK look at the boy with new eyes. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you trust us enough to call us friends. The other guys are glad too. They just aren’t sure they’re ready to be weak in your eyes.”

“And you?” TK asked.

“You already think I’m weak so what’s the point in worrying about it?”

“Gabe,” TK started.

“TK, I know I’m not a starting forward or a star three point shooter. I get that. I’m a dorky, weak, pathetic freak with some really powerful ancestors. I get that. Just don’t lie to me.” TK nodded a little and let the silence seep in.

“You know, if you were assertive like this all the time, you wouldn’t have to worry about being weak.” Gabe turned a pale pink in the evening darkness.

“You think?” The excitement was dripping from his words.

“Definitely.” TK replied. “You’re much tougher when you’re stern like that. Not a pathetic freak at all.” Gabriel smiled a little and TK laughed. “Not that you are, Gabe. You aren’t weak at all. You aren’t pathetic either. Dorky, yeah you are a little. But you are not at all weak. You are really strong. I mean, you could totally take me down in a fight.” Gabe smiled more and sat a little taller in his seat. TK nodded, enjoying the fact that Gabriel had gained some confidence and leaned against the window.

“Do you think she’ll be nice?” Gabe asked. TK shrugged.

“Who knows?” TK said. “Hopefully she’s not a brat. That would suck.” Gabe nodded a little and slowed down. The long highway turned into a large airport where a massive ivory plane was shutting down.

“Looks like we just made it,” Gabe said shrugging as he pulled over and put the car in park. The two boys walked out of the car and joined Wakely, who was leaning against the hood of the first black SUV. Victor was the first to get off the plane. Like Herow, he was tall and handsome. His hair was a deep black, the color of night. He didn’t have a beard and his black suit was pressed to military perfection. He wore a long black trench coat, much like the one that Herow wore. He descended down the stairs and behind him was a firm figure that looked almost like a moving shadow. The cool evening breeze took its long cloak in its grasp and made it lift and dance. Behind that figure was a small boy, his hair almost impossible to see in the darkness. He was skinny and hesitant. He rushed to keep up with the taller figure. The next two were Soren and Oren.

“Looks like we’re going to meet our princess,” TK said as he grinned at Gabe. Gabe nodded ever so slightly and as the four figures came towards them, he moved away from the cars, following Wakely, who was already shaking hands with Victor. TK reluctantly followed as well, standing next to Gabe as he stood face to face with the princess. Her eyes were a steely grey, even in the brilliant white lights of the terminal. Her entire body was hidden in a long grey cloak that encompassed her. She had a satchel of things and a long sword over her shoulders. TK stared at her and when those dark eyes turned to meet his, he could have sworn something in him froze. They were beautiful, no doubt, but something about the hostility in her face made him wonder if this really was a princess. He wondered if a princess could be harsh and angry.

She suddenly moved. It was only an instant before he felt something sharp against his neck. Voices were screaming, even a young boys. Her body was pressed against his back, her lean and tall form holding his dangerously tight.

“Demon,” her voice was quiet and low. The accent bounced off his ear drums and his heart sped up. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to work with you,” he replied. She frowned and pulled him back from the group. They moved forward and she held out her sword to them. The boy stared at her and she lowered her sword ever so slightly.

“Lantor,” she murmured. Something else came from her mouth that TK couldn’t understand. All he knew was that it sounded so attractive. The boy straightened his shoulders.

“Let her be,” he said stiffly. “She won’t kill him.” He stared at her and TK saw that his eyes were an electric blue. He said something incomprehensible and in response, the princess growled but nodded.

“You don’t need to hurt him,” said Victor, moving forward. He had his arms out trying to show the princess he wasn’t going to hurt her. “Please. He’s a part of our team. He is going to help you. Do you remember I mentioned the half-demon?” The princess let her arms loosen around TK and Victor sighed. “Let’s just get you home and let you get some rest. It’s been a long flight and you only slept for a short time. It’d be best if you rested for a while.” The princess nodded slowly and let her arms fall. She stepped back and looked at the young boy. He ran to her, clasping her hand in his. There was a drop of blood on the blade and she stared at TK while she took it on her thumb and lifted it to her lips. TK moved to stand with Gabriel, Victor, Wakely, Oren and Soren.

“So demon,” she said in a language that was entirely different from her own and from English. “What have they named you?” TK was surprised he knew what she said.

“TK.” He replied in English.

“Oh no,” she said softly. “Try your native language.”

“I don’t know how.” He said softly.

“Try,” TK frowned but he murmured out a few syllables that he felt bubbling in his brain.

