The Girl Named Bambi

Chapter 6

Ch 6

Kim called me at nine o'clock. 

"You like Quil? Jared says you kissed him!" she squealed into the phone. 

"How did Jared hear that?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Quil told him. But only him. No one else. And then Jared told me. And I won't tell anyone, I promise. So you did?" she waited anxiously for a reply. 

"Yes. He kissed me. And it was fantastic. And I went to Jacob's house and Quil was there and they both winked at me in the same, secretive way at the same time. I think Jacob thinks I like him. I'm in trouble," I rambled and waited for Kim's response. Silence. "Kim?" I urged. 

"I'm thinking. Hold on," she said and sounded content. Within a minute she replied, "Make it public with Quil. Jacob isn't sure you know he likes you. So if you do it now, he'll assume you didn't know. And he'll know for sure you don't like him. You don't like him, right?" 

"Of course not. I like Quil. My Q-tip," I said and giggled. She sighed. 

"Oh boy. You two are perfect for each other. Don't call him. Wait for him to call you. I have to go, my mom. See you tomorrow," she rushed out and hung up. Just then, my phone rang. It was Quil, ironically. I answered on the third ring. 

"Hello?" I said nonchalantly. 

"Hi, Bambi. It's Quil," he greeted me. I smiled all over. 

"Hey. What's up?" I asked and cursed at myself for being so generic. 

"You want to go cliff diving with me, Jacob, Embry, Jared, Paul, and Kim?" he offered. I pretended to have to think about it. 

"Uhh... Sure. I don't think I have any plans tomorrow. And since Embry is going, I might as well go too. See you there. I have to go, I'm really tired. Goodnight," I replied. 

"Okay, night sweetheart," he teased. I hung up the phone before I let out a giggle. Sweetheart. How silly. I shut off the light, rolled onto my stomach, and fell asleep. 

I was woken up by a pillow fight. My whitest, fluffiest pillow was smacking me in the head repeatedly. 

"Embry! Stop!" I laughed and fought back with my other pillow. 

"It's Jacob," his voice practically echoed through my head. 

"Oh. Well that won't stop me," I said and smacked him right back. We went on like this, him missing every shot and me, smacking him right in the face every time.I pushed him down with one hand and sat on top of him. 

"I win," I breathlessly declared. His eyes were wide. 

"Damn. That sure was something," he winked and grabbed my arms, pulling me back up onto my bed. He smiled and looked like he was leaning in to kiss me. 

"Wait!" I exclaimed and continued, "Quil and I sort of have a... Thing going on. It's not that I don't like you, you're super sweet and all, but Quil just stole my heart. I don't really know what else to say except sorry," I explained. His face fell immediately. 

"Oh. Well I should go, then. Wouldn't want to interfere. And Bambi, I'm sorry. I should've known. You have a good time with him. He's a nice guy," Jacob sighed and headed for the door. 

"Jacob," he turned to me as I called his name, "Remember, we're still puppy parents. I hope things don't change between us." He smiled a small smile. 

"If things don't work out with Quil, give me a call. I'll be there for you. Don't feel like you screwed up your chances forever." And then he was gone. Jacob might be a possible choice. If things don't work out with Quil, of course. Speaking of Quil, he stopped by our house. 

"I came to see your sister." I overheard him talking to Embry. 

"Okay. How come?" Embry asked, suspiciously but coolly. 

"I like her. We've been seeing each other," he answered confidently. Embry sighed. 

"Only because it's you. If it were Black I'd say no. You be careful with her. It's hard to earn her trust. Respect her and take care of her. And don't let the secret hurt her," my brother agreed. What secret? Why would Embry say no to Jacob? I asked these questions to Quil when he came up. 

"I can't tell you what the secret is. But I'll tell you that it's best for your safety and well-being that you don't know. Trust me on that one. And Jake is a little... savage with girls. I'm trying to put that into accurate terms," Quil spilled. I nodded, wanting to forget about that. I trusted him about the secret. It wouldn't be a secret if there wasn't some danger on my part associated with it. I was okay not knowing, if that meant I was safe. I was finally safe here. Quil flopped onto my bed, pulling me with him. I lay next to him and he kissed my forehead. 

