The Girl Named Bambi

Chapter 8

Ch 8 

*Bambi's POV*

 In a hospital. That's where I was when I woke up. Somewhere I'd never been. 

"Jacob, a word, in private?" I suggested nervously. The man in the white coat politely stepped out of the room. 

"Bambi, what's wrong?" Jacob asked, and I became aware of the terrified look on my face. 

"You never said there would be a doctor here. I'm not supposed to be here. They will get mad at me. I'm not supposed to tell anyone about my injuries," I explained. He looked puzzled. 

"Who?" He held my hand. I wasn't so sure how I felt about that. 

"My foster parents. I'm not supposed to be here. I'll get in trouble." I really started to worry. What would happen when I got home?

"You don't live with them anymore. You live with your mother," he told me and smiled reassuringly, then let the doctor back in.

"Well, Bambi, good to see you back. We're going to need to flip you over on your stomach now that your heart is pumping blood faster. We don't want pressure on your wounds," he kindly said. I fingered the holes in my back, and my hand came back slick with blood. I felt my skin go white. The doctor and Jacob both lifted me and flipped me over onto my stomach with ease. There was something about this doctor. His smile a bit too white. His hair a bit to blonde. His face was a bit too young. And his hands much too cold. Dr. Cullen was what his name tag said. That was a peculiar last name. I wonder what his children looked like. Probably beautiful little girls with ribbons in their hair and adorable little boys with polo shirts and khakis. Definitely not hit or beaten by this Dr. Cullen and his wife. They just seemed so perfect. And I envied it. I craved perfection a little too much.

 I was knocked out asleep a few minutes after I was turned on my stomach. My sleep was full of nightmares and bad images. I screamed myself awake. There were my brother, mom, Kim, Jared, Paul, and Jacob. They all stared at me worriedly. I smiled. 

"Don't worry. I'm fine," I assured them and we all had our conversations. The boys could not stop apologizing. I couldn't stop accepting their apologies. Embry produced a red box with a yellow "M" handle. 

"What's that?" I asked and grabbed the thin box from him. His eyes widened. 

"That's a McDonald's happy meal. You've never had one?" Jared inserted. I shook my head. 

"I've never heard of it." And with that, I opened the box and pulled out a small hamburger with just cheese, some french fries, a small package of cookies, and a chocolate milk. "I love you," I mumbled to Embry and my mother as I stuffed my face with the meal. 

"Whoa there... Don't choke," Paul laughed. 

"I haven't eaten in weeks," I replied and pulled up my shirt to show him my ribs that stuck out. Everyone winced, and I remembered my bruises. They had turned a dark purple with yellow. Tiffany looked down with disgust. She had to leave the room. 

"I'm sleepy again. Something these doctors are giving me is making me feel really drowsy. Goodnight you guys." Jacob, Embry, Jared, and Paul all kissed me on the forehead before leaving. I fell right asleep with all the medicine dragging me down. 

When I woke, I witnessed a familiar warm feeling and a smell of the woods. I looked down and saw dark, russet skin below me.  Probably my arms. Maybe I was running a fever. No, I looked closer and it wasn't my arms, it was a chest. And some abs. And a neck. And a face. I jumped when I saw his face. I didn't know what I was expecting, but the sight of his brown eyes startled me. 

"Hello, Bambi," Jacob drew out and slurred a little. His sleepy voice. It was sort of husky, but mine was worse. 

"Jacob?" I said in my raspy, squeaky voice, almost gone from not using them. He grabbed my arms suddenly. 

"Don't scream," he whispered in my ear and began to kiss me. First softly, but soon I was worried he didn't remember my wounds. I tried to resist, but soon I was lost and my brain shut down. Automatically, I began kissing him back. A lot. He kissed down my neck and traced the bandages on my back. 

"Be careful. I can't handle this anyway," I whispered and he pulled me closer on top of him. 

"I won't hurt you. I would never hurt you, you know that?" he looked at me with his brown eyes, and I nodded, not able to say anything. He kissed me again and again, each more dazing than the last. Finally, he pulled away and smiled at me. 

"Wait a second... Why did you just kiss me? And why did I kiss back?" I asked. I attempted to get up, but just arching my back was too much. I was just about to yelp with pain when Jacob clapped his hand over my mouth. I slapped it away. "Jacob, why...?" I trailed off and looked at him, very puzzled. "I don't understand."

"You don't have to understand. And you probably won't. I really... like you a lot." He hesitated at the word "like". 

"My brother said I'm not allowed to date you. Whenever Quil... Oh my gosh, Quil! I loved him. Get off right now Jacob!" I whisper shouted. He reluctantly crept out of the very small hospital bed and into a nearby chair. "And put on a shirt." Jacob snickered, although I didn't find anything funny. 

"Your brother said what about me 'dating' you?" he asked urgently. I thought back. 

"Well I was listening through my door, and I heard Quil tell Embry he liked me and that he was seeing me. Then Embry said, 'Only because it's you. If it were Black I'd say no,' and I didn't understand that completely. There are too many things that I don't understand here. Too many secrets," I said and looked into his eyes, exasperated. He looked away quickly. 

"You'll understand. Someday you'll know all the secrets. And you'll know all my secrets," he whispered and stroked my hair until I fell asleep. I wanted to object, but I just couldn't. The medicine took over. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is. Sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment telling me if you liked it or not. Thanks for reading guys(: