Sequel: You Left Me
Status: Check Out The Sequel!

Speak Now

The Pain

“Carson, what are you doing here?” my best friend asked.

“Don’t worry Kennedy. I’m not ruining the big day. I just came to see the love of my life break my heart.” I honestly spoke. It’s true though I’ve been stuck in my apartment for such a long fucking time. I avoided everyone for months since John got down on one knee and proposed to my ex-best friend. Isn’t that enough to mope around for six months? Isn’t that enough to pretend like I’ve never existed?

“Cars, you don’t have to do this to yourself.” He told me worriedly.

“It’s either I face it now or let it ruin me forever Ken. I’ll be hidden in the back anyway. Taylor didn’t exactly invite me. And I know John doesn’t give a shit. He hasn’t cared about me since”-

“Shut up, Carson. You know that’s not true.” He scolded.

“But it is true, Kennedy. He hasn’t cared about me since him and Taylor first met. Why do you think I came to you crying the night after graduation? He told me that he was going to nail her and look where we’re at now. We’re at their fucking wedding!” I raised my voice in the quiet hallway. Luckily we weren’t near anyone in ear shot to hear or see me, but Kennedy of course, knows when I’m around and knows exactly where I’d be.

My best friend gave me a sympathetic look but I shook my head, “Don’t tell anyone, especially John, that I’m here. I wouldn’t want to ruin the bride and groom’s big day.” And with that, I walked away.

I scavenged the halls of the church and made sure no one could see me. As I looked around I felt like I should vomit. The people on Taylor’s side looked so-well put together; wearing pastel dresses, hats, shoes, trousers, vests, button-ups… you name it. While on John’s side, the side I’ve known for years, wore; reds, blacks, blues, purples… anything that didn’t look like they belonged to the British tea club society.

The two families were complete opposites and I don’t understand why John would do this. I thought he knew I love him, were the signs not clear? The night he proposed was so messed up. I still don’t understand how that could lead up to this; me hiding in the back watching everyone get settled in to watch the two get married.

I stood close to the entrance and when I thought I should leave, John and the boys walked out to take their places. My breath was caught in my throat and my eyes were starting to sting as I saw how handsome John looked. I wanted to run in his arms and kiss him but I retained myself from doing so. He didn’t notice me, but of course Kennedy did. He whispered something in John’s ear and I could see him very annoyed and nervous as he told Kennedy harshly to hurry up. I quickly went out of the room and stood off to the side waiting for him.

When he found me he came and hugged me immediately. “I’m so sorry Carson. I wish there was something I could do to stop him. It’s not up to me though…” he trailed. I pulled away and shook my head, “No, he’ll hate me and she’ll murder me. I can’t do that.”

“Yes, you can. He loves you Carson. Not her. You are the only one that can convince him to not go through with this.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because the entire time, throughout planning this whole fucked up wedding, all he could think about was you. He kept saying your name instead of Taylor’s when we guys were getting things ready. He also kept asking if he made the wrong decision. He loves you Carson. Trust me.”

“I’m not sure, Kenny.”

“I know, but think about it. You love him, right?” I nodded. “You want to marry him, right?” I nodded. “Then go for it. You’re the only one that can change his”-

“Kennedy! Come on, John needs you- Carson?”

“Shit…” both Kennedy and I said as Ross came out from around the corner. “Carson is that really you?” he asked.

“Yes, it is. Don’t tell anyone I’m here, okay?”

“Yeah, I promise I won’t. But one quick thing first…”


“Don’t let him do this.” Then he walked back in the room.

“See what I mean. He loves you and everyone knows you love him. Now, go stop him okay?” But I didn’t have a chance to answer him as he kissed my cheek and left to go back to his spot up front. I hid in the back behind the crowd and waited. Then the song that reminds me of a death march came on. A song known for when the known for when the bride to be came out.
♠ ♠ ♠

what do you guys think so far?

i know, the chapters aren't that long ):

there are only five chapters to this story and i'm debating on doing a sequel to it (longer than this, like an actual story.... as in like 25-30 chpt story)

so tell me what you think and then as the story goes on tell me if you think there should be a sequel or not (: i want to hear from you guys.

Thank you for commenting:
The Color Abi