Status: New story. Should be out soon. :)

Sugar Rush


Everything was lined up, set out, placed in the most perfect, elegant and stunning manor. People bustled around wildly as everyone seemed to have a job they were falling behind on yet, nothing looked like it wasn’t being tended to on time and in the proper manor. His eyes however lingered over by one of the food and dessert tables with all the cupcakes, candy, doughnuts, and everything else not on his diet.


It wasn’t the food his eyes lingered over, his mouth watered for, or his body seemed to yearn for. No, not the desserts and sweets though she did look delicious enough to eat. It wasn’t the food it was the person navigating and narrating people around.

He couldn’t believe how much he wished he could walk over there and woo her right into his arms and into his bed. How much he wished he had Jordan or Max’s skills. No, that was far too and too cruel of a game to put her through and he didn’t even know her. No he wished he had Kris’s game: subtle, smooth, French-Canadian accent, kind and decent way about getting and being with a woman, and sex hair to seal the deal with.

Sadly he had none of that and he’d never felt such lust for another human being in recent years. Sure there’d been a few in his younger days, before the NHL, he’d pinned after fruitlessly because of hockey. But even then he’d never thought about walking over to the girl, spinning her around, simply stating ‘Hi I’m Sidney Crosby’ and then simply having his way with the girl. Here in the moment he was wondering if that would work? He knew it wouldn’t. If he took more than four steps away from Mario’s side, Mario’s head would snap over to look at Sid and possibly give everyone in the room whiplash from how fast his head would turn.

She sighed and placed her hands on the top of her head. Half the desserts weren’t there to set up. Sure two tables looked good but what about the other eight? Not only that but she had a problem with the decorations that went with the event. It wasn’t her department and she wasn’t the one hired to work or even think about doing decorations just the food. That was all she had to worry about but the decorations didn’t say: We’re glad you’re here and we’re glad you’re fighting and fans of the team. The decorations said more of: We wish it was Halloween but it’s not so it just looks like we wish you were dead.

Great message to send a bunch of sick kids fighting for their lives against the diseases they have.
Great message guys!

“Miss Gully…” She turned at the sound of her name and hummed. “Mr. Lemieux is here...” She turned to look at the man with his protégé standing next to him. Mario Lemieux was intimidating enough on his own but with Sidney Crosby next to him looking like a brick wall and more like body guard than a hockey player.

“Oh god…” She whispered softly. “Okay, thank you.” Standing up a little straighter she smoothed out her dress and adjusted the large belt around her rounded middle. She suddenly felt ugly, hideous, and completely out of shape. She was nowhere near fit she was chubby and chunky and was okay with that… or she had been until Crosby had arrived with Mr. Lemieux. “Here goes nothing.” She added. Plastering a smile on her face she headed towards the man paying her to deck out the ballroom in sweets for the little ones.

“Allison, you’re heels.” She licked her lips but didn’t stop at the hushed words from behind her and only took notice in the fact that she could feel plush carpet beneath her stocking covered feet. She didn’t look down at her nearly bare feet or even hint that something was wrong, just kept walking.

“Mr. Lemieux, how good to see you again.” She greeted. “How does it look to you?” She asked glancing back at the tables. “I know you wanted a lot of team elements but I also felt that other elements kids love should be included as well, I hope that’s not a problem?” She asked carefully. He had given her a lot of creative liberty and a huge amount of money to afford everything she would need or could need.

“I love it.” Mario nodded slowly. “The colors really pop. Looks festive, lively, inviting…just want I wanted.”

Allison looked back and the table and nodded slowly. Taking in a deep breath she swallowed heavily feeling eyes on her. She glanced at Mario and found him eyeing the tables of sweets which left only one to be staring at her. Crosby. The thought made her nervous and sick to her stomach all at the same time it sent chills up her spine.

“I know you said you also wanted enough treats to possibly put half these kids into sugar coma’s, correct?” She asked. Mario only laughed and nodded his head slowly.

“Where’s this going? I wasn’t being dead serious, you know that. I hope there’s nothing in the desserts.” He mused slowly, playfully.

Laughing she shook her head and tucked a piece of her loose curls behind her ear. Smiling at him she raised her laced fingers so they were in front of her chest.

“Only the normal ingredients, but that’s not what I was getting at.” Mario eyed her carefully. “So you see all the empty tables?” She pointed and waved her open hand at the tables. Mario turned looking at the huge bare table at the back of the long hall, the two on either side of the door he’d walked through and then near them in the middle were four large round tables flanking a long narrow one. “All those are all dessert table besides, besides the round ones. The round ones are going to be mostly drinks. Granted all the tables will have both food and drinks, the round ones will have fountains.” She pointed. Mario whistled as Sidney coughed startled. She smiled at their reactions. “I figured this way, the little ones are not only close to a drink should they need it, which will be healthier juices and the largest fountains will be water so we’re not completely over loading these kids with sugar and rotting their teeth.” Mario laughed with a slow nod. “But with all the tables a few feet from either wall no matter where in the room they are not only are they close to the desserts and drinks but the players will also be at hand. I thought,” She turned back to Mario watching him. “How sad would it be for one of these little ones to be thirsty or hungry, maybe see something they want on the table and they’re across the room with,” She waved at Sidney who raised a brow. “with a player,” She decided her words would be. “It would cause them to either not get that needed drink to stay with their favorite player or go to get a drink and feel they’re missing something with that player or that that player might not want to talk to them again once they walk away. Which I know,” She lifted both hands as Mario and Sidney opened their mouths to protest. “Wouldn’t have been the case, but these kids get to see them how often, and spend more time in hospital room? I figured I’d make it easier for them so they only have to drag said player,” She waved her hands at Sidney again to make her point. “only a few feet that way there is no sugar or player shortage for the little ones.” She beamed hoping her presentation would keep the Penguins organization returning to her for business.

“And to ensure they eat enough sugar for said sugar comas.” She bowed her head and watched as Mario’s smile grew. “I love it.” He breathed looking around. “So all the tables will look like that one?” He pointed wandering closer to the over-done table.

She followed slowly, Sidney following behind her slowly. She could still feel his eyes trained on her again.

“Kind of.” She stated. Mario looked at her confused. “This one’s along the walls will be almost identical but the long one in the middle won’t.” Mario narrowed his brows. “It’s the retro table.” She winked at him Mario smiled as he put his head down. “All the oldies but goodies will be on that table.”

“Sucking up are we Miss Gully?” Mario teased.

Humming she pursed her lips and tapped her chin as if thinking. With a smile and a small chuckle she shrugged.

“Maybe…but who has to no. If you don’t tell the boss I won’t.” She winked at him again playfully. Mario only laughed louder and nodded.

“My lips are sealed.” He teased. Pretending to zip them shut he looked back at the table. “It’s perfect.” He added after a moment of looking at the table. “It’s festive, and lively, and inviting.” He stated strongly. He ran a hand through his hair as he nodded and she passed him slightly looking at her work and decided to take a leap of faith.

“Speaking of festive, lively, and inviting…” She started looking back at Mr. Lemieux. He hummed turning to her. “I don’t know much about decorating, or fashion and style seeing as, oh I don’t know, I forgot shoes today…” She trailed off as both men looked at her feet and she curled her toes. “But the decorations don’t, in my opinion, meet any of those three standards…they seem more depressing like they were going for a Halloween vibe that severely missed the mark.” She grimaced. Her words would either be helpful or insulting and she didn’t want that later of the two. She only wanted to impress and be asked to help feed another Penguins event again. She hoped all the smiles and laughter she’d created moments before would help push her towards the helpful side of the scale.

Sidney stopped staring at her long enough to look around the room and cover his mouth with his hand in shock as Mario floundered at what he was seeing. Allison took the chance to glance around the room again. She signaled her assistant to call the other dessert trucks that were still late with a stern look and looked back at Mario with both his hands on top of his head and Sidney with his head down, hand over his eyes.

“I didn’t…I said bright…I said…” Mario stopped, biting his top lip. He instantly lowered one hand quickly, his hair sticking up from the motion of being pulled forward, and looked at his watch. “Four hours…four hours…” He breathed. “Fuck.” He swore. Allison glanced at Sidney who was looking at Mario just as surprised as she was by the swear from the usually well composed man. “How do I fix this in four…hours…” he breathed mostly to him.

“Mr. Lemieux.” He turned to her at her soft tone. “Four hours is a lot of time.” She stated. A name already lingered in her mind to fix the problem of the decorations. Mario looked hopeful.

“Tell me you decorate to.” He stated.

“Sadly, no.” She pushed her toes into the carpet. “But I do know someone who does.”

“Can they do it in four hours?” He asked quickly. Allison only raised an eyebrow at him and snapped twice. Everyone stopped as she looked at her employees watching her.

“Cassie.” She called. The girl looked stunned and flustered. “Call Loraine.” The girl looked confused. “Tell her she’s required to decorate this event and throw in something about…tall, pale, and goofy looking.” Cassie only nodded as Mario and Sidney looked at her confused. “It’ll probably be done in two hours.” She smiled at them.

“Who’s tall, pale, and goofy looking?” Sidney asked confused. Mario waved his hands for an answer as well.

“You know she won’t be happy you call him that.” Cassie stated nervously, phone already to her head.

“Give her a direct quote, she can be mad at me later.” Allison smiled at the girl. “Back to work!” She laughed at everyone else. She gave a big wave of her arms as they began to hustle and bustle again quickly. “And someone call the other trucks!” She added. A few people pointed at her request and pulled phones out. “Thank you.” She added happily. “I love when they do what I want.” She giggled. Mario and Sidney both nodded slowly with small laughs. “And it’s Mr. Staal.” She clarified. Mario grimaced. “Don’t worry she’s harmless…unless given a credit card then your credit’s shot.” She teased. Mario bobbed his head.

“For decorating in four hours she can use the card I gave you.” Allison only waved a hand at him and laughed. “She can, really.”

“I’m not denying that Mr. Lemieux, but I highly doubt she will. This is a charity event and I told her it’s also for Mr. Staal, she’ll sooner probably beat you bloody with the little piece of plastic than use it to shop with in this case.” Mario frowned.

“I’d like to meet her.” He stated seriously. Allison nodded.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” She smiled. “If you don’t mind I have to get back to work. As you can see I’m missing most of my desserts.” Mario nodded with a soft thank you at her.

Hurrying away from the two she refused to look back knowing that Sidney Crosby was atleast still watching her based on the feeling of eyes on her back.

“Sidney Crosby’s staring.” Cassie whispered to here thirty minutes later. “I don’t think he’s taken his eyes off you for very long.” She added with a giggle.

“So?” She managed to the girl. Once the simply word left her mouth Cassie looked at her as if she’d grown three extra heads. “What?” She stopped as a door slammed open and the distinct voice began yelling orders at her own crew. “Loraine.” She called. Mario stood up from where he’d been leaning against the stage with Sidney after firing the first crew. “This is Mr. Lemieux, and Mr. Crosby…” She trailed off as Loraine gasped.

“Where are your shoes woman?” Loraine demanded. Allison gave her a pointed look. “It’s a perfectly good question, your outfit falls flat without it.” She giggled.

“You’re that model.” Sidney pointed. Mario looked at him surprised. “Tall, pale, and goofy looking has a picture of her in his locker. Claims it’s his future wife.” Sidney stated slowly. Loraine smirked at him and nodded slowly as Mario seemed to get it and looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“Forgive me, you look different with cloths on.” Mario stated honestly. “I think cloths suit you better.” He added. Loraine simply smiled and shrugged.

“Thank you. I prefer wearing cloths.” She stated. Allison felt awkward just standing there not saying a word to anyone. “So, I know about the event thanks to this crazy sugared up lady.” Allison flushed and forced a smile. “Now all I need to know is this.” She waved her hand at him showing her perfectly done-up fake nails and the rings and bracelets she wore that were also worth a pretty penny. “What do you want this place to look like?”

“I want it lively, I want it festive, and colorful, but I also want it tasteful.” Mario stated. He pulled his wallet out and retrieved a credit card. Holding it out to her he smiled and watched as she only looked at it them him.

“On me.” She stated simply. “As long as you don’t tell,” She turned glaring at Allison who only smiled. “tall, pale, and goofy looking, really?” She asked irritated.

“You’re future husband, apparently doesn’t need to know, does he?” Allison teased. Loraine stopped and pursed her lips still a bit annoyed as she seemed to think about it.

“Suppose not. Just don’t tell him I’ll be here.”

“Why?” Mario asked concerned for his player.

“Wouldn’t you want to see the sheer shock and awe on his face that first moment we’re introduced? I mean, if the man claims I’m his future wife, that’ll be priceless in its self.” She groaned. Laughing she winked at them, turned, and began heading for the ballroom doors to leave.

“She’s crazy.” Allison shot out as Mario turned to her, her mouth half open. He only frowned. “She’s a model; do you expect them to be sane and normal?”

“I heard that cupcake lady!” Loraine yelled. Allison jumped and flushed.

“I should get back to work.” Allison pointed over her shoulder. Mario nodded slowly. “Here’s her number so you can make suggestions, talk to her, whatever.” With that she passed him a small piece of paper that he gratefully took.
♠ ♠ ♠
Figured I'd give you atleast an opening chapter.
Next chapter won't happen till I finish my other Sid story(which only had a few more chapters left.)
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Allison's out fit