The Girl Named Bambi

Chapter 2

"Your twin brother," he repeated. I looked him in the eyes apologetically, although I wasn't sure what I had to be sorry about. 

"Apparently. I was born that same day. My father, whoever he was, never wanted a girl for some reason and gave me up for adoption. I was bounced around from foster home to foster home, until I was eight. Then I had to stay with... Them. My foster agent didn't check in with me after a year, since everything was going fine. Trouble finds me. After she stopped checking in, things went wrong. I'd get home five minutes late from school and find myself being beaten up by a grown man for no apparent reason. My mother probably didn't even want me. Maybe that's why she never came for me. Obviously she knew I existed," I stroked Kahn, who was now falling asleep on my lap slowly. 

"Sure she does, or at least she will now. Look at you, you're all grown up. And beautiful..." he trailed off and shook himself back into the real world. 

"Who are you, anyway?" I stuttered, biting my lip to stop the tears from streaming down my face. I was really good at this. The worst thing you can show to someone beating you down is tears. They feed on it. 

"I'm Jacob. Jacob Black," he introduced himself and stuck out his hand for me to shake. I did. 

"Bambi. Bambi Call," I shamelessly said. He let out a small giggle, "See. I told you that you'd laugh." He smiled. 

"You just don't look like a deer, that's all. You seem a lot sharper than that. But you've got eyes like one. I'm starting to see it. Yeah," he grinned. I rolled my eyes. 

"I met you ten minutes ago and you're already impossible." I shocked myself, really. I hadn't underwent much social interaction in the past seven years, and here I was, cracking jokes while keeping a sharp eye out for his big, strong fist. That was all I knew. Waiting for his hand to reach out and slap me. But I was proud of myself. For once it wasn't the only thing on my mind. 

"You know, I could really use a ride to the Call's house. Do you drive?" I looked up at my watch. 

"Of course, I'll be right back," he said and disappeared momentarily. I sat there in his  driveway. The garage door began to open, and there sat a Volkswagen Rabbit. I chuckled. 

"Nice ride," I remarked as he came around the corner, "Hey! A shirt this time!" I grinned and hopped in the car with Kahn on my lap. 

"You might want to leave him at our house. Tiffany's really allergic to dogs," he informed me. 

I was very sad to leave Kahn at Jacob's house. He was my friend, after all. But we set up a nice cardboard box bed, and I kissed him on the nose. He fell right asleep. After a while of watching him sleep, I was ready to leave. I gave in and once again got into Jacob's car. And then we embarked on the journey. His car seemed to be going one twelfth of the speed limit. I tapped my finger on the armrest anxiously. It did nothing to speed up time. 

"Are you eager?" he asked sarcastically, as if he didn't already know. I sighed and looked him in the eyes again. The car swerved a little as he pretty much stopped breathing, let alone thinking. The same thing happened to me, and it was getting annoying. 

"Why does that keep happening?" I asked and faced forward again. He shrugged his shoulders, still a little fazed. I turned on the radio and began to sing along. 

"Wow, you can sing!" Jacob interjected. I blushed. 

"I was just messing around, but thanks."


It was a long car ride with those eyes in the car. They wouldn't look at me, but we were holding a wandering, nonchalant conversation. I saw a shiny, grey Volvo pulled over on the side of the rode. A very thin girl of average height with hair as rich brown as coffee stood in front of a taller guy, with ivory for skin and a shiny new penny for hair. I was intrigued by his existence. Jacob slammed on the brakes. I jerked forward. 

"Uh. You know them?" I asked frantically. 

"Unfortunately," he said and his temper seemed to rise with him as he rose out of the car. Now Jacob entered the picture of the pale guy and the brown eyed girl. He looked very dark compared to both of them. 

There was muffled conversation that I did not understand, and I sat awkwardly in the Rabbit, and Copper Head kept eyeing me. Jacob seemed friendly to the girl, whoever she was, but spoke to the guy with hatred. The guy spoke, now while looking at me, and Jacob was now staring at me too, with the girl. I waved briefly and awkwardly. No waves back. The girl's mouth curved into a small, hidden smile. Jacob stepped in and opened up my door. 

"Care to introduce yourself?" he asked slightly sarcastically, obviously something Mr. Ice cube over there said made him mad. 

"Hello, nice to meet you," the smooth, pale guy offered, "I'm Edward by the way." His golden eyes locked with mine. I held the stare for a little, telling him that I knew something was up about him. 

"And I'm Bella, Jacob's friend and Edward's girlfriend," the girl, apparently Bella, added on. Oh, so it was the girl. They were fighting over her. Edward's eyebrows raised. Jacob nudged me. 

"I'm Bambi. Embry's twin sister." I looked up at all of them, because I was so short compared to... Well everyone. This wasn't an unusual feeling, being the shortest girl in the room. Jacob put his hand on the small of my back roughly and I found myself being pushed toward the car. 

"Well we have to go. Bye Bella," he said and hastily tugged me into the Rabbit again. He started the car and we zoomed off. I didn't want to talk about them anymore. I put my headphones in my phone on one end and in my ears on the others. 

"What are you listening to?" Jacob asked and looked over at me momentarily. I kept my head down for fear that he would lose control of the car again. 

"Binaural beats," I answered, "it's two frequencies that go one into each ear and your brain makes up a third frequency to block the others out. It helps you either relax, concentrate, meditate, or fall into a deep sleep." He looked at me with wide eyes.

"That's cool," he said, not listening to me.  My nerves had calmed down, and now that my interests were behind us with Edward and Bella, the car seemed to speed farther away from them. The suburban houses began to get further and further away again and we slowed down. Finally, Jacob stopped the car at a cozy looking, burgundy brick house. This was it. He got out of the car. I stayed put, shocked and nervous. 

"You coming?" He opened my door and held his large, tan hand out to me. I slid my dainty little one into it. We matched in color. He lifted me out of the car from my one hand. I swear I didn't move a muscle. He didn't seem to be straining, and he didn't squeeze my hand either. 

"How did you do that?" I didn't try to hide the fact that I was astonished. 

"Do what?" he looked up blankly. 

"Just lift me," I exclaimed, "Right out of the car." 

"What do you weigh?" he questioned. 

"That's a bit of a personal question to ask a girl." I scowled. I had nothing to be ashamed of, but he should've been more sensitive. 

"What do you weigh?" he insisted. 

"Fine. One hundred pounds." I declared and held my scowl. 

"One hundred pounds? I weighed that much once. In fifth grade!" he laughed and I shrugged off the lift. He probably lived at the gym, I could tell, looking at his arms. 

He grabbed my wrist. Not a romantic hand hold, but not a death grip. He pulled on me strongly but his fingers were placed gently lining my practically sticking-out wrist bones. We got to the door step. He looked at me once again, still gripping my arm. 

"Are you ready?" he looked at me happily. I squirmed and shook my head no. 

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine," he reassured me, and when his other hand came up to softly stroke my hair, I cringed back, ready for it to slam back into my face. 
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if you like my story, let me know. I will read your stuff and give you feedback in return. I loooove to hear what you guys think and if you have an idea of a character, let me know. If you have any ideas of plot and wanna work up to being another author to this story, let me know. We can collaborate. Thanks for reading. Love ya