The Girl Named Bambi

Chapter 11

"You don't even get it. Just stop acting so juvenile," he spat at me. I showed no emotion. 

"Says the boy who told me fairytales about werewolves and vampires." The burning in his eyes told me I got him good. 

"You just don't understand. Maybe if you would let me explain," he said more patiently. 

"How could you possibly explain telling me lies about werewolves, leaving me, and then showing up here with her. I don't care if you two date or whatever, just tell me. You could have told me you didn't want to be with me anymore. You didn't have to just leave," I shook my head as I spoke. 

"Wow, you really have your story screwed up, don't you. Who told you all that, your joke of a brother, Embry?" he sneered and Bella smacked his arm. 

"Jacob, stop it!" She cried and I walked off. I sat in-between Embry and Seth. The storytelling began. I listened with wide eyes and lots of interest. Seth not-so-subtly put his arm across my shoulders, and I decided to surprise him by leaning into him and scooting closer. It wasn't at all to make Jacob jealous, it was because Seth made me feel like it was all okay. For once. 

Quil got up and returned with a bag of marshmallows and some straightened out metal hangers. We roasted them and I listened to the stories Billy was telling. I could see the pictures in my head, and I closed my eyes to visualize them better, opening them only to have Seth hand me another gooey marshmallow. After the bonfire, Seth offered to walk me home. I accepted, of course and said goodbye to Jared, Paul, Quil, Billy, and Kim, who decided I was sleeping over at her house. I told her Seth would walk me home to get my stuff, and Kim said Jared and Quil were coming over too, so Seth was welcome to hang out with us. He smiled but declined and said Leah and he had some family business to take care of. 

It was a quiet walk back to my house, not awkwardly silent, just quiet. When we got to my door, Seth gave me a hug. I hugged back. 

"Thank you for walking me home," I said. 

"Thanks for letting me," he responded. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went inside to gather my things. My mom was still at the beach and I told her earlier where I was going. Man, Seth was such a sweet kid. I packed some pajamas and my usual sleep away stuff. Embry drove me to Kim's. 

"By Em. I love you. You're the best brother ever," I said and blew him a kiss. 

"Thanks for that. I heard what Jake said earlier," he replied and pretended to catch my kiss and put it in his pocket. I headed to Kim's door and she answered, inviting me upstairs. Her parents weren't home, but they would be much later. I greeted the guys. Jared, Quil, and Paul showed up. 

"Paul? I didn't think you were coming," I said, surprised. He smiled. 

"I knew you were coming," he replied and grinned smugly. I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor of her media room in between her and Quil. We were all seated in a circle, Paul had a bean bag chair. It was decided that we play truth or dare. Kim went first. 

"Paul, truth or dare?"

"Dare." He flashed his white teeth in a grin. 

"I dare you to call Stephanie and tell her that you're also seeing Courtney," she said. I gasped. 

"That's kinda cruel. It was wrong of him to cheat, but to make him tell her?" I said and they all busted out laughing. 

"Paul has so many girlfriends he can't keep track of them," Jared said. I giggled and watched as Paul pulled out his cell phone. 

"Hey, Stephanie. I just wanted to tell you that uh... I'm also seeing Courtney," he muttered and listened for a moment then hung up. "She doesn't care." We all cracked up. "Bambi, truth or dare?" he asked. 

"Truth," I said and Kim rolled her eyes. 

"Tell us your feelings toward Jacob Black."

"I hate him. He told Bella I was nothing to him, a mere child. I want to punch him and slap him until my hands fall off. I didn't think we were in love, but I just thought I meant more to him than that. Not to mention he left me for Bella," I fumed, and the others stayed silent. "Quil, truth or dare?" I changed the subject. 

We played for a while and then the boys went home. I gave them all a kiss on the cheek goodbye and crashed on the couch. When I woke up, I was at home in my room. Seth was in the room, and Embry was outside the door, I could smell him. I could smell him? Seth touched my face, but his hand was not as warm as it usually was. It felt normal temperature. I jolted and opened my eyes from the confusing dream. I was in my room with Seth, and Embry was outside the door. But I couldn't... Smell him. Seth smiled nervously at me. 

"Um hi, Bambi. Good morning," he said. 

"Hey Seth," I smiled at him. He looked nervous and apologized before pulling me into his chest and pressing his lips to mine, not letting go when I attempted to pull away. And I tried. Hard. Eventually I gave up and just let him kiss me. Boy did he kiss me. His hands were near my butt and his arms squeezed me uncomfortably tight. Hid lips were pressed so hard it hurt. After I stopped resisting, he loosened up his grip and kissed me gently, and moved his hands to the sides of my butt, nothing too major, but as soon as the door swung open, he deepened the kiss and moved his hands all around. It was Jacob, and pulled my face from Seth with all the strength in my body. 

