Devil in Disguise

A Flightless Bird

Morning came quickly and without even noticing, Hoshi had crawled out of bed to sleep in the corner of the room, her bag under her head and her body curled up on itself. She had slept like that for so many years that the bed seemed foreign. She sighed, breathing in the clean smell of Herow’s floor. The Captain certainly was a hero and she definitely liked the way he spoke to her, the way he worked, the way he acted. He was a good man. She opened her eyes to find a note, a small vase with a flower and breakfast sitting on a tray beside her. She was covered by a blanket that smelled of the captain and she smiled ever so slightly. She reached out for the note and sat up on her forearm to read it.

Princess Hoshi,

We will be meeting in the training room. When you wake up, there’s a phone on the wall near the door. Press 1 and I’ll come get you. Or, if you’d like and I know you will probably choose this choice, you can roam and walk around the grounds all you’d like. I feel like you wouldn’t do what I suggested anyway. Make sure you eat up, okay? I’d like you to be well nourished before you start fighting. I’ll see you later on.


P.S. You left my bed earlier than I thought you would. I knew you would eventually but you barely got an hour before moving out. I was hoping we could cuddle. Not really, that’s just a joke.

Hoshi smiled at the note, looked down at the breakfast of eggs, toast, sausage and a cup of apple juice and shook her head. She took a piece of toast, bit into it and looked back at the note. She sat up, stretched her long, tired muscles and rose from the floor. After placing everything in neat piles on Herow’s bed, used the rest room, and finished her breakfast, she took time to pray. She had prayed a lot during her years away from her home. It was hard to control the monster inside of her when she didn’t ask for help. She may have been a princess but she knew her strength came from the one who gave her the gift she possessed. After many prayers, many minutes of meditation, and a long, long thank you note to the Goddess, Hoshi padded through the long halls of the Institution. The bright walls reflected the warm mid-morning sun that heated the floors. The windows were open and let in the breeze from outside.

Hoshi adjusted the short sleeves on her shirt and the high cut middle and scratched at her wide hips where the tattoo met her hip bone. She sighed and inspected rooms, where doors were open. Rooms were left open, probably on purpose and she glanced at the rooms occasionally, seeing the pristine—or almost pristine—rooms of the young men who lived at the dorm. As she walked through the dorm, she noticed that there were other rooms, rooms more neat and orderly (sometimes), which she assumed belonged to the other members of the Communion. Other than that, however, she found the building was relatively empty. She walked through each room, taking note of windows and bed spreads. She walked through the large halls, noticing pictures of people she never heard of, seeing humans she never thought would have been worthy of praise. She finally settled in the kitchen, eyeing a piece of ham left over from morning’s meal and instead settled for a bright green apple. She walked through until she found the living space, the statues, the books, the hallways and paintings. She eventually found a large door with the letters “training room” on it.

Hoshi entered the room, the sound of people fighting filling the wide open arena. Weights, running machines, bicycles, and so forth were all set up in the corner. A few of the boys were working on the machines, a few were training hand to hand and one stood alone with Shadow. He was tall and Hoshi knew him right away. The Angel. She walked to them, unnoticed to them, of course, and crouched next to Shadow as he toyed with something in his hands. Hoshi turned her head as Shadow worked over the mechanism in his hands. It was a small machine, about the size of his hands. It lit up like a fire and on the screen was a picture of some person in black and white. Neither of the two had seen such a thing. Out of it music gave a shrill screech, some sort of beat that neither of them understood or could comprehend.

“It’s an iPod,” Gabriel said laughing as he put his hands on his hips. He leaned over a little, staring down at the iPod as well, staring at the screen as it lit up and moved with each touch of Shadow’s hand. “It plays music. They don’t have these in your country?”

“We don’t even have cars, Angel, you’ll do well to remember that.” She looked up at him. “Speaking of angel,” she said as she rose and put her hands on her hips. “I talked to your captain last night and he said I can train with you so we can earn you some wings.”

“Do I have to do some sort of good deed or whatever? Help a lady cross the street and all?”

“It’s a little tougher than that,” she said. “You’ll need to train. You will need to work with me until you get your wings. They’ll grow eventually. You will have to work hard to build them and when they are grown, you’ll need to keep them strong. I’m just surprised they haven’t grown in already.”

