Devil in Disguise

A Dance with the Devil

They stared at a woman dressed in a dark cloak that hid her body and her fire red hair. They stared at a woman with changing eyes that were cold and calculating. They stared at a woman who could kill them if she wanted to. Herow stepped forward. Herow knew better than to be scared. He knew better than to run and hide from her. She was like an animal that was asserting dominance. She needed to be challenged. He couldn’t stand to back down for fear of losing her, fear of losing her allegiance. He was a soldier, after all. He was a warrior, a leader, and a fighter. He was not going to let some powerful, magical princess push him aside.

“You certainly come with a lot of surprise; first the boy and now your powers. The Orphan King makes a good master, it seems.” The princess smiled, almost breaking his bravado in half.

“Orphan King,” she said almost to herself. “That is an acceptable name for him.”

“Now that you’ve got that out of your system how about we introduce everyone?” She nodded and Herow held out his hand. “My name is Captain Andre Herow. It is an honor to meet you.” She looked down at his hand and took it, yanking him to her chest. Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. Psalm 16:1-2. He drew a breath quickly, staring down at her in shock, as his heart raced to bring blood to his cheeks for color. She smiled a wicked smile with her pink lips, and pressed them to his. The warmth of her lips, the fire from her power stung his, made his heart pound in his ears and his lips ache. It was like kissing the warmth of a star, radiating its power and life right into him. It was like tasting the molten fires of a volcano. She pulled away from him slowly, letting her fire seep into his entire body. His eyes were closed, his hands on barely on her elbows, his lips aching from the pressure of her. When they were pulled away, he felt the heat still coursing through him. It spread through his toes and fingers, making them tingle with the motion of life. Like a river of fire. He opened his hazel-green eyes and watched as her lips pulled into a smile. Her eyes opened and white orbs peered into his eyes. She whispered to him in her language.

“That is how we greet those who have taken the oath in my country.” He exhaled the breath he didn’t realize he held and she placed him back a few inches. He was so surprised he had not noticed that he could understand her language as clearly as if she had said something to him in English. With a wink, she bowed before him. “Pleasure to meet you, Captain Herow,” she said loudly in English with a wider smile. She stepped back to face the group of bows and curtsied, holding the cloak like a dress. “My name is Tiri Adalle of Dwizi, Hoshi of Nodame, Prophetess of the God Malz, God of the Protection, Daughter of Guis, King of Dwizi, descendant of the Sylbi—protectors of the cage of the Devil and his minions, Tella to the Orphan King, Shadow. For now, I am in your care to do with as you will. I only hope you wish for me to kill those who deserve it.”

The air in the room suddenly felt heavy. It was hard to breath, hard to think. She lifted herself, removed the clasp from her cloak and removed it from her broad, tanned shoulders. She wore a pair of purple pants customary to the slaves, a pair of tough cloth shoes and a top that exposed her middle. A symbol unknown to Herow made of some bright red jewel hung from her belly button and her skin was covered in dark tattoos that seemed painful. They were like scars that would never heal. Her hair was almost to her wide, strong hips and was the color of wildfire. No one had that color hair naturally. No one but her and her family. It was curled at the bottom and danced in the breeze that no one had noticed before. She lifted her head so her eyes, a haunting shade of grey, to look at Herow. She smiled, her pink lips somehow perfect despite what she had to have gone through, and placed her hands on her hips. Over her shoulder behind her hair was hidden a large sword. It looked almost too heavy for her but she carried and used it with ease and magnificent skill.

“Damn,” The lone word made everyone’s eyes turn to TK. She laughed softly, the sound almost as loud as TK’s profanity.

“Demon,” she said as she turned to him. “My apologies. It appears my blood is sometime stronger than my will to listen to reason.” She bowed to him as well and Tanto nudged TK’s shoulder.

“Bow back. That’s a damn princess, TK.” TK nodded and hesitantly bowed before the princess. She stood, her hands on her hips once more, and smiled.

“Enough,” she said softly. “Who am I to meet, Captain Herow of…what do you call this place?”

“It is the headquarters of the Communion of Sinners.” She grinned a wolfish grin at him and nodded.

“Cute,” she said to him, making him frown. “If your Captain is willing, I shall answer any questions that I can.”

“I’m afraid that will have to wait for later,” Herow said. “I want to talk to you privately about this mission and I’d like for you to take this seriously. We are facing a very dangerous problem that only you can help us with.” She nodded, sobering from her bad case of the grins.

“Anything you wish, Captain,” was her reply, though a grin tickled the side of her mouth again. Herow looked away to stare at the Communion.

“You all,” Herow said to the others, “will have your chance to talk to her tomorrow. Sleep. Heather, please bring the princess her clothing for this evening and tomorrow morning.” The princess’s eyes were locked on Heather, whose own dyed red hair was cut short to her ears. She felt almost like a fraud for wearing the color so coveted. The princess, instead of being angry at Heather, smiled at her and bowed.

“I am in your debt for bringing me clothing but I would like for my Lantor—”

“We will make the boy some as well!” said Heather quickly, as if to appease the princess for daring to defile the dangerous devil red color upon her head. “We just need his measurements. We will work through the night so he can wear something nice tomorrow!” The princess’s smile was gentle.

“Fear not,” she said. “Sleep, seamstress. He will not mind the wait, nor will I. Until he is clothed, I shall wear my own garbs. Then I will wear the beauty you have woven.” Heather blushed at the princess’ compliment and with a smile, the princess bowed to her. “Thank you for your efforts. I am happy to know my Lantor and I will be taken care of.”

“We have made you food,” said Franklin. He was pink in the face from embarrassment. “We tried to get the right food that you eat in Nodame.”

“It took a lot of research,” said Genevieve. The princess laughed gently.

“Again I thank you all. It seems you have done such laborious work for nothing. Rest. Your efforts are appreciated and noted. They will not go to waste. You deserve to rest and to enjoy yourselves. I must have put so much pressure on you all.” She turned to the three Himish people and squared her shoulders. They stepped out from the group, lowered their heads and placed their fists over their hearts. She nodded ever so slightly. “Rise,” she said. “Thank you.” They nodded and stepped back in line. She turned her attention to Herow. “Lead me away then, Captain. If you would like sleep, I suggest we move quickly.”

“I don’t need to rest,” Herow muttered. She nodded knowingly and Herow’s cheeks burned red. He stared at her as she picked up her cloak and placed it back on her shoulders, keeping it behind her back instead of in front.

“Anything you wish,” Hoshi replied once more. Herow turned to the group and nodded them away. The only ones who remained were Victor, Kaito, TK, Joshua, Jonah and Luke. “Boys,” he said as he squared his shoulders. “Introduce yourselves,” Kaito was the first to go, bowing with a skilled and practiced precision.

“Kaito Mizuki, princess. I study demonology here at the Communion.” She bowed back and smiled.

“Hajimashite,” she said. His eyebrows rose and she winked at him. Kaito straightened and went back into line so Joshua could step out onto the floor. He bowed gently, unsure of how to really go about it, and said his credentials.

“Joshua Chekhovsky, descendant of Saint Joshua.” She lifted an eyebrow and nodded. He stepped back and let Jonah step forward.

“Jonah Flora,” he said, his hand running through his short brown hair. He was modest and kind and his green eyes spoke volumes. He could barely look at the princess but when he did, she held them for a long moment before nodding. “I-I-I study angelology,” he stammered out while staring into the princess’s eyes. He stepped back quickly while his cheeks turned bright red. Luke, a stern and proud young man stepped out with a frown. His blue-green eyes were locked on the princess’s, speaking boldly and loudly as if he were yelling his power and superiority. She frowned at him.

“Lucas Salazar,” he said softly. “I am a descendant of the apostle Paul.” She nodded and he bowed lowest of all, showing he had more respect for her than he did for himself. She gave a small nod of approval and TK.

“Thaddeus Kenneth Lynne,” TK said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Bastard son of the Devil himself and a succubus.” The princess couldn’t help herself. She grinned.

“Odd combination,” was her only reply. He nodded, rolled his eyes and rubbed the back of his short black hair. It was growing out so when he rubbed his head, he felt his fingers move through the medium-length strands. His dark brown eyes were staring at the ground, ashamed of his horrible background. She looked at Victor. “The man with the strange last name!” She said, bowing to him ever so slightly. He did the same and looked at Herow. “I had thought you had forgotten me! I would have been so very sad.” Victor frowned and Herow cleared his throat.

“I wanted you to meet the boys before you started training with them.”

“Training,” the princess replied. “I suppose that’s a good way of looking at it.” Herow glared at her and she smirked. Victor headed forward to join Herow but Herow turned his eyes to his companion and shook his head.

“I’m afraid,” he said softly. “This will just be the princess and myself. Take the boys to their rooms and make sure they don’t get into trouble.” The princess’s grin only grew as she stared at Victor. Victor’s eyes snapped to the princess, who shrugged.

“Guess we know who his new favorite is,” said the princess in a low voice. Herow turned his eyes to her and she shrugged a little more. “I’m sorry. Do you think that was too forward? Perhaps I should keep quiet for your further instruction.” She said instead, smiling as she placed her hands on her exposed hip. Herow looked at her, his eyes wandering over her body before looking away. He sighed and looked at the young men. They were watching him as he swallowed whatever feelings were rising in his chest. The boys turned their eyes to her as she taunted Victor and as she taunted Herow.

“Boys go to your rooms,” Herow said stiffly, rolling his shoulders.

“Yes,” said the princess. “Sleep well, young knights, for tomorrow we train.” They turned to walk away, TK being the last to leave. Her eyes bore into his and something in the darkness of her grey eyes told TK he’d be seeing her later. Whether or not he really wanted to, she would find him and she would make him face the demon he was. She turned her eyes to Herow and TK couldn’t keep his eyes off of her as she spoke to him in a low voice, one very dangerous and almost angry. He heard one word and understood; “Shadow”. She was serious about protecting him. TK turned to Katio, who stood by the door waiting for him. He nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

“That was interesting,” Joshua said softly. He had his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants, his sweater a bright red color. He ran his hand through his dirty blond hair and sighed.

“She is dangerous,” Jonah said as he put his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

“Hot though,” muttered TK from the side of his mouth. Kaito snorted and looked at his roommate.

“Seriously? She’s a princess. She would never go for a dumb teenager like you.”

“Just because you don’t have a chance with her doesn’t mean I don’t,” TK said as he shrugged his shoulders.

“I doubt she likes either of you,” said Joshua. “She obviously has a thing for older guys.”

“What?” TK and Kaito asked.

“Herow, you blockheads,” Jonah replied. “She practically made out with him!” TK shrugged.

“A fluke. She was obviously attracted to his false sense of power. She doesn’t know better yet. One conversation with him and she’ll be running right to me.”

“In your dreams,” Luke snapped. “I’ll be the one she’ll come to. I’m the one with the most power of the group.” The others snorted and Gabriel stood before them suddenly. The angel-boy had his arms crossed over his chest.

“Will you shut up? You’re going to wake the kid,” The boys—other than TK—looked at the now forceful Gabriel, who was tapping his foot on the ground. “Go to your rooms and sleep for Pete’s sake. Oggle over the princess in the morning.” The other boys stared in shock as they walked by him to their rooms. TK stood in front of Gabe, his hands in his pockets. He turned his eyes to the angel and nodded.

“Much better. Keep that up and they might stop taking advantage of you.” Gabe frowned at TK, making him grin. “Unless you like that sort of thing,” He laughed and clapped Gabe on the back before heading to his room. “Night, Gabe.” Gabe sighed, glancing upward.

“It’s a start, right?” he whispered before turning down the hall to join Joshua in their room. It would be a long night, no doubt about that. With everyone on edge from seeing the princess, seeing what she could do, no one would want to sleep. They’d want to understand her, figure her out, and see her for all that she is. What were the secrets she was hiding? What could she tell them about the darkness? How did she do what she did? What was going on in her mind? What was she going to do?

TK stared at his ceiling contemplating the same things Gabriel did. He wondered what that princess could do, how the princess was going to actually train them. Or were they going to train her? What was on tomorrow’s horizon was a mystery to TK but he sure as hell wanted it to come sooner rather than later. He sighed and Kaito sighed in response.

“What are you thinking about?” Kaito asked, his voice low and gruff.

“What are we going to do tomorrow? Are we going to be the ones training her or being trained? Do you think she’ll go easy on us? How do we compete with magic?”

“TK, you’re a fricken demon. You’ll figure out a way to beat her somehow. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Some unfortunate souls like myself who have no magic what-so-ever and have to chill with the fact that I’m probably going to die or get seriously injured.”

“You’ll do fine, K. You’re Asian! You can do some crazy kung-fu moves!” Kaito laughed while throwing his pillow at TK.

“You racist demon! I am Japanese and we do not do kung-fu. We have samurai and ninjas.”

“Dude, ten times better,” TK said as he threw the pillow through the darkness to his roommate. “You can go ninja on her hot princess butt and she’ll totally be caught off guard!”