"Jacob," I said. He balled his hands into fists. "He kissed me. I don't even know what's going on," I pleaded. 

"Why are you defending yourself Bambi? He left you. He wants Bella more," Seth said quietly and pushed his lips onto my face again. I threw Jacob a helpless glance. He mouthed some words to me. I tried several times to understand him before picking up, "Meet me beach midnight". I tried to send him a nod with my eyes. Seth was really working himself out. 

"You know what, you dirty little tease? He's right. I want Bella more. Now. I didn't before, but by the looks of you and Seth chewing face, you don't want me either," he shouted and winked. I pulled away from Seth with all my might again. 

"Good luck, because I hear she wants Ice Man more than she'll ever want you," I said before winking myself. He stormed out and slammed the door shut. Only then did Seth let go of me. 

"I'm so sorry Bambi. Your brother made me. I'm really sorry. But you should know that Jacob has a history with girls. He gets what he wants from them and they never see him again. Embry didn't tell me to say that. I'm just letting you know," he said and left the room. I checked the clock. 11:00 in the morning. Thirteen hours to Jacob. I told Embry I was sleeping over at Kim's, and I asked Kim to lie for me. She accepted and agreed not to tell anyone. Night rolled around and I headed out, but not before chugging a can of beer from the fridge. I don't know. I panicked. I walked to the beach and saw him there. I ran up to him. 

"What do you want?" I said hazily and that's all I remember. 
*Jacob's POV*

"What do you want?" she asked, acting a bit weird. I told her I was sorry for what I said to Bella, and that I regretted it. Also that I was sorry I left her. Embry made me go. She shook her head. 

"That's okay. I forgive you!" she said a little to quickly and a little too happily. I put my hands on her shoulders. 

"What's going on, Bambi?" I said. She shrugged her shoulders. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" she said quietly and stumbled closer to me. I nodded. 

"I had a beer or three before I came here. You know. To ease the old nerves," she said and chuckled while putting her hand sloppily on my face and squeezing my cheek. I shook my head. Oh no. She was drunk. Totally drunk. 

I walked her back to my house and explained to my dad that she needed a place to stay, and that he couldn't tell anyone she was here. He grinned. My dad already knew she was my imprint. He was hoping she and I would.. You know. I rolled my eyes and dragged her upstairs, completely forgetting Rebecca was staying in the next room, visiting home. I pulled her into my bedroom. She started laughing. 

"Wow it's messy in here," she giggled and plopped onto the bed. She was wearing painfully (for me) short black shorts and a wet, baggy grey T-shirt. She pointed to the shirt and drunkly asked me if she could have one of my shirts. I said okay and retrieved one from my dresser. When I turned around, her grey shirt was on the ground, and there she stood in her shorts and a hot pink bra. I tried to restrain myself from taking advantage over the fact she was drunk and pouncing on her. Instead, I lifted the shirt over her head and reached inside and pulled her arms through the holes, trying not to touch her bare skin. But when she took a step closer, my hands came in contact with her prominent ribs. I struggled to pull them away and finish putting the shirt on her. She smiled and ran back to the bed, inviting me to join her. I accepted and crawled in bed with her. 

"Hi, Jakey boy. Will you please kiss me?" she said hopefully. Her eyes glowed with a buzz. Her long, dark hair rested on her shoulders and fell perfectly. Her big lips sat there, inviting mine to come meet them. How could I say no? She was laying in such a provocative way, and she had her finger hooked into my belt loop, threatening to tug me closer to her from there. "Come on. You know you want a taste," she said and grinned. I dove in and attacked her mouth with mine, she played with the hair on the back of my neck, which gave me almost unbearable chills. I squeezed her waist and moved my hands south. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled away from the kiss. 

"Come on, Jake. You know you want to," she whispered. I shivered as she looked me up and down before resting her eyes on my hand. She grabbed it and gave it a small kiss. Right. She was drunk. She then put my hand on the small of her back and leaned into my face real close. 

"Come on, at least just take your shirt off... For me?" she said lethargically and lazily. I lifted the shirt off myself and her face broke out into a giggly smile as she traced her hand up and down where my abs were. It felt like heaven. She slipped off her tiny little shorts and let the huge T-shirt cover her, but I got a glimpse of the lacy underwear she wasn't trying too hard to hide. 

"Stop looking!" she complained and shoved me. I shoved her back. 