“Thaddeus,” snapped Victor. TK looked at him almost embarrassed that he had even tried the language that separated him out from everyone else. He looked back at the others and cleared his throat.

“Right,” he said. He held out his hand to her and squared his shoulders. “Nice to meet you, Princess Hoshi. My name is Thaddeus Lynne and I will be working with you from now until we are done with this situation.” The princess smiled and placed the sword on ground, the tip almost buried into the ground.

“Interesting,” she said still using the demon language. “Call me Hoshi, Thaddeus. Or may I call you TK?”

“TK is fine,” he replied. She smiled and looked down at the boy at her side. She spoke to him in a strange language and finally, they looked up. The boy bowed a little.

“We’ll be happy to go now. Hoshi and I will be completely obedient. My name is Shadow, by the way!” Said the boy. The princess had a less-than-happy face on but she followed along anyway. Victor sighed a heavy sigh and walked with Gabriel to the car.

“You’ll be driving with our head motorized coordinator. Wakely Tiss.” The girl turned her eyes to Wakely, who brushed his hand through the brown hair that flowed into a spikey front.

“Princess,” he said softly as he bowed to her. She smiled kindly.

“East?” she replied. He nodded and lifted his green eyes to the princess. She smiled and walked to him, holding out her hand to shake it. He touched it gently as if afraid to shake it. She laughed and spoke in a dialect strange to everyone but Wakely. He laughed loud and happily. He replied a merry joke and she laughed as well. Victor rolled his eyes, got into the car and Gabe drove away. Wakely, the princess, TK and the princess’s guest got into the car and drove towards home. TK and Wakely sat in the front while the princess and the guest sat in the back. Wakely couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was a princess. Her father was a wonderful man and he couldn't understand what happened to her that made her hate being a princess. What happened to her that made her not want to be a princess. How could she deny being the daughter of a great man? "How long have you been here?" she asked as she placed her arm around the younger boy.

"About six years," he replied. "My wife Pamela brought me over after studying medicine in my hometown."

"Sintom?" she asked, his smile making her nod.

"She was studying that big mess of flu that happened back then," The princess nodded.

"I remember that." She said.

"She had helped with that. I learned English for her after we met and after a few years, we moved to America and we moved a few streets away from here."

"She sounds lovely."

"She was," Wakely looked away, unsure of how to keep the conversation going. Her eyes met his in the mirror and she placed her hand on his wide shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I'll be sure to pray for her." He smiled and looked at the boy. He was talking to TK. They were working on the English words for things.

"Does he speak Sintomish?" She shook her head.

"Only Nodamish and whatever he has mastered of English."

"You've got a wonderful grasp on English. How did you do it?"

"Magic," was her reply. He smiled a little at her, making her smile in return.

"Why did you leave?" She frowned. "You don't seem like someone who would get kidnapped." She looked away.

"Is that what he told everyone? Five long years and everyone thought I was kidnapped." She sighed a little and swallowed. "I was sixteen when I left. When a woman is sixteen in my family, they need to take a test. Since I was born, I've trained, studied, and learned about demons, magic and everything else can imagine. I studied for sixteen years the sciences, math, languages, history and all philosophies of the world. All so I could pass this stupid test. I walked into the test and they put him in front of me. He stood in front of me and showed me that was no chance for me to ever find happiness. I loved him and they told me he was a demon. I had to kill him."

"Did you?"

"Of course. I killed him for that's what I needed to do to pass my test." She looked away again and swallowed. "I had destroyed the one friendship I had all to prove to my father and a bunch of stupid old people that I was good enough to protect the people of my land. And of course I am very good at my job and damn it I've traveled the entire land and killed demons that decided to kill humans." She sighed again and leaned back to cross her arms. "I was a teenager. They blow everything out of proportion."

"I heard about your father," he said softly.

"Yes, as I did," the princess replied. "Now even if I want to go back, they'd kill me."

"Do you want to?"

"Not really but I suppose I should, yes?"

"Eventually," he replied. She sighed.

"Are you the only Himish person at this place?"

"No there are two more. A man from the West and the other from the South."


"One is an older gentleman, the one from the South. Evseev is his last name. I'm not sure how he'll react to you. He was talking to me about you before I came here. He said he was interested in finding out about your policies."

"And the other?"

"He's interested in your magic. He's not sure how he feels about you politically of course. I don't think anyone can have anything to do with the politics. You haven't been around the country in such a long time it would be impossible for you to know the workings of the country."