“Well there is the magic thing, you know.” Kaito said as he placed his pillow under his head. “How the hell did she know Japanese anyway? She barely knew English!”

“She’s magic, man, she probably knows how many times you eat those weird rice ball things a day.”

“Hey, onigiri are awesome. Shut up.”

“Whatever, Rice Man.” TK turned on his side so he faced the wall. “I’m going to bed. I suggest you do the same.” Kaito laughed gently and shook his head into the darkness.

“Did you say your prayers?” Kaito asked. There was a long silence that made Kaito’s stomach churn.

“Why would I?” TK murmured softly after a long moment. “It’s not like he listens to me.” Kaito sighed.

“You know,” he said, facing TK’s back. “Sometimes, even when the rain seems heaviest, he’s waiting for you to ask him for an umbrella.”

“And sometimes,” TK snapped hatefully. “He’s just watching you get soaked.”

“TK,” Kaito said softly, shifting in bed a little.

“Whatever,” snapped TK, turning on his back to stare at the ceiling once more. “Dear God in Heaven, hello. It’s your favorite little damned creation. I’m happy to see you brought your witch-from-hell to smite me and smite the hellions of your earth. Very considerate of you, thanks for that, by the way, real hot ticket that one. Hope you gave Herow enough strength to handle that ball of fire.”

“She’s not that bad,” Kaito said as he sighed.

“She’s the devil in disguise. He made the devil so much stronger than a man and made him a beautiful woman.”

“Just continue with your prayer,” Kaito said as he turned away from TK to adjust himself into a comfortable position. TK sighed and nodded.

“Yeah where was I? Oh yeah thanking you. Thanks, I guess, for K. You know he’s the only one that tolerates me. Thanks for Gabe too, I guess. The angels a giant wimp but at least he’s got a good heart. You’re making him into a good man. A brave soldier for a world that doesn’t deserve him…. Thanks for Josh and Jonah and Luke, even though I’m not too keen on Luke. Take some of that pride and give it to someone else, would you? He’s a big ball of ego and he needs to shrink that crap down. Thanks for Parnium too; he’s a great kid. Quiet, but a good kid. Thanks for Victor, even though he wants to kick me out of this place. Thanks, especially,” he almost whispered, “for Herow.” He could feel his heart beat loudly in his chest. “Yeah, thanks for giving me Herow. I don’t deserve him and I don’t deserve all the good things you’ve given me—this place, these guys, Herow—but I’m grateful for that. Thanks for it all.” TK glanced towards Kaito and sighed. He didn’t see that Kaito was smiling, his eyes closed peacefully. “Night K,” TK said softly, turning on his side once more.

“Night TK. See you in the morning,” was Kaito’s quiet reply. TK smiled into the darkness ever so slightly and slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Meanwhile, Herow had his hands full of a very attractive and very powerful princess. She sat across from him, her strong exposed arms crossed across her chest. She was sitting at ease, her eyes watching him as he shifted through papers. He had tried to explain to her how she needed to control herself.

“Control myself? Should you like to show me control?” she asked with a grin. “I am sure all those years celibacy have been nice.” Herow frowned, his eyes locking with hers. “Yes, it’s obvious. I never thought virgins to be very tasteful, though I’m sure other religions would relish serving you for dinner.”

“What is your religion, if I might ask?”

“I won’t stop you,” she said shrugging. “I am a priestess, or as I have told others, of the Goddess of warriors. The goddess of battle and of strength. Seems fitting no? Should you like to leave a gift for her?” She winked a grey eye at him and he shook his head in disappointment, making her laugh.

“How did you get wrapped up in this?”

“My country was taken over by Christians long ago. It has since faded out after my great great grandfather banned Christianity. We are very happy with our polytheistic ways. Plenty of opportunities to channel the Goddess and take young men to my bed.” Herow looked away, which made her chuck. “I’m sorry,” she said as she rose. She walked towards the window of his large office. “I’ll behave, yes?” She turned to him and smiled.

“It would make things easier on me,” he sighed, without looking at her.

“What exactly is your problem?” she asked flippantly, leaning against the window.

“The devil. Lucifer. The Morning Star. He’s loose.”

“Impossible,” was her quiet yet confident response.

“It’s not. There have been sightings of him all over the place. We’ve had reports from his underlings, we’ve had reports from other Sinners, we have—”

“That is impossible,” snapped Hoshi. “There is no physical way he has escaped because if he has I wou—” She sighed and rolled her tight shoulders. “He is not back and cannot be back. Do you understand me, Captain?” She turned away from him.

