Status: incomplete ~work in progress~

My Heroine.

Chapter One.

Garrett was sitting down on the couch in the bus on his phone reading recent tweets on twitter. John walked into the bus, & shyly said "Hey, Gare, can we talk?" with a sheepish smile forming on his lips.

"Uh-Uh, yeah sure, John, what's up?" he stuttered. growing nervous but, he didn't know why. HIm & John were just best friends. He probably just wants to talk about some songs we're gonna play at the next venue. Or maybe even some girl he got with the night before. Why was he over thinking this so much? John just wants to talk to me. He mentally shook him self & scooted over on the couch to make room for John.

"Nothing much really, just wanted to talk. Tonight will be sick, I always love playing in New Jersey, don't you?" John said casually.

See, he just wants to talk about tonights show. "Uh, yeah sure, it's always fun, i guess," he said slowly, "is that all?"

"Do you want me to leave or something? Were you busy?" John's beautiful hazel eyes had a hint of hurt in them, "It's fine really, i can just go into my bunk, & we can talk later.."

"No! No! It's just, ugh, gosh I don't know, sorry. Guess I'm just nervous for the show tonight," he said as he awkwardly laughed a little. Messing with his ring on his index finger.

"Oh, well hey, wanna go get something to eat once we stop?" John said with a smirk playing a his lips.

"With all the guys? Or just us?" said Garrett as he ran his hands through his hair, lightly tugging at his almost brown but, red at the same time, locks on his head.

"Well i guess it could be just us, maybe we'll get lucky & stop some place with a Red Robin,"

"alright, sounds cool, i guess," he starting slowly glancing down just as he starts noticing how nice John looks today. A nice Glamour Kills tank top & cut off skinny jeans with vans. His hair is slightly messed up but, the kind that looks nice & sexy. Wait did he just think that his hair was sexy? what's wrong with me? John's my best friend. We have been for what seems like forever. I need to snap out of this.
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deer lord i am so sorry if you actually read this. djfhksdfjgx it's terrible what am i doing. i might continue on this but i'm not sure yet. so yeah :p