Cemetery Drive


You see there is this really pretty gothic looking house ending the Street that I live on, Cemetery Drive.

My mom and her friends on this street are all gossipers and I would over hear them when I was little and was watching the old blues clues, the one with Steve, not the ugly new guy. They gossiped about everything, I mean everything! They've talked about their children, husbands, the hottest actors, cooking etc.

They said that there was an old old ancient inventor lived up there once and he loved to make machines and cool things like that. One day he got bored of looking at all of his lifeless robots and wanted to make a man, a living, breathing human man!

It took him years upon years to create the man using I really didn't catch what he was built by. But he didn't have hands for him, so he used what his cooking robots had for hands, razors.

How can an old guy create a man, but with razors, or scissors as mom likes to call them? My six year old mind thought. Their lying. But eleven years later I found out they weren't lying at all.

He was real, and I fell for him, hard