The Girl Named Bambi

Chapter 9

When I woke up, Jacob was sitting in the chair near me, and I was still laying on the hospital bed, on my stomach. I looked over at him and saw that he was still asleep with his mouth slightly open. I sighed quietly, not wanting to wake him up. He probably thought I had a soft spot for him, and now he was never going to leave me alone. I lay there by myself and waited for him to wake up so I could tell him I didn't need him to babysit me anymore. It was a long time before his eyelashes fluttered and his brown eyes opened slowly. I looked straight into them and said, "You're still here?" trying to subtly hint that I didn't want him in my room. He frowned. 

"Yes. Do you want me to leave?" he obediently replied, almost shamefully. I shook my head. 

"Why do you stay? Why do you care so much?" I pleaded, and looked into his eyes. 

"You wouldn't understand. But someday you will, I promise," he said and began rubbing my shoulders. Tingles went up my spine and I let a little moan slip from my mouth. That felt amazing. Especially since my shoulders had been very stiff ever since I woke up. Jacob sensed that he had found my weakness. Oh boy. 

"You like that?" he said mischievously. I let out another moan, more so from his annoying comment than the shoulders, which is a lot to say. He leaned down to my ear. "You don't trust me." 

"You won't tell me any of your secrets. Once you tell me them, I could be yours forever." I tried to tempt him to reveal them. It almost worked, but not quite. I patted the bed space next to me, and he crept in. Now it was my turn. "If you tell me, I'll kiss you," I teased and crawled on top of him. His stare faltered. 

"You won't believe me. I'll scare you away," he sighed and touched the bandages on my back lightly. I looked up into his eyes. 

"I'm not easily frightened." He then went into slowly telling me what I didn't know. He and Embry were born into a strange kind of people with odd powers. They were shape shifters, but this particular kind of shape shifter transformed from human to wolf. Jacob and Embry were both shifters, and so were Sam, Quil, Leah, Jared, Paul, and Seth. They were a pack of wolves. Sam was the chief. There was also this thing called imprinting, which only shifters were capable of. It's when they find their soulmate. It's a very powerful thing, "the only thing keeping you on the ground isn't gravity, it's her," Jacob had said. I was fascinated by the intensity of imprinting. I wondered if Embry had found an "imprint". 

This information was hard to take in, but even harder to believe. Was I supposed to trust Jacob about this? I needed Embry to tell me it was true. I told Jacob this. He said okay, and called my brother up. Embry showed up in no time. 

"It's all true, Bambi. We're shape shifters. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't figure out how." I was shocked. This was real. I requested some time to nap, and Embry left the hospital, but Jacob stayed with me in the hospital bed. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, as if securing me in place. 

"You still owe me that kiss," Jacob grinned and played with my hair a little more, looking at me expectantly. So I fulfilled my promise. I leaned down and placed my lips right on his and began to kiss him gently. I just kissed like I had never kissed before. Gave him a big old smooch like I loved him for all of my life. It was me who broke away. 

"By the way," he said, breathing heavily and smiling wickedly, "you're my imprint, Bambi Call." And then I kissed him again. And again. And we just kept on kissing. 
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I know this chapter is extremely short. But I thought it was a bit of a firework so... Tell me what you think(: Also, I created a polyvore set of bambi's closet at :