"I'm not," I said with a grin, making it obvious I was lying. This made her laugh for some reason. She kissed my cheek, then my nose, then my lips. She lingered there for a little before grinning devilishly at me. She laid down on the bed and pulled me on top of her. I didn't want to crush her, though. She touched my abs again and brought her hand up to my neck, where it slid around there. She gave my neck a little kiss and trailed her finger from my throat to my pants and pulled then up. I let all of my weight collapse on her for a laugh, and she struggled to get me off. Pretty soon she gave up and fell dead asleep there. I flipped over and pulled her on top of me, waking her up a little. She grinned and kissed me quickly before mumbling "I love you," and passing back out. 

In the morning she was pissed. So pissed off. And she was damn cute when she was mad. I explained what happened slowly and how I didn't take advantage of her, and how I apologized for everything. Slowly, she began to be okay with it all she jumped into my arms and began to cry. 

"I just feel so alone, Jakey. Like my brother only wants to make sure you can't have me. I'll do what I want to do," she said and started kissing me. I struggled to break away. 

"Don't do it because he said you can't. It won't feel right," I admitted and she nodded but pushed me onto the bed and sat in my lap. 

I caught sight of the thin black string on her side connected to the lace barely covering her butt. 

"You should put your pants back on," I suggested and she turned red. 

"I'm sorry I took them off and I'm sorry I wore these panties," she said, her face beet red as she picked up her pants off the floor. I smiled. She was so cute when she blushed. I wanted to see it again. 

"Don't apologize. Your hot pink bra was much worse," I said and there it was. That adorable flush filled her face. I kissed one of her hot cheeks and pulled her onto the bed. 

"What are you embarrassed for? It's totally fine. I don't have a problem with it," I said and her cheeks went pink as she smiled and threw her arms around me. I reached down and kissed her roughly. Her little hands got a firm grip around my neck, and mine found her waist and we kissed for a little while. She looked up at me. 

"Can I kiss you this time?" she asked timidly and blushed even more. 

"You don't have to ask," I told her with a grin. She took a deep breath, and leaned in. When my eyes locked with hers she reddened but kept going for it. Finally she touched her lips lightly to mine, and kissed softly and slowly, being very careful. It felt great, and I tried to go further, but she wouldn't let me. She only gave a slow, soft, and perfect kiss. It seemed like she pulled away far too soon. 

"We should go eat breakfast," I said and led her downstairs. There sat my father, Sue, and Rebecca, my older sister who was visiting home. Oh no. Rebecca smirked, finished her cereal, and bounded upstairs. 

"Who's your friend, Jacob?" my dad said with a smirk matching Rebecca's. 

"Dad, Sue, this is Bambi. Bambi, this is my dad and his friend Sue Clearwater, Leah and Seth's mom," I said. I watched her as she greeted them. Her wavy hair fell down to where her bellybutton was. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke, and her pretty face was lit up. Her white teeth flashed. Her skinny legs were planted firmly on the floor, her cute butt was in those little black shorts, and she was wearing my shirt, which I liked on her. A lot. Her thin arms were bent and her soft hands were on her hips. She chattered on with Sue as my dad began to cook. I wasn't listening, just staring at Bambi. She looked over to me and grabbed my hand. 

"Right, Jakey?" she said and smiled that beautiful smile. 

"Huh," I muttered stupidly. Sue smiled at Billy. 

"I'm doing much better since the accident right, Jake?" she repeated and I nodded. Bambi sat down at the table and I brought her a big plate with bacon, eggs, pancakes, and sausage. She cleared it. My mouth hung open. 

"Did you work up an appetite, Bambi?" my dad said and winked at us. 

"Dad..." I said and glared at him. Bambi turned pink. My dad and Sue just laughed. I looked over at Bambi. Her big brown eyes. She was so beautiful, so innocent, so pure. I could never imagine her doing something like that. 

"Jacob, no need to be ashamed. I'm proud of you," Billy assured me and smirked. I shook my head. 

"That didn't happen," I told him. Bambi blushed even more. He and Sue laughed some more. I pulled Bambi up the stairs and she said she should go home now. I agreed and went into hyper drive to make sure there was no evidence she stayed here. I took her shirt off and put the one she came in on her. The hot pink bra also had rhinestones on it. I straightened up the bed and slipped her cell phone into her back pocket. I threw her shoes to her and kissed her slowly, pulling her waist closer. She wrapped her arms around me and really pressed her body to mine. I pulled away. 

"Bye Jacob," she whispered before running down the stairs and out the door. 
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Okay. So. Feedback makes me update faster(: thanks for all my readers, comments and messages are treasured and appreciated!