“What will I have to do? How do angels get their wings?”

“Walk a lady across the street!” Thaddeus said from across the gym.

“See, I told you,” Gabriel said as he looked at her. She frowned and turned to Thaddeus. The demon winked at her before returning to some sort of exercise she was unfamiliar with.

“You will need to more than just a small woman to achieve your wings. She would be a good start. Here, take off your shirt, we’ll see what’s wrong with your wings.” Gabriel hesitated and looked at Hoshi in the eyes. Her grey eyes were serious as she waited for the shirt to come off. Gabriel looked at Shadow, who nodded a little. His confidence in Hoshi gave Gabriel the strength to trust the princess. Gabriel and the boy had gotten along well while Hoshi was with the captain. For this, she was thankful. She watched as the angel swallowed as he took the grey shirt off his well-formed torso and crumbled the shirt in his large hands. He was self-conscious of his body and when Hoshi turned him around, placed her hands on his warm skin and stared at his shoulders, he blushed. The skin was tight and taunt over the muscles in his back and Hoshi had her hands over his back. Her hands were warm as life beating through him. Her hands were like silk. “You’re too tall,” she grumbled softly. He kneeled quickly before her and she smiled down at him. “Thank you!” Her smile made him feel much better. He figured if she smiled more, everyone would feel more comfortable with her. She circled around him and stared at his wide back. The muscles of Gabriel’s back were tight under Hoshi’s fingers and as she ran them down the shoulders, she frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Thaddeus asked as he came to stand next to her. The demon. She glanced at him.

Son… She squished down the voice in her head and looked back down. The rest of the Communion stood around her, drawn to the attention Gabriel was getting from the woman. She ran her fingers over the length of his back and down his spine, making Gabriel shiver violently. It felt too good to not shiver at.

“What’s wrong?” Gabriel repeated huskily.

“They’ve started growing but they haven’t broken skin. They are big enough now to be of use.” She ran her fingers down his back again. “Find your captain.”

“Herow, Princess, Herow is fine.” His voice made her look up only briefly. He looked handsome in his uniform of black and blue. She smiled a little at him, catching a quick flash of a smile on his lips, but looked down again.

“I need to extract his wings.” She said sternly.

“What?” Gabriel asked frantically. “What do you mean? Why? What’s wrong?”

“Hoshi, are you going to hurt Gabe?” she looked down at Shadow and shook her head.

“His wings are not growing right. I’ll need to pull them out or cut open enough for them to unfold themselves.”

“Is he a bird?” Shadow asked.

“No, pal, he’s an angel,” Thaddeus said. Hoshi glanced at him and he shrugged. “Figure the kid deserved the truth, don’t you?” Hoshi glanced at her Lantor and nodded.

“What’s an angel?” asked Shadow.

“A creature that helps God,” said Kaito.

“Hoshi is an angel then!” Hoshi smiled a little at him. She could see Herow tense. She wondered how the man of God and his faith held up after her secret.

“Far from it, actually.” She said smiling. “Perhaps in a different lifetime I would have made a good warrior for God but in this one…” She sighed softly and looked up at Herow. “I can get them out easily. That will save some time with his training and will prevent damage to his wings.”

“What’s wrong with me?” Gabriel asked as he looked up at Hoshi. She placed her hand, warm and comforting, on his shoulder.

“Nothing, young man, nothing. You will grow to be a good soldier.”

“A soldier? Is that all I’ll be?”

“A soldier has more heart than an average man. A soldier is a lion among men. You will be able to protect people. Angels were first employed to protect the word of God and people assumed like the arrogant monkeys they are that the angels were for them. Instead, they are warriors. Soldiers. Fighters.” Bringers of justice. A justice I did not deserve. “We need you. We need your help. We need the wrath your ancestors had to defeat the evil that is killing human beings. You joined this Communion to save. To protect. That is what I’m calling you to do. Will you accept?” Gabriel stared at her and sighed.

“I don’t want to be a brainless soldier. Weren’t angels cold and heartless? I want to protect but not at the cost of my soul and my humanity. I don’t think I can handle that.” Hoshi sighed and nodded.