"How could any of you know about this? Six years away of the country and you know more about it than me?" He laughed a little.

"People seem to know more than their rulers, yes?" She smiled and nodded.

"So it appears." He turned his attention back to the road and decided to drive safely through the main gates to the large parking garage underground. He eventually parked the car and then group of them managed to get out of the car. Wakely stared down at the boy as he stood with TK.

“What did he do to get you to bring him along?” Wakely had been wondering that since the meeting. He wasn’t sure why it bugged him, why it picked at his brain and picked at his heart. He wondered why someone so noble would run around with a filthy orphan. “Why do you pretend to be this thing you are born not to be? You are so high and yet you run with this thing.” He stared at the boy, whose clothes were far dirtier now under the powerful florescent light of the parking garage. His hair was cut haphazardly probably with a knife of some sort and his face was covered with dirt it was hard to tell what color his skin was. The princess suddenly had him against the car, her blade pressed to his throat. Her eyes were a glorious and dangerous white in the blackness of her hood. They were bright like the snow. White like moonlight. The boys were trying to sooth her but when she turned around, her eyes turned red like fire, which made them move back.

“That boy is a better man than anyone in Nodame or Hime combined,” she told him as she turned to look at him again, the red fading to white once more. “You will watch your tone with my Lantor of you want your head still on your shoulders.” He sucked in a breath and turned his eyes down at the boy.

“No. You couldn’t have done that.” He whispered out. She turned her eyes to the boy and they softened to their natural grey. Quickly, she looked back at Wakely and her eyes were once again a disgusting white. “You made that animal your Master?” The blade was pressed tighter against his throat, the blood starting to pool against her blade.

“Assume me a criminal and an orphan. Assume me a blood-thirsty mongrel that does not deserve the silver platter that had been shoved in my face my entire life. Assume me a petty thief who steals bread for a living and not because I can but because I must. That boy is better to me than my own father and for that, he shall have my life and I shall have his.” The Princess, all fury and tangle of fire and hate, was pulled away by Demitria and Avon. Wakely could feel the blood from his neck rolling down his chest. Patricia, the meager five foot six inch woman, came to him with bandages.

“Are you hurt badly?” she asked softly. Once again, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He watched as she struggled, screaming in her native tongue, the white of her eyes turning slowly into red once more. He watched as the fury, the magic and the power rolled off of her like heat from a furnace. He could see that being away from her castle for five years did nothing to hinder her powers. He began to speak in Nodamish to Tanto and Bashov, who had joined as well. In fact, everyone was there. Everyone gathered around in a large circle with the princess, her guest, TK and Wakely in the middle. Wakely was pulled out slowly and TK was left alone with the struggling princess.

“Lantor,” he whispered. “I can’t believe she did that.” Tanto saw her eyes move to him. Tanto felt her eyes move to him. She took in his lean, well-dressed frame. His golden brown hair barely touched the edge of his ears. His hazel-green eyes met her red ones and he felt her hands scrape through his soul and his life. He wore a black vest over a white long sleeve shirt. His black pants were rather well pressed, if he did say so himself. The red eyes of the princess made his whole body shiver. Suddenly, he felt cold as if she had taken with her his body heat as well as his soul. She let out a loud laugh.

“Dressed like a nobleman,” she said in English. “Do they know of where you’ve been, Piratish?” she demanded. He flinched. She knew where he had come from. What kind of life he lived in the west. “And you,” she said to the stout man with grey hair and blue eyes. Bashov looked at her, his eyes worried as her snake-like fingers moved through is life as well. “You of the higher knowledge,” she snapped. “Reduced to what? Teaching a child of the language you should be using every day. You are pathetic men! Reduced to this and you snub your nose down at me for taking a young man as my master!” She was being dragged like an animal being hauled away from her cub and her home. She pulled at the two guards holding her, yanked at them, pulling her shoulders slowly out of their sockets and in a low voice she said something that made all of them stop dead in their tracks. “You look down your noses at me for protecting the life of the only person who dared to care for me. Haven’t any of you fought and lived for someone who loved you?”

“Take her away,” said TK. No one knew what had happened to TK. He had been standing there for a moment on his own, his shoulders square as they always here, his eyes locked on the princess as if she were the only thing in the world. Almost like she was the sun in the middle of the night. The princess turned her red eyes to him. He, himself, had the eyes the color of devil red. He stood over her briefly, staring at her as she leaned over with her arms held behind her back almost to the point where her shoulders felt like popping. She growled at him.

“Do not touch me, demon,” she snarled in the language of the Devil.

