The Girl Named Bambi

I never did catch your name...

The fog had disappeared, and the sunset was beautifully painted across the clear sky. The puppy tugged me along on his rope leash, and my beat up Nikes were scraping the pavement as I was practically being dragged along. This is not much of and exaggeration. For a sixteen year old girl who weighed 100 pounds and stood 5'1", it was not hard to be dragged along by anything. I grinned as the little Weimaraner turned and pierced his blue eyes into my brown ones. I trudged along aimlessly. Occasionally I would pass friendly people who said hello, but I hadn't really come in contact with anyone. Now the houses began to be more and more spread from one another. I couldn't recall how long I'd been walking... A few hours? A day? And I didn't really care, either. I knew I was close to my treasure, and that was enough. I had to savor this anticipation, because I had no idea what would lay ahead: disaster or delight. Would they like me? Who knew?  I came across a medium sized house with tarps on the roof. A very muscular, tall, shirtless guy reached open the door with a trash bag about the size of me slung over his shoulder. He mumbled a nonchalant "hello" faintly and I repeated it. All was normal, and I was fit to carry on, until the little dog starts sniffing. Sniffing furiously. The tiny thing races across to him, yanking the rope from my hand and jumping on the guy. I rushed over and attempted to grab the puppy off him, but they both smiled at each other and he rubbed the dog's ears. 

"I'm so sorry! He's never done that! You must be some kind of dog whisperer," I teased. 

"Somewhat. And it's all right, this little guy is cute. So, who are you?" his kind, deep brown eyes surged up into mine. I almost gasped. 

"What?" I asked breathlessly. 

"What's your name?" he said slowly, looking almost annoyed. 

"You'll laugh," I muttered and wrapped my sweatshirt more tightly around me. "Anyway, what are you doing without a shirt in this weather? It's freezing cold out!"

"I'll be alright. What are you doing out here? You're pretty vulnerable by yourself."

"Well what do you mean? I'm just fine, thank you."

"All alone out here, and it doesn't help that you're extremely... Petite. I don't think this puppy is going to protect you." he warned and was still petting the little guy. 

"His name is Kahn, it says so on his tag. And you don't have to be big and strong to survive," I lifted my head up and showed him the scar from the bottom of my chin to the end of my throat, "My foster mother sure wasn't. Doesn't take much strength to use scissors. Just precision and insanity." His eyes widened. 

"She did that to you?" he stepped closer. I nodded. 

"But let's not talk about that... I'm looking for something."

"Where are you going to go to find it?" he furrowed his brow and listened. 

"I don't know. I'm lost. Like Kahn. I picked him up on the side of the road. Looks like he's got some 'battle wounds' like me, from his old owner." He examined the dog's various scabs and bruises. 

"Well then what are you looking for? You can come stay at our house if your fosters are looking for you."

"Forget I ever told you about them. And I have unfinished business with a woman named Tiffany."

"Tiffany who?" his eyes locked and he was suddenly very interested. 

"Call. And more like unstarted business," I shook my hair out from the ponytail since my neck was cold, "Why?" I asked and picked up the dog. 

"Tiffany Call. I know her. You need me to take you to their place? It's only about a block down, and I know them very well," he rambled and blabbed on. I interrupted. 

"Them? Does she have a husband?" I asked hopefully and eagerly. 

"No. Embry is her son. They don't know who his father is. So what do you-"

"Son? How old is he?" I cut him off again. 

"Sixteen... Same age as me." he shared, although at the time I didnt really care. 

"When's his birthday?" I rushed out and he began getting suspicious. 

"August-" he began. 

"twenty-third, 1990," I finished with him. 

"How did you know?" he eyed me even more suspiciously, if possible. 

"He's my twin brother." And everything went spiraling down from there. 
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This is my first chapter in this story, so send me a message with feedback. I take character requests and plot ideas, and message me if you want me to check out your stuff too!