“It is always hard,” she said softly, crouching in front of him. He stared at her and her eyes were suddenly white, white with power; white with knowledge. “Not all angels were brainless. Angels loved God and followed him. He loves you so angels love you. They follow you into battle. You could protect someone. Protect those who know not of your God. Who know not of his grace or mercy. You could protect those who do know of him and still lack faith.” Gabriel frowned and looked at Shadow, who was staring at him. His small little eyes were confused and Gabriel rose to his feet.

“What would you have to do?” he asked.

“Cut some of your skin open just enough to take out the wings. They should be able to come out on their own.”

“Will it hurt?”

“I can assure it won’t.” she said gently. “The skin will grow around the wings so you will not have scars but it will take me a while to pull out your wings. They will probably be stiff and folded under your skin.”

“Will you do it now?”

“If you feel up to it,” was her reply. Gabriel hesitated before nodding.

“Alright,” he whispered. “I’ll get Patricia.” He said as he placed his shirt back on.

“I’ll go with you,” Shadow said as he took Gabriel’s hand in his. He looked at Hoshi. “He needs help.” Gabriel protested and Hoshi frowned.

“Are you sure?” she asked in Nodamish.

“He is scared, Hoshi. You’re going to cut into his back and make him an angel. You’re going to make him a bringer of death. I would be scared too if I were him.” Hoshi sighed and knelt down to his level.

“What should I do then?”

“Give him courage. Don’t tell him he’s an animal. He’s not a monster. He’s a human being. He’s a human with a large heart that can only protect. Do not make him a savage. Make him a hero.”

“Hero,” she muttered.

“Coming little man?” Gabriel asked as he adjusted his jeans.

“Yes,” he said as he looked back at him. “Tella,” Shadow said. “I’ll talk to him. Get him to see reason and be less worried about it. You just train the demon and the others.” Hoshi smiled and pet his head gently.

“What a king among men,” she said softly.

“As a Lantor should be.” Hoshi laughed and nudged him along.

“Join the angel. Do as a good Lantor should,” She rose and Shadow ran to Gabriel, who smiled and pet his head as well. Shadow turned around and put her hands on her hips. “Gentleman,” she said as she smiled at them. “Let’s get to work before I leave you.” Herow looked at Shadow before looking at Hoshi.

“What are we going to do?” he asked. She turned to him and smiled.

“We’re going to show a demonstration to these boys.” She looked at him, her shoulders making a gentle popping sound. “You can handle me, yes?” she asked with a wicked grin, which made him blush ever so slightly. “By the way,” she said as she walked over to him, “thanks for breakfast.” He smiled a goofy lopsided smile that made Hoshi smile as well, before looking at the boys. He shrugged off the intimate moment like the modest captain he was, and focused on his work. The boys, however, were grinning at him with raised eyebrows as if to ask, ‘What was that’? “Now, hit me.” Herow looked at Hoshi, who was standing opposite him.

“I will not harm a woman.” He said sternly, lifting his chin. The boys took their places around them.

“Then do not see me as a woman,” she said with a gentle smile. Herow focused his eyes on her face. She could laugh at how hard he was trying to imagine her not being human. She stood relaxed, her muscles loose. Her hands were on her hips, her hair around her hips. Herow nodded once. He took off his jacket, rolled the sleeves of his shirt up onto his forearms and held his hands ready to fight. Hoshi smirked and turned to the boys. With her back to Herow, she waited patiently. Herow glanced at the boys, who had a look of jealousy and concentration trained in on him. He hid his blush with a quick run towards the princess. She smiled more when he was within inches of her. As his fist neared her head, she sidestepped, spun around, landed a solid punch in his gut, sending him upward to meet her elbow that crashed down onto his back, plummeting him to the floor. She grinned slightly and watched Herow groaned and got to his knees. “Come on then, Captain, let’s see how you hold up against a warrior princess.”

When he stood, he swayed. She turned to him fully now, her face suddenly blank. Herow looked up at her, wiping the sweat from his brow. She waited, her arms hanging dead t her sides. Herow ran. Hoshi waited. Herow paid close attention to where her hands were. Hoshi moved quickly, he knew now, and he’d have to be careful. He swung left and when she dodged, he watched her right hand come up to punch him in the ribs. He moved out of the way quickly, which caught her off guard and left her open. He landed a solid punch on her stomach. The punch would have crumbled any other person. She didn’t flinch. Instead she grinned more.

