Status: New story. Should be out soon. :)

Sugar Rush


Allison licked her lips slowly her chest rose and feel slowly, sheets tangled around her and her head screaming. Sitting up she looked around till she found her alarm clock screeching. Hitting it she flopped back into bed with a groan.

She’s had another dream about Sidney, and they were never for the faint of heart.

He was around all the time now trying to prove he was truly sorry but she was still hesitant. He didn’t push though. They’d made out in her kitchen a few weeks ago, after his press conference, and then he’d tried to help her make lemon squares while they fought over who got the next bite of ice cream. It’d been nice.

She was sure of Sidney in privacy. She had no problem with him as a person, or a man. She had a problem who was still making a big deal about the restaurant and the fact that Sidney had run from the press conference through everyone. People were claiming he’d gotten his second chance, and in a way he had, but they were following him everywhere to get a picture of sighting of ‘the most beautiful woman Sidney Crosby had ever laid eyes on’

She didn’t want to be a part of that three ring circus and Sid seemed to understand since he didn’t want to be either, it was just a part of his job.

Sitting up she sighed and stopped hearing noise in the living room. Her whole system froze as her phone began to ring. Slowly lifting it she frowned at Loraine’s name printed clear across the screen. Touching the screen to talk she slowly lifted the phone to her ear unsure.

“Get your ass out of bed! There is a hot guy in the living room waiting for you. Do not make him wait!” Loraine snapped. Then she hung up.

Allison looked and the phone confused and startled. As she tried to figure out what had just happened Loraine called back. Answering just as confused, if not more, than the first time she squeaked out a soft ‘hello’.

“I just left to go out with Jordy, so I let Sid in since it’s your day off and I know you’re all lonely while being hot and bothered by him, sooooo…yeah. You can thank me later!” She cheered. Hanging up on Allison again leaving the woman stunned.

Getting out of bed slowly Allison walked to her door as if she’d open it to giant flames on the other side, or a horror film serial killer. Poking her head out into the now silent apartment she pursed her lips, slowly venturing out into the living room. She stopped at the smell of food and the sound of sizzling in the kitchen.

Venturing that way slowly she stopped as Sidney in a pair of grey plaid cargo short and a simple grey t-shirt that stretched across his huge back. In all honesty to her, it looked a tad small on him but she wasn’t complaining.

“You’re making breakfast?” She asked a tad stunned. He turned to her and smiled.

“Nice Pj’s.” He commented coyly. Allison looked down at the small short and the basic tank top she wore to bed. “I figured I could cook you something for once.” He added as he watched her flush.

“I’ll…just…yeah.” Back peddling she turned and rushed back to her room.

“Wear something comfortable!” Sidney called. She stopped in her doorway. “That you can walk around in.” He added.

Looking over his shoulder unsure she walked back to the kitchen eyeing him. He laughed at the look.

“What?” He laughed.

“What are you planning Crosby?” His brows went up.

“So hostile in the morning.” He teased.

“You have Loraine wake you up yelling nonsense in the phone.” He pointed at her words.

“I had Jordan.” Sidney countered. Allison stared.

“What the hell are they planning?” She asked.

“I know right?” He laughed as well.” Jordan called me freaking out an hour ago. Said I had to be up, I had to be dressed and ready to go! Hurry up Captain!” Sidney shrugged lightly. “Then he hung up only to call back and tell me to wear something comfortable, there’s a lot of walking. So I figured I should pass it on.” Allison nodded slowly.

“I just got, there’s hot guy in the living room, don’t make him wait. Then she hung up, called back and told me she was going to Jordan’s and had let you in.” She pointed. Sidney hummed.

“If I go off of Loraine’s, there’s not a lot of walking…” he mused slowly.

“If we combine them there’s still a lot movement.” She grumbled under her breath.

They both looked up catching the others eyes. Sidney’s jaw tightened as he watched her and her heart began to hammer in her chest. He got one step towards her when the door opened.

“Are you ready yet?” Jordan stopped behind Allison. “Nice shorts.” Squeaking she turned rushing back to her room.

As she got dressed in a simply deep purple sundress she tried to figure out what had just happened. Had Sidney almost jumped her? Or was he atleast ready to? She couldn’t get her hormones or racing heart under control as she got dressed for the day of only Jordan and Loraine knew what.

Sidney on the other hand glared at Jordan’s arrival. Jordan lifted his hands confused.

“They were nice shorts.” Jordan stated honestly. “Who doesn’t like flannel?” He added to make his point that he wasn’t hitting on Allison. Sidney let out a slow angry breath.

“I hate you so much right now.” Sidney growled. He turned back to the stove. To him, it had sounded like an invite on Allison’s part to drag her to her bedroom and finally do what they both wanted, each other. Messing with the bacon cooking he let out another slow breath to try and calm himself down.

“Why?” Jordan gasped stunned and hurt. Sidney only glared over his shoulder at his friend who seemed to suddenly understand, like the hammer on a gun striking the bullet – it clicked. “Oooooh…” Jordan teased. “Did I mess up your future hanky-panky?” Jordan began to hip thrust as he spoke.

“I’ll stab you.” Sidney warned. He lifted the knife he’d been using to cut fruit earlier. Jordan stopped eyeing it, debating if Sidney would.

“You would to.” Jordan finally decided. “Man you need to get laid.” He sighed. Sidney growled, lifting the knife higher. “Sorry! Sorry!” Jordan called realizing what he’d said without thinking. He lifted both hands to his defense.

Allison walked out into the kitchen to find Sidney glaring at Jordan, knife held up, and Jordan with his hands raised to his own defense.

“What are you two doing?” She asked slowly. Sidney sighed, putting the knife back in the sink next to him. Jordan only snorted, getting a glare from his Captain again. “I’m so confused and I’m not sure if I want to know what’s going on.” She admitted honestly.

“Well you see…” Jordan stated slowly, teasingly.

“Breakfasts ready.” Sidney called turning around. Jordan pouted with a small glare.

“Are you two fighting?” She asked. Moving to the table she sat down as Sidney began serving the small amount of food he’d made for them.

“No.” Sidney stated roughly.
“Yes.” Jordan laughed happily.

Their responses filtered over top the others. She watched as they both looked at each other with narrowed eyes, challenging the other to say anything different on top of the subject. Clicking her tongue and drawing in a deep breath she nodded slowly.

“Okay then. Moving on?” She pressed.

“Yes.” Sidney nodded with slight relief.
“No.” Jordan snorted as if the idea was ludicrous.

Once again they spoke over each other, their words mixing and mingling in an unfriendly way. She simply picked up a piece of fruit at the two glared. Sidney’s glare seemed to hold merit while Jordan’s seemed playful.

“You see!” Jordan tried again. “Dear old Captain here,” Sidney growled out a shut up at him that sounded weak and halfhearted. She watched at Sidney’s cheeks flushed while he busied himself with breakfast. “I will not!” Jordan laughed.

“You are the female version of Loraine.” Allison pointed out. Jordan stopped with a hum.

“So you’re saying I’m hot enough to model?” He pressed.

“Sure…” Allison mused slowly. “Whatever you say.” She giggled. Sidney looked up with a small laugh himself. “Where is she by the way?” Jordan stopped.

“I don’t know. Here somewhere?” he questioned confused. Sidney looked up slowly at this as well.

“She called and said she was going to your place. “Jordan froze.

“Ah fuck!” He yelled. With that Jordan was gone, slamming the door behind him and all.

“Thanks.” Sidney mused softly. Allison shrugged.

“So what were you two fighting over.” His gaze lifted to hers slowly again. She stopped a piece of fruit half in her mouth at the dark lust filled look in his eyes.

Sidney stood up slowly leaning over the table. He stopped as the door burst open again. Hanging his head he let out a deep breath and fell into his chair with an irritated look. Allison suddenly realized what Jordan had been teasing Sidney about.

“Got it.” She squeaked out as Loraine walked in Jordan in two behind her like a scolded puppy. “Ah so the happy couple returns far less happy.” Loraine only glanced back at Jordan for a second before smiling and kissing him. Jordan perked right up.

Allison and Sidney glanced at each other for answers but found none, only panic in the others face. Neither one of them had any idea what was going on.

“We’re going to the zoo!” Loraine declared. “Let’s go!” she demanded.

“The zoo?” Sidney and Allison both asked confused.

“Did I stutter?” Loraine giggled. “Let’s go.” She smacked Jordan in the ass as he walked out of the room.

“I don’t wanna go to the zoo.” Allison pouted. Sidney only laid himself partially across the table with a groan at that thought. “I hate the zoo.” She added weakly. She had bad memories at the Pittsburgh Zoo as a child from one class field trip when she was ten. She’d been so excited to go and ended up miserable the whole time as her class mates made fun of the fact she looked like the bigger, rounder, animals.

“I don’t wanna go.” Sidney groaned against the table. He lifted his head and saw Allison’s sad features. “What’s wrong?” He asked carefully. Her sad green eyes meet his.

“I hate the zoo.” She stated. Sidney frowned as he sat all the way up again. “I don’t wanna go.” She added. He sighed scratching the side of his head.

“Well, um…how do we get out of it?”

“Let’s go!” Loraine yelled making them both jump. “Chop! Chop! I got monkey’s to see!!”

“Turn around and look at your boyfriend! You’re dating one!” Sidney called back in a playful tone. Allison giggled at him as she watched him. “Ideas, gotta hurry.” He laughed.

“None.” She pouted. He groaned and covered his face. “Doesn’t look like you have any either.” She added. He shook his head at her.

“Not one.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Re-post since the sight went down.
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