I Am Rock and Roll at It's F-ing Finest

Lilly and Cole have despised living in their town since they were kids. After years of saving up they finally are able to get up enough money to move over 3000 miles to London, a city they fell in love with while visiting Lilly's aunt years ago over spring break. For the first time in their lives they're truly on their own and they couldn't be happier.

After a mishap with one of their dogs the girls find out that their new neighbors are none other than Danny Worsnop and Ben Bruce of Asking Alexandria. At first Lilly is excited but soon she realizes that she knew Danny years before when she visited London over spring break. Not only is he the asshole she remembers him to be but he's added on the cocky rockstar persona as well.

When things get heated between the two and a feud breaks out their friends find themselves stuck in the middle. Will things ever calm down between the two of them are they stuck in a never ending feud?