“Yo-you’re still standing?” he asked.

“No one can take Herow’s punches.” Kaito said as he adjusted where he stood so he could see. Her stomach was perfectly fine, the muscles contracting a little to adjust her breathing.

“Apparently someone can,” she said as she turned her now focused white eyes on the boys. “Your enemies will be tough. Almost as tough as me. They will be angry. They are damned and cursed.” Herow, blinded by fury and frustration had gathered up the strength to rush Hoshi. He punched at her back, but she moved out of the way. Her eyes trained in on him and she had to force herself not to hurt him. He kept swinging. Punches would hit air without force. “They can hurt you in ways you cannot hurt them. So how do you stop something with the power to kill you but lacks the power to die?” They shook their heads. “Faith. If you believe you will be fine, you will be. Never believe you will fail. If you are going in with the ideas of failure, you will.” She looked at Herow. His face was stony and handsome as always. Somewhere inside of her she wished to laugh at him, but she knew she had work to do. “Dear captain,” she placed her hand on his balled fist, making him look up. “Be at ease,” she said smiling. “I am not your enemy. No need to fight so valiantly.” Herow looked at her for a long moment, swallowing down his temptation to take her in his arms. She smiled at him, making his heart pound in his ears.

“Are we all done?” he asked as he tried to drown out the sound of his heart.

“Rest,” she replied. “Saint,” she said as she looked back at the group. “Would you like to prove yourself?” he looked at the others and shrugged. He was proud, much like someone Hoshi knew too well, and yet he was a coward. “Your name is Lucas? Descendant of a dead man with little vision or power. He got his fame by riding on the coattails of a man who believed he was the Son. So whose coattails are you riding on? You couldn’t get here on your own. You can’t even attack an opponent and you think you’re such a big shot.” Lucas turned his eyes to her and frowned, the anger boiling behind his blue-green eyes. They were terrified of the white in her eyes but he didn’t have time for that. She saw that. “Hit me.” Lucas stepped forward and sighed. She smiled at him, bowed, and corrected herself. Lucas, was suddenly furious. Why, he had no idea, but he was angry at Hoshi for terrible reasons. He reached back and let his fury out on the woman. She stayed still, grinning a little. She didn’t even have to do anything to him. Lucas fell back and held his head. He had hit a wall.

“What the hell was that?”

“Demon,” she said instead. “Come here. I’d like for you to try and hit me as well. You are fine, young man. Look for yourself. Pain is in the mind. Do not let it control you or affect you. It is an extension of the body that loses its power the moment you recognize it.” Thaddeus moved quickly, ready to attack her but he, too, hit the wall. She smiled a little. “Now, let us continue with the lesson. We—” Lucas reached back to punch her but she was fast. Her hands were like lightning as they chopped into Lucas’s strong stomach making him lean over. She took him by the neck and held him above her head. “Now, Apostle, what can you do to stop me from hurting you?” He struggled to speak and Hoshi looked at the others. “What do you think he can do?”

“Believe?” answered the Saint boy. “I’m sorry this is stupid. How can I believe in something I can’t do?”

“Can you see God?” she demanded. “Does he talk to you at night? No. You believe in Him. Do so with this. It’s all a matter of faith.”

“So you’re saying all I have to do is believe I can do all that and it happens? So if I believe I can fly, it’ll happen?” Jonah asked.

“Perhaps if you tried,” She placed the boy on the ground, gasping for air, and crooned her finger at Kaito. “Come here,” she said gently. “Come here and stand with me.” Kaito did as she asked. “Imagine if you will a wall. Picture it in your brain, see it, and experience it.” Kaito nodded a little.

“I can do that.”

“Good. Do you see it? Where did you put it?”

“In front of the others,” he told her. She walked over to where they were and stopped, placing her hand on the very real wall. She moved her hand along it and found it was only a few feet wide. She nodded a little before looking back to him.

“Impressive, Mr. Kaito. Demon, come stand in front of me.” She looked back at Thaddeus, who shrugged and walked forward. He was almost to her when he fell back on his rear, holding his face. She grinned and looked at Kaito. “Wonderful! Simply wonderful!”