“I may be a demon, yes,” TK said with an odd mastery of the tongue, “but I will not be looked down upon by a witch with no control.”

“I am no witch. You better show me respect, boy. I own you!” she shouted as the fire of her hair engulfed her. Her entire body was covered in flames, though nothing was burned. Demitria and Avon pulled away, covering their faces. Everyone gasped and jumped back and tried to escape her rage.

“Tella!” shouted Shadow. “Tella stop!” She stood straight, walking on flames as she stepped towards TK. TK laughed almost heinously.

“Interesting,” he said. “Show me what you’ve got, Princess.”

“Thaddeus, enough,” Herow stood next to TK, his hand on TK’s shoulder. The red drained from TK’s eyes almost immediately. Shadow, running right into the flames, crashed into her chest, making her stumble back and extinguish the flames. She looked down at him and he pulled away and shoved her.

“What are you doing?” he snapped. His English had improved a lot after speaking to TK. “You cannot do that! You are supposed to be helping them!” She lifted her eyes to the others in the group, who stared at her in quiet concentration. “You are supposed to help them stop the bad things and you’re fighting with them!”

“They are saying you are unworthy of being my master.”

“Who cares about me?” he snapped. “No one has before and I don’t need anyone but you to start now. Forget what they say about me. So long as I have you, I have all I need. Help them so we can go home.” The princess stared down at the boy and nodded.

“As you wish, Lantor.” She said as she squared her shoulders and stared at the demon boy.

“Well that was a lot of excitement,” Gabriel said as he put his hands in his pockets.

“We should sleep,” Herow said as he looked at the princess. “I’d like to speak with you,” he said to her, pointing an angry finger in her direction. She turned her eyes to him and nodded. “The boy may go to a room we have set up for him.”

“He is not leaving my side,” the princess said, her hand resting on his shoulder.

“He is safe with me,” said Parnium, his head low and his waist bent. “I assure you, Princess, he will not be harmed.” She turned her eyes to him and looked down at her boy. Parnium, too, felt the cold seep through his skin into his blood up to his heart. His heart grew cold and his breathing was shallow and labored. As quickly as it came, the icy cold disappeared and the red from the princess’s eyes disappeared with it. She looked down at the boy and nodded.

“Be careful,” the boy said gently.

“Of course,” she replied. Herow, stern and angry, moved to stand with Parnium and the boy looked at him with a calculating look. He tugged on the princess’s cloak, making her kneel next to him. He whispered something to her, making her eyes lift to Herow. He straightened a little, meeting her eyes as if to challenge her. “Are you sure?” He smiled brightly and nodded before turning and walking to Herow. Herow stared at the boy and lifted an eyebrow when he held out his hand.

“May I see your hand?” Herow nodded slowly, presenting his hand to the boy before kneeling in front of him. “You don’t really know us and we don’t know you. Hoshi is very unsure and she doesn’t like to trust anyone. She’s had a hard life. She has had a hard time finding people to love her. Orphans only want to be loved, really, and they want to be understood. I had an idea and I checked with Hoshi. We have a ritual, you see, to symbolize understanding. It symbolizes that you will give us a chance.” Herow nodded and couldn’t fight his own smirk.

“You’re smart for a kid.” The boy smiled. “What do I do?”

“With that hand,” he said as he pointed to Herow’s other hand. “Place it on my head. Just trust me,” he added. “And with this hand,” He had drawn on the palm of Herow’s hand an invisible symbol, “place it on your heart. You should look at Hoshi. She’ll need it more than I do. Now repeat after me please. ‘Beandre walinto eandorn stapesl,” Herow did his best to repeat the words but ended up butchering them terribly. The young boy laughed kindly and helped him slowly through the words.

“What did I just say,” he asked Parnium.

In me, your faith is safe,” replied Parnium as he looked at the young woman whose eyes were narrowed and arms were crossed over her chest. The young boy turned to the woman and smiled.

“All is well, Tella, see?” She smiled gently and nodded.

“Thank you.”


“I shall come to see you, Lantor.”

“You will?”

“As a tella should,” she replied as she bowed gently.

“Come!” said the Orphan King, as Herow thought would be appropriate, to Parnium. “Let us go to this room you spoke of.” Parnium looked at Herow, who nodded and told him and Gabriel to tend to the boy. Gabriel and Parnium were the gentler of the two and would be less likely to hurt the boy or play tricks on him. Heather and Heath were interested in the boy’s measurements but Patricia and Rachel told her to leave him be for now. Instead, the Communion of Sinners stared at their only hope. A devil in woman’s clothing.