Status: If by some miracle you do like what I have here, I might try to update more regularly

The fabulous Killjoys: After SING

Chapter 13

Envy thought that the morning was going to be a good one after that. He made his way down to the room next to the living area to find Pandora and Deryn bustling around in one of the four separate kitchens in the room. Pandora busy frying up slices of ham, while Deryn was mixing pancake batter. He dug through the fridge, and by some stroke of a miracle, was able to make himself a veggie omelet with some toast without setting anything on fire. Grabbing a black and dark gray coffee cup, he poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the island that was planted where the kitchens joined, eating his omelet in peace when it happened.
“Nobody likes that shitty-ass crap, so why do you even make it?” someone yelled in the kitchen adjacent to the one Pandora and Deryn were in. “Just find something else to make, or eat a fuckin’ apple!”
“There’s nothing wrong with wheat toast!” he heard Dez yell back, something crashing shortly after. “Why don’t you quit making those tan pieces of shit?”
“They taste better undercooked!” the other girl yelled, another crash following. Envy finally got worried and bolted out of his seat, stepping into the kitchen, quickly ducking under a flying ladle.
“That just makes them taste like undercooked pieces of shit.” Dez yelled back, throwing a spatula at the other girl. “When are you going to understand that, Jay?”
“When you realize that all that shitty-ass toast is good for is making your crap brown!” Jay hollered back, picking up a grilling fork, poised to throw at any moment in Dez’s direction, right in front of Envy.
“Hey,” Envy yelled, making Jay freeze, mid-launch of her barbeque fork, Dez turning around. “What’s going on in here?”
“Well,” Dez started to say, fumbling around for words, but her sister broke in.
“Tell her that undercooked pancakes are better than wheat toast!” Jay said, a combo of a growl and whine in her tone. This made Dez turn back around to face her sister, eyes blazing with fury.
“No they are not!” Dez roared back, grabbing a meat tenderizer off the counter, winding up to chuck it at Jay. However, the food hammer was pulled out of her hand by Envy, his face looking like he was ready to kill, making both Jay and Dez cringe in fear.
“Enough!” Envy roared, his voice and glare stone cold, clenching the meat tenderizer in his hand, ready to wind up and hit either of the two as he continued. “I was actually having a nice morning until you two went ahead and ruined it with your moronic argument about breakfast foods, so you two suck it up and make what you want, or I’ll take this tenderizer and smash both of your faces in, you got it?”
“Y-yes sir,” Dez stammered out, eyes wide in fear as she started cowering back with her sibling.
“It won’t happen again, sir,” Jay said, her voice wavering uncontrollably. “We promise.”
“Good,” Envy said, finally loosening his grip on the culinary weapon, calming down as he sat the tool back on the counter. “Then I’ll leave you to that, but remember this. I’m gonna be right outside the door, so if I hear one more sound coming out of this kitchen, and you two are in here, your second chance will be used up. Is that clear?”
“Crystal,” Jay said, helping Dez stay on her feet.
“Then enjoy your breakfast,” Envy said coyly as he turned and walked out of the room. He sat back down to his omelet, which had cooled a great deal, and continued to eat his breakfast, feeling like he just had the world taken off his chest, not hearing a single noise come from Jay and Dez’s kitchen. After a minute, Pandora and Deryn walked out of their kitchen area, both carrying a plate with three pancakes and a slice of ham each, coffees in their other hand.
“Good morning,” Pandora said, her smile bright as she sat down at the island, Deryn sitting down next to her.
“It is now,” Envy replied, taking a swig of now cold coffee, but paying it no mind.
“How’d you sleep last night?” Deryn said, not taking her attention from her plate.
“Pretty good, actually, the place isn’t half bad.”
“That’s odd,” Pandora said as she stared at the entrance to the kitchen Jay and Dez were in. “They aren’t fighting?”
“Oh, don’t worry about them,” Envy said, waving his hand as if to shoo something away. “I took care of it.”
“You did?” Pandora asked, shock ringing out into her voice.
“Yeah, let’s just say that those two are easy to scare with a meat tenderizer.” Deryn smirked and tried to stifle a laugh, however no one was laughing, making the humor on her face turn into shock.
“You didn’t,” Deryn said, dropping her fork as she looked up at Envy. When she saw the smirk and mischievous look on his face, hers simply went into one of horror. Not even considering the benefit of the doubt, she leaped out of her seat, making a mad dash for the sister’s kitchen. Soon there was the sound of uncontrollable sobbing drifting through the air as Deryn walked out with a sobbing Dez clinging to her sister’s shoulder. Jay said nothing as she followed Deryn, but quickly glared at Envy as she passed by him. Once the three were gone, Pandora picked up her coffee mug, giving a slight chuckle.
“Good job,” Pandora said, raising up her mug in cheers, then quickly taking a swig of the brown liquid before continuing. “I’ve been wanting to do that for months. You may have just helped the kitchens become a safer place now.”
“I didn’t mean to make her cry,” Envy said, breaking the corner of a piece of toast, popping it into his mouth.
“No one does, but Dez has twice the heart of a normal person, which compensates for the lack of heart her sister has.”
“Her sister has no heart?”
“Not a working one, it just sits there, takin’ up space in her chest. Though don’t worry about it, they’ll forget what happened soon enough.” she sighed as she gulped the last of her coffee, the pancakes and ham gone. “Though I suggest you finish eating and get your team members up. There’s gonna be an important meeting at noon in the living area.” She picked up her plates and headed back into her original kitchen, then after a minute, left Envy to finish his breakfast alone. He checked the wall clock behind him, which read 10:30, and picked up his coffee, downing the last of it. Picking up the rest of his breakfast and putting it in the refrigerator, he walked out of the kitchen area and went to go get the guys.
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Simple explanation for this one, can't a guy get some food without getting a third degree?