“That’s so cool!” exclaimed the Saint. “Let me try!” The other boys were just as excited and came to Hoshi with eager looks. The only one who did not was Lucas. So he stood there watching her as she instructed the boys how to make objects and basic things like that. Hoshi looked at Lucas, and sighed.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to give it a try?” she asked. “Perhaps you can make a wall as well.” Shadow called her name from the door and she looked at him.

“Gabriel said he’s ready. The nice nurse lady said she needed to have you go there.” Hoshi sighed and had him come to her. He skipped to him happily, carefree and simple.

“Shadow, I need you to teach them some more things.”

“Some more what?” he asked.

“Have them make things. Try to get the stiff away from the others to join along too. You are very good at persuading someone to do things.” Shadow laughed and looked at the young men.

“Alright!” he said in English. “Hoshi’s going to go fix Gabe so we’ll be doing some magic!” He frowned for a moment before turning to his tella. “Hoshi,” he said. “I can’t do magic.” She smiled, placed her forehead against his and placed her hand over his heart.

“You can. Believe. Believe that you can do anything and you can do it. We are connected, remember, and we share each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Where you lack, I pick up. That is what Lantors and Tellas are.” He nodded and wrapped his arms around Hoshi. She fell backwards and caught herself just in time.

“You are a wonderful tella,” he said in her ear. She smiled a little, patting his back ever so gently and nodded.

“And you are a mighty Lantor, Shadow. Do us proud and have them practice. I will return.”

“Remember,” he said as he pulled away. “Make Gabe believe he’s a hero. No one wants to be a monster.”

“Did you talk to him?” she asked as she rose to her feet. He nodded and smiled.

“He is willing to do it, isn’t he? He’s feeling a little better about all of this and all you have to do is make sure he stays calm and remind him he’s a hero. He’s a good man and he will always be a good man.” Hoshi nodded and pet his head.

“Herow,” she said as she looked back at him. “Would you like to join me?” He glanced at the boys and nodded.

“Sure. It’ll be good if I’m there with Gabe. He’ll need some support.” She smiled a little and looked at Shadow.

“I shall return to you,” she said as she walked out of the room with Herow towards the medical center she had passed on the way to the gym.

“So you got my note then,” Herow said slowly after a few moments of silence.

“I did,” she replied. “Though, I’m not sure what ‘cuddling’ is,” she glanced at him. He smiled a little and she turned to him, her hand on his chest. He stared at her with bright cheeks. “I have a serious issue to talk to you about. This boy is going to be in a lot of pain. He will have the very being of him ripped through his back in the form of wings. They will be powerful and bloody. I need you to talk to your nurse. Have her return to me with large buckets of water and wash clothes. The water should be somewhat warm, not too hot but if it’s too cold he might not be able to stay conscious. His body will bleed a lot and with that, cold. Gather as many blankets as you can. I’ll need sterilized tools and a wash bin for my hands so that I may clean myself before the operation.” Herow nodded with his face serious and stern once more. His handsome jaw was tight with worry and concern. His eyes, a beautiful shade that made Hoshi want to swim in them, were set hard with purpose and strength. She smiled despite herself and brought herself up on her toes, her lips barely touching his. A whisper of a kiss, a brush of a butterfly’s wings. I love you, O Lord, my strength. Psalm 18: 1.

Herow could not resist anymore. Herow knew it was bad. He knew he was going against a promise to God but she tasted like sin. She tasted like sweetness and bitterness rolled into one. She tasted like perfection. His hands traveled to her arms, holding her in place, his mouth devouring hers. His first taste of another human and it was with the Devil’s keeper. All those years of abstinence, all to be thrown away for a princess who housed the Devil. Her laugh was quiet against his lips.

“You taste like righteousness, Captain.” She whispered, placing a hand on his cheek. Herow stared into those grey eyes of hers, the whole universe spilling before him in those orbs. He felt hot all over and his fingers trembled as he let them rest against her hips. Her smile drove his heart into panic mode.

“And you taste like sin,” he murmured, breathless and ashamed. He had gone so long, done so well, lived a life God would be proud of. Now a heathen princess shows up, flaunts a grin and he’s suddenly head over heels for her.

“And how does it taste?” Her voice was low and her accent made his head spin. He smiled against her lips, which he kissed again and again.

“Too good to pass up,” She let out a short laugh before pulling away after placing a final lingering kiss on his lips.

“We need to go,”

“Anything else?” he said, his voice rough and hoarse. She stopped and took a deep breath.

“Shadow said that I needed to make him a hero. Gabriel is not a monster nor will he be. His wings will make him a soldier. They will make him a warrior of your God more than he is now. He will be stronger, faster, but for a small amount of time, he would be vulnerable. However, I seem to create the idea that he will be a monster. I do not know how to encourage a man and bring him to heroism. Perhaps you can do that for me. Talk to him now before you attend to your duties. Where is your nurse?” Herow looked at the

“Patricia,” Herow called out to a small woman with blond hair. Her eyes were a blue-green color that was like the ocean waves upon the shore. She was young; perhaps thirty give or take a few odd years. “I’d like you to meet Princess Hoshi. She is searching for some things I’d like you to get for her. I will see Gabriel and make sure he is ready for this while you lead the princess to the things she needs.” The nurse nodded and bowed to the princess. Hoshi bowed back to her. She looked at Herow before nodding ever so slightly. Herow did the same before looking at Patricia, whose eyes stared between the two of them. Herow lowered his eyes to the ground, cleared his throat, and walked into the operating room where Gabriel sat with his eyes downcast to his hands. He was terrified, Herow already knew, and yet, he seemed so sure and so stiff. “How are you feeling?” Gabriel looked up at his captain and shrugged.

“Fine I guess,” he murmured. Herow laughed gently and sat next to him, his hand on his shoulder.

“Come on, Gabe,” he said softly. “There’s no need to hide anything for me. I’m your friend remember?”

“I guess I just don’t want to be another soldier. I want to help people but being another number in a statistic makes me feel...useless.”

“You’re not a number. You are a great person and a great human being. Wings will not take that away. Wings will not make you into something terrible. It will help you make people happy, bring them to safety.”

“Weren’t angels evil? Weren’t they bringers of war and death in the name of God?” Herow smiled a little.

“That’s how they supposedly were. People think they’re tiny babies with wings, others thing they’re large monsters with wings. I think they’re just like us. Walking around as humans protecting the ones God loved most. That is our purpose here, right? To protect people in the name of God? Fight the things that ruin the happiness and beauty of God’s work. You will never be a monster. No matter what happens today, no matter what she does to you, you’re not going to be a monster. Never.” He looked at me and smiled a little from under his long lashes.

“Thanks, Herow. I’m glad you don’t think of me as a wimp.”

“No one thinks you’re a wimp.”

“TK does.”

“TK doesn’t know anything.” Gabriel smiled at his Captain. “The princess was upset that she made you think you would be a monster.” Gabriel suddenly grinned.

“Yeah, it looked like she was pretty cozy with you yesterday,” Gabriel said with a lifted eyebrow. Herow cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders.

“She and I are not like that,” he said stiffly.

“Aren’t like what? You don’t like her?” Herow swallowed his embarrassment.

“She’s a very beautiful woman,” he said softly. “I am unfortunately tempted by her but I did my prayers and asked for strength. I am a man of God, you know.” Gabriel nodded and rolled his eyes.

“I’m sure God understands feeling something for her. She is just a woman, after all.” Herow looked at Gabriel, unsure if he should tell the young warrior that his opponent would be that woman. The devil lived inside that voluptuous body of hers. “How was kissing her?” Herow’s stomach squeezed. Had someone seen them just now? Gabriel grinned. “I bet that was pretty shocking. Expecting a handshake and you get a kiss.” Herow let out a breath of relief.

“She is a warrior, just as we are, and we need to treat her as such. She is a very attractive warrior, true, but that does not mean anything. We must focus on the challenge at hand.”

“Like that’d be easy. I noticed she didn’t go to the room that was assigned for her. Victor’s gonna be pissed. The kid passed out before you guys got there.” Herow nodded.

“Yes, she was concerned about him but I knew he’d be tired out. They had a long flight.”

“How is the fight going? Did you hear back from the other Communions?”

