How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 11

I jerk awake. I look at my clock. It's Sunday at 6:30. My hand feels the bed beside me. He's gone. I relax and lay back against my pillow. I wonder if Jenna is okay. Audric said she's okay at Ana's. He also said that he wants her to stay there... I wonder if I should tell them. Them as in my parents.

I get up out of bed and wash my face in my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. A frizzed, tangled brown hair and sleepy hazel eyed girl looks back at me. Did Audric really think I was pretty? I finger my hair. I pull it back into a ponytail and change into some shorts and a t-shirt and go downstairs.

In the kitchen, Mom is sitting at the table holding a cup of coffee. "Mom?" I pour myself some chocolate milk in a glass and sit down next to her.

"I feel so bad about Jenna," Mom says faintly. I could barely hear her and I could see that she'd been crying. "She hates us now, doesn't she? She hasn't even been back a day and she has already left again..."

"She doesn't hate you guys..." I murmur, holding her hand. "She's just... being Jenna." How was I supposed to tell them that she needs to move out? We lapse into silence, till Dad comes shuffling in. He pours himself some coffee and sits on the other side of Mom. I could tell that he'd been crying.

"She hates us, Dave... She wants to leave..." Mom whispers to him.

"I know. Should we let her?" He replies just as quiet.

"I don't know... She's only 15... But she acts so much older..."

"She could stay with Ana," I venture, