The Party Scene Has Got the Best of Me

Chapter 3

I stared at Alex, eyes wide, but other than that a blank expression. I had to grip the covers on my bed.

There was no sound. Just silence. Alex looked at me, surprisingly there was concern across his face. Funny, I thought to myself. I mean, I know he's all inspirational and stuff and his lyrics? Well they're just bloody fantastic! I just...well I never thought he could be this caring. He was supposed to be the king of one night stands as they say, so I would have just assumed he'd screw me then go back to the bus and screw someone else...don't get me wrong, I love him. But a fan seems to ignore the lesser parts of him. I was always aware but it didn't really bother me. Who was I? Just a fan who had no business meddling in the band's private life. Well I'll be damned.

"Are you okay?" he asked tentatively as he approached the bed and sat down next to me.

I avoided his gaze. "I...I don't know. I mean..." I couldn't finish. Oh god. I sent a mental note of apology to my grandparents. I'm sure this wasn't what they wanted going on in they house with some stranger.

Alex took a deep breath again. "Look, do you have any? I mean...I know some girls keep protection in their rooms just in case..."

"No." My answer was short and probably filled with too much sharpness. A virgin does most certainly not keep condoms in her house, let alone her room!

"Fuck," was his next comment. "Look, we'll just go get you a pregnancy test then and we can clear this whole thing up."

"No, my periods due on we'll see then."

"How soon?" he asked. He as actually concerned and taking it

I counted the days in my head. "Two weeks."

He sighed. "Right, well I best go tell the guys you're coming on your with us and bargain with Matt."

This time I looked at shock. "What makes you think I'm going on your with you? Why would I have to? I have a lot to sort out! I have no job, my family hates me and I have no idea where my life is headed!"

"Well there you go then. Coming on your would be a great experience for you," he smiled then headed down the stairs to tell the rest of the band. Woah. No. I mean, under any other circumstance this would have been amazing going on tour! But...this just didn't feel right. It took a moment to register and then I ran downstairs.

It seemed like they were all pretty exhausted after I heard Alex finish his little speech. Jack spotted me and yelled "HEY! It's the newbie!" and attacked me so I fell flying. God I knew he was supposed to be energetic but this bloody energetic? Like I didn't think he actually attacked STRANGERS! Much less possibly pregnant strangers! I'm not pregnant. I couldn't be, right? No. No fucking way was I pregnant.

When Jack scrambled off me, Zack shook his head an reached out a hand to help me up. "You could at least help her up after you wrestle her to the ground! She could be pregnant!"

"NO!" I screeched feeling tears prick my eyes. "I can't be! I just can't! No! Don't say that when it's not true!"

"But it could be," Alex said softly, looking at me intently. "And that's exactly why you're coming on your with us."

I shook my head. "No. I'm not going on your with you! Yeah sure it's every fans dream, believe me, but I have so much to figure out. I'm 21 for gods sake!"

"Exactly. So a the rest of the UK tour and Canadian your would be good for you to get some experience and such." All the guys nodded in agreement with Alex. Bastards.

"No. You never said Canada!" I was NOT going on this tour. No. Frickin. Way.

"Look, you won't go get a test, so we have to wait two weeks. We'll be out of the UK in less than a week, then spend some time in America, and by the time you know when you're pregnant we'll be in Canada. You have to come." Notice how Alex wa doing all the talking and the guys were just watching us? Yeah...thanks for the input guys. Surely they didn't want me with them?

"Why do you even care so much? I could just, like...I don't you the result or whatever."

Alex shook his head and came a step closer to me. We were a foot away from each other. He was so tall! He took one of my hands. "I care because of you're pregnant, I wanna be there for the result. And I wanna be there for you. I'm not just some heartless rockstar yknow. I do care. And you seem nice enough. So why not? Please? Come on your with us an help me out here. I'm trying to help look after you I guess. Hell we can even be friends!" he grinned at me wildly. Friends. I liked that's not every day you get given the chance of a lifetime and get offered friendship from you're favourite band member. Nothing was keeping me here...I could ask my friends to watch the house. They all live in tiny flats with their boyfriends. They'd love living in this house.

Finally, despite myself, I smiled and actually looked into Alex's gleaming eyes. "Fine. Friends." He made me pinky promise him before pulling me into a hug and have all the other band members attack us. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.
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So I'm in my philosophy lesson and got extremely bored...our teachers not here so I figured I'd write this! There may be more headed your way today, depends how college goes...enjoy! And thoughts? Thank you guys for reading so much!!! Love you! Let me know if it's getting crappy or too cliche...I'm trying to not go down the cliche route but I kinda have to have a little cliche in it or the story wouldn't be worth it I guess...