"You're sweet," I admitted and kissed his chin. He laughed vulnerably. "I told Jacob we have a thing going on," I blurted. Quil sighed and nodded again. "He was about to kiss me!"

"What exactly is this thing we have going on?" he wondered out loud. I shrugged. "How about you be the girlfriend and I'll be the boyfriend?" he confirmed. I laughed. 

"But I really wanted to be the boyfriend!" I complained teasingly. Quil chuckled and shook his head. He kissed me once again, one of the kisses that left me curious and wanting more. As soon as he broke away, I went for it again. I pushed my lips up to his, and he accepted, working his magic once more, fingers in my hair. Then I smiled out of it. 

"Get your swimsuit on," he requested. I gave him a confused look to which he answered, "Cliff diving. Remember?" while running his hands down my back, which gave me chills. 

"Which one should I wear?" I asked, shaking off the fact that my heart was melting. "I have a bunch." I pulled out all of my swimsuits from Victoria's Secret, Abercrombie, Forever 21, and Target. 

"I like this one," he pointed to a mint green colored one from Victoria's Secret. "This color looks good on you." I went into my closet and changed. While I was in there I grabbed an off the shoulder top from Pink and a pair of khaki shorts from Abercrombie. I put on my black flip flops with neon yellow straps from Forever 21 also. As soon as I stepped out, Quil's grin flashed at me. 

"You look so pretty," he said and traced my jaw. I smiled faintly. He sweetness was making me dizzy. 

"Quil, do you know how much I want you to kiss me right now?" I murmured, and he took that as permission to draw me in. His hands swooped down into the back pockets of my shorts, and his face crept down, so close to mine I could hardly see into his eyes anymore. The door burst open. I jumped a mile away from Quil. 

"You guys... Ready?" he awkwardly put. I nodded and scrambled down the stairs behind them. Embry started his car, and we all got in. I hopped in the backseat by myself. 

"Let me sit in the backseat," Quil insisted, but I shook my head and threatened to close the door of his arm. He laughed and sat in the front seat like I wanted. We drove for about five silent minutes until we reached a small beach with a huge cliff. The rest of the guys were already there. As soon as I got out of the car, the boys started punching Quil's shoulders. 

"You made your lady sit in the backseat? You should be ashamed," Paul teased. 

"Maybe it was because they were already in the backseat before... And Quil didn't want her to have to move to the front," Jared joked. Kim smacked his arm. 

"What the gentleman," Jacob added sarcastically. Quil just shook his head. 

"You all are just jealous because my... Girlfriend... Is the prettiest girl on the planet. You're pretty, too, Kim, don't get me wrong. They even wish they could look like her," he put extra emphasis on 'girlfriend' and I tried so hard not to blush. But I failed. 

"So what are we supposed to do?" Kim changed the subject, "This is my first time." I nodded. 

"Me too," I added. 

"I'll demonstrate," Paul offered, stood at the edge of the big cliff, and launched himself off, making a beautiful diving formation. I applauded. Everyone else went, even Quil. When he came back up, the warm water splashed onto me from his soaking wet body as he hugged me. 

"Your turn," He urged. I removed my top and shorts. All of the guys went silent.  Quil traced the big purple discoloration on my stomach. There were more on my back, legs, arms, and pretty much everywhere else not visible when I was wearing my gym uniform from my old school. 

"Is that from..." Seth trailed off, wide eyed. 

"Don't stare at me," I said and attempted to blink back tears. Some escaped and ran down my cheeks. Quil brushed them off. I shook it off and said, "Lets do this." I walked up to the edge and hesitated. I paced a little. Jared and Paul winked at each other, approached me suddenly and launched me off themselves. There was cheering and whooping, and I felt the wind rushing through my hair and making my bathing suit ties float. I was enjoying myself majorly. 

The cheering stopped abruptly. Kim produced a loud gasp. I laughed nervously, still falling at an extreme speed. I looked down, only to see three sharp rocks below. This was it. I was racing through the air towards them. My body went limp and my face went pale as I smashed against them. My back was stabbed by two, and one struck my head unconscious. The last thing I remember is not being able to breathe. 
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I didn't know what to do with this chapter.. The fall came out of no where... Yay or nay everyone?