“Princess, why don’t you tell me about your family?” Herow asked, his tone slow and hesitant.

“Why?” she snapped, her eyes never leaving the darkness of the night.

“Humor me,” was his answer as he stood watching the emptiness as well.

“My family is strong. Always have been. We are born into our jobs and we do them with all the pride and honor.”

“And your job is what?”

“Housing the Devil.”

“Keeping him in his cage, right?” She turned those dark eyes to him and they turned red slowly, the color seeping in through the sides of her eyes.

“Housing him. Being the cage that is his temple, his shrine, his doom. The red is a symbol of the Devil’s power. It is a symbol that he is within us. He is within the cursed and the damned. He is within that demon of yours. He is within me. He will not escape. He cannot escape. So whatever you hear,” she said as she placed her finger against his shoulder, staring up at his large six-foot-three frame, “it is a lie. I am his cage. I am his Hell. I am the only thing loose upon this Earth.” He swallowed hard, the fear running through his veins like fire. The word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. 2 Samuel 22:31

“Y-you’re the devil?” he asked breathlessly. She straightened and the red drained from her eyes to their normal grey color.

“I am his master. He does not control me.”

“You certainly lost control back there,” said Herow with an oddly calm voice. She clenched her teeth and frowned.

“No,” she said softly. “I have him under control. I use him when he is needed.”

“Was it necessary to challenge Thaddeus?” Herow’s confidence rose, even if her disastrous aura was still too close to him, even though her alluring body was still too close to him.

“The demon,” she said softly. “Yes,” she looked away. “Well he is different and He is interested.”

“He? Lucifer?”

“It’s not every day you get to meet a son you never knew existed.” She said as she squared her shoulders and sighed. “Listen, Captain, I—”

“Herow, just call me Herow.” Her eyes danced across his face, staring deeply into those deep hazel-green eyes of his and nodded slowly.

“Herow,” she said. “That boy is dangerous. Strong and powerful and very, very smart. I’d like to work with him as well. Push him. He needs to be tested. It’s not safe for anyone here if he is not completely on your side.” Herow’s face softened ever so slightly.

“Thaddeus is completely devoted to the Communion of Sinners. He would never—”

“You did not see him did you? You did not hear him, did you? He has a battle that none of you can understand. He has a battle with the very core of his being. Everything is telling him to kill you all. Everything is telling him to be rid of you. I’m surprise he lasted this long.”

“We’re all he has. He doesn’t remember anything else. He doesn’t know who his parents are—just what they are. He doesn’t know how he got here, when he got here, what he even is.” She nodded and licked her teeth gently.

“Would you like me to train him separately? Train him to control his powers? Being an incubus is not only a fun trip but it has a slippery slope and it will bring him deeper and deeper into his demonic rabbit hole until he’s so screwed up he’ll be eating cereal out of a shoe. He’s probably doing a lot of bad things as we speak.”

“Tomorrow,” he said as he cleared his throat a little, the topic making Herow’s stomach churn. “Let the boy sleep.” She smiled gently at him.

“You are for him, no? Like a tella is for her Lantor.” He frowned but did not answer.

“He’s a smart kid, your Orphan King.” Hoshi smiled and stepped back, her arms folded once more across her chest.

“Unfortunately for me,” she said smiling.

“Unfortunately?” She softened a little.

“Being a princess and being on your own you get used to following your own rules. Being a tella, you need to follow your Lantor’s rules. Being a slave is much different than being an orphan.”


“Servant of sorts. It doesn’t mean I’m beneath him or weaker than him, it means he has something special to him and only him and that has some control over me. For instance, you and your demon. You would be his Lantor, seeing as how he obviously wants to make you proud. He wants to please you and with that, you control him. Yet, you are a slave to him. You do as he does, follow in his footsteps to assure his safety.” She sat against the table, rubbing her chilled arms. “The control of a Lantor and the loyalty of a tella. We have a name for men like you,” she said as she watched as he took off his coat. She frowned while lifting an eyebrow as he walked towards her, his hands gently trembling.

“You’re cold,” he said as he placed the heavy overcoat around her bare shoulders and adjusted the collar and front. The warmth of him seeped into her skin and she looked at him through her long eyelashes. His trench-coat was on the back of his chair and he eyed it. “If you’re still cold, my coat is over on the chair.” She took in his lean and well-formed frame and shook her head.