“They are certainly having their share of problems. What we can do is try to get the princess to train us as best as she can in the art of luring and trapping and coercing demons. If we can do that, then we can easily get them to tell us the location of their boss and what their plans are. There have been a few lower level demons that have spilled the beans but they all turned out to be dead ends.” As Herow rubbed his eyes, the door banged open and Hoshi walked in, blankets on her shoulder and her well-built arms carrying a bucket of water as well. Gabriel jumped off the operating bed without thought or provocation and walked to the women, carrying the heavy bucket of water for Patricia.

“Where would you like me to place this?” he asked as he moved into the room. Hoshi looked at Herow, who nodded.

“Just set them by the bed, thank you. Captain, you should get that angel studier. He should learn what wings are like.” Herow nodded and left quickly to retrieve Jonah. Hoshi, on the other hand, stayed behind and had the young man take off his shirt and lay on his stomach. When Herow and Jonah returned, Hoshi was braiding her long red hair and tying the end of the thick rope with a black elastic band. Herow watched as the fine tip of her hair brush against the small of her back. He looked down suddenly. He couldn’t be thinking that. Not here. Not now. He had work to do. He couldn’t be distracted. He swallowed his temptation, and looked at Hoshi, who was sterilizing some instruments with her finger. Like a mini torch, she heated the tips of the instruments until they glowed red.

“Nice to meet you,” said Jonah quickly. She looked at him and smiled.

“We met last night, don’t you remember?” she asked. He turned a bright pink and stammered out an apology.

“I was just meaning officially, we’re meeting, you know? I just…I’m sorry. I’d like—”

“Mr. Flora,” she said softly. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I’d like you to follow Ms. Patricia and get suited up so we can begin. I called you here so that you could see what it is like to have wings. Wings are a privilege for humans to see. There is only so much humans can perceive. Wings are one of them. They take a physical form but just as easily as they can grow and progressively expand, they can easily hide. Most people believe that angel’s wings are either visible or invisible. They don’t believe that angels can do things like hide their wings. They are angels, for Peter’s sake. They can do whatever God wills them to do. Whether they’d like to allow wings for aesthetic purposes or whether they’d like to casually walk around, angels are capable of great things. Angels are capable of incredible things and I’d like for you to witness that. Follow Ms. Patricia, if you will.” Jonah stared at her for a long moment before nodding and walking with Herow and Patricia to a back room to change into the smocks and jonnies. Hoshi was the only one dressed in her normal clothes. She was still wearing her pants, the low hem on her hips accentuating her dark black tattoos. Her small top left her abdomen bare and covered in goose bumps. She was cold. Her fingers were cold from the focus of her magic for Gabriel. She had to channel magic so that he would go to sleep. It took a lot of work to focus the concentrated energy for such a spell. She had burned sigils in the linoleum floor, which Patricia scolded her about.

“I do not understand the ways of your chemicals and I cannot risk anything going wrong with Gabriel. Magic is the way we will help him.”

“Herow,” Patricia steamed, her eyes hard and furious. He smiled half-heartedly and told her it would be fine. Hoshi took a deep breath and stretched her limbs.

“Will you be alright?” Herow asked softly. She looked up at him and nodded.

“This will not be the first time I’ve been around angels’ wings, if you remember.” He nodded and leaned close to her ear, his lips barely brushing them.

“I’d like to talk to you about that in private.” She turned to look at him, knowing he wanted to know about everything she had to offer. The seriousness of his tone over powered the fact he was so close to her. She had to fight a grin that played on her lips at the sight of him. She liked when he was concerned about his people. She nodded stiffly.

“We will discuss it later then.” Gabriel grinned at his Captain, who caught his eye and looked away.

“Mind if I ask you about your tattoos?” Gabriel asked in a susurrus tone. Hoshi looked down at him.

“These, my quiescent friend, are capturing runes. They are to ensure the beast within isn’t going to run rampant and kill everyone.” She grinned at him as if to joke but her words were anything but a joke. She knew that the secret that was kept inside of her was not a laughing matter. “There was a time,” she said with a smile, “when my people believed angels were living among us before anyone else thought so. They thought that angels were God’s chosen people, not us. They believed that the angels were living among humans, doing as humans do to protect them. Fighting the demons through an undercover sort of way. Flying without wings. Just like you, Gabriel. Only soon, you will no longer be a flightless bird.”