Status: incomplete ~work in progress~

My Heroine.

Chapter Four.

i rushed over towards the back of the bus to go into my bunk to sit, eat, & think. Think about why i kissed Garrett's cheek, why i was flirting with him, then, out of no where, starting getting all bitchy at him in Subway. LIke, seriously. What had caused me to do that? & like him getting all jealous it seemed when the Subway employee checked me out & started flirting with me. That kind of confused me.

So caught up with my thoughts i wasn't watching where i was walking & walked straight into Pat, who was coming out of the bathroom. "Oh, sorry, Pat, didn't see you there," i mumbled.

"Oh, hey, John! What're you doing?" he said, smiling, "Want to watch a movie tonight? Or just hang out?"

"Erm, no. No, thanks. I'm just going to go eat in my bunk then stay in there. Sorry, maybe tomorrow after the show in Jersey," I say lightly.

"Oh, okay! Totally cool. See you tomorrow, " he says quietly, walking off towards Garrett with a smile on his face. Looking back for an instance i snap my gaze & shuffle into my bunk, holding the Subway bag in my hands. I settle into a comfortable position & open up my BTL & start eating right away, not realizing how hungry i was until now.

There was so much on my mind i started getting a small headache. "ugh," i grunted, finishing off my sandwich extremely fast. i lay down & throw the wrapper tot he side of my bunk. I looked down at my phone & saw that it was almost eleven. I sank farther down into my small bed, trying to get my thoughts in order.

Garrett. He was the one who constantly filled my head. I'd try to think of something else but, he'd some how come back in my thoughts. No matter what, really. I was racking my brain for answers. Garrett, why him? Why not a girl? I started drifting off. Snapping my head forward, i tried to stay up to at least take my shirt off & get comfortable before drifting off into a deep sleep.

His lips teased the inside of my thighs as my wrists struggled within the handcuffs. I was handcuffed to a chair, my hands behind my back. My legs had been forced apart, and right in between them was Garrett Nickelsen.

“You’re going to love this,” he purred, licking my skin slowly. “I promise.”

I swallowed, wondering how I had even gotten here. Before I could think futher, I felt something cool on my dick. Looking down, I gasped when I saw the white foam he had sprayed. Whipped cream. Where the hell did he even get that?

“What do you want me to do, John?” he asked seductively, biting on his lip while looking up at me. “I’ll do anything you want… All you have to do it tell me.”

When I didn’t say anything, his lip curled into a small pout. I licked my lips without realizing it, feeling myself get turned on the more I watched him. It was then that I noticed that he was naked, just kneeling there, right between my legs.

He took his hand and ran his fingers along my length, skimming so lightly that I could barely feel his touch. He watched my facial epression carefully, knowing that I was enjoying this. How could I not? I watched him more, noticing how sexy he looked when he bit on his lip.

“You like that?” he whispered, never breaking eye contact. “Tell me what you want, John.”

I refused to speak, even though I knew exactly what I wanted.

He looked into my eyes as his fingers skipped lower, softly pinching my tip. “Say it,” he murmured as I moaned, my back already beginning to arch. “I’m here for your entertainment, baby.”

I inhaled sharply, about to give in. “I…” I started to say, gulping.

His index finger swirled around the tip as his thumb rubbed against my slit. I tried to restrain myself from making any sounds of pleasure, knowing it would only please him. I couldn’t let him be satisfied with himself that easily.

“You what?” he asked innocently, moving his thumb faster. He pressed it harder, making my teeth sink into the inside of my cheeks. He was so good.

“I…” I started to say, closing my eyes. He cocked his head to the side, as if he was curious as to what I had to say. I whispered as quietly as I could, “I want to fuck your tight little ass.”

He smirked to himself, but quickly got rid of it. “What did you say?” he asked, now leaning down to lick the bead of pre-cum right off my dick.

This time I allowed myself to moan, throwing my head back as I felt his tongue against that sensitive skin. He quickly pulled away, licking his lips. He traced his finger along my dick, bringing it to his mouth and sucking on it while closing his eyes.

“Mm,” he moaned to himself, pulling his finger away so that it made a soft ‘pop’ sound. “You taste so good, baby. But anyway, you were saying?”

I let out a straggled breath, hardening instantly. “I want to fuck you,” I said, a little bolder. “So hard that you’ll scream my name.”

He allowed himself to smirk this time, pleased that I was finally cooperating. “That shouldn’t be a problem, babe,” he said, winking. “Fuck, you’re so hot.”

I rolled my eyes, starting to loosen up. “Uh, baby,” I said, trying to get out of the handcuffs again, unsuccessfully. “I think you’re the hot one here.”

He giggled, shaking his head. “Nah uh,” he said softly, rising to kiss my nose. “But didn’t you say you wanted to fuck me? What happened to that? I was getting excited!”

I glanced down, realizing that he was right. “You’re going to have to get up here first, babe. Oh, and another thing. I want you ride me.”

“Your wish is my command,” he said with a heavy sigh, even though I caught him winking. “I am not taking your handcuffs off though.”

I was about to argue until he placed himself on my lap. His hands were gripping my shoulders, and he was rising now, about to let my dick enter him. Biting on my lip, I watched as he closed his eyes, getting closer and closer…

So close…

♠ ♠ ♠
woah. yeah. that was long. & that last part. yeah. well, my girlfriend, sarah, wrote that for me c: she's a kick ass writer & i suck so i made her write it c: so yeah. leave me a comment & tell me what you think should happen in the new chapter, & what you think of the story so far.