“This is enough,” she said as she hugged the coat closer to her. He smiled at her and took a step away from her, his hands lingering on the coat for a few moments more. The Lord is my strength and my song, he has become my salvation. Exodus 15: 2. “Where were we?” she asked as she rose to her feet. He sucked in a breath and cleared his throat nervously, taking another step back.

“What do they call men like me?” he asked, his voice breaking ever so slightly.

“We call men like you ee-she-lma,” He watched her lips as she spoke the word. “Ishlma. It means ‘protector of family’.” He swallowed a little and nodded.

“Thaddeus certainly is my family,” he said as he stepped away towards the window.

“Your angel, the tall one, I’d like to speak with him as well. Train him. He does not have his wings, I’ve noticed.”

“He isn’t really an angel. He’s not angel enough, at least. He’s just a child with some good blood.” She shook her head at him.

“I expected more from you Captain. Know your team for if you do not you will never be able to lead them. He is an angel, a strong one at that, just weak in confidence. How does he do with the others?”

“Not very well,” admitted Herow. “He’s a little shy.” She laughed gently.

“Shadow will fix that. He loves those kinds of people.” She shook her head almost to remind herself that she had to keep talking about business. “The others, the saint, apostle, and the scientists, are not as well equipped. I assume you did train them with some skills yes?”

“Demitria and Avon are the best fighters in the states. They taught the boys all they know.”

“Let’s hope it’s enough.” She said with a yawn.

“Are you tired?” he asked in a lame, yet somewhat comforting voice. She lifted her eyes to him and smirked, wondering how this man of God could be so strong and yet so weak in his faith.

“I must see my Lantor before I sleep,” she said as she looked away. “I do not like leaving him somewhere I cannot easily find him.”

“My room is right across from the boys’ rooms.” He cursed. He sounded so eager. He didn’t want her to be in his room. He didn’t want her near him. She was too tempting to look at let alone keep his hands off of. She lifted her eyebrows and smiled at him.

“Are you offering me your room, Captain?”

“I-I-I am,” he said as he looked down. She stood in front of him, her six-foot frame almost touching his.

“That’s a large commitment in my culture,” she said. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?” He nodded ever so slightly. She had the confidence he thought he had and somehow lost in the few hours of meeting and talking to her.

“I’m sure I can handle it,” he managed to say. She nodded and turned towards the end of the table where she had sat before.

“Then lead the way, Captain. I wish to sleep in the bed where you spend many nights.” He blushed but nodded, grabbing his coat and leading the Devil’s Keeper out of his office to his room. It was an almost secret transport, an almost scandalous arrangement. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always 1 Chronicles 16: 11. She stepped in, smiled, and sauntered to the bed where she placed her things by the night stand and laid her head on the pillow. Herow stared down at her, her long lean form lying on his bed. The purple cloth keeping her body warm was clashing with his pale grey sheets.

His bed was too small for the two of them so he collected his things, changed, lit a candle and began to pray. He asked for forgiveness, he asked for peace, he asked for strength through temptations. He asked God for strength to help Thaddeus. He wanted nothing more than to make that boy happy. Life was too short to care so much about something so pointless. He wanted Thaddeus to have friends, to find love, to be the wonderful person Herow knew he would be. Finally, he asked God for guidance. He asked God to lead him on his path for he did not know how to walk down one path while guiding the boys through another.

As he walked back to the room, he found the princess on the floor, curled up in the corner, her head propped up by her cloak. She had apparently lost the ability to stay in somewhere comfortable. Being an orphan, Herow realized, meant she didn't have a bed, a pillow, blankets, comfort or anything of that sort. Uncomfortable places were her life for five years. He sighed and got a blanket from the closet before walking to her side and kneeling down. He began to put a blanket over her and stopped to look down at her face. The moonlight made her skin an odd ivory color and her hair was a pale color that looked unreal. He touched it gently to make sure she was real. She moved gently, a strand of hair falling on her cheek. He smiled, the simplicity of it making her seem almost human though he knew she was very far from human. He is my God and I will praise him. Exodus 15: 3. He pushed it away and placed a blanket on her, covering her completely, and licked his suddenly dry lips and shook his head. He couldn't. He couldn’t do what he wanted to do. He rose and walked to his bed, pulled the covers back and climbed in, the sheets still warm from her body. Herow sighed, stared up at the ceiling and thought to himself, "For a Devil’s Trap,” Herow thought, “she sure looks beautiful when she was relaxed." She really was the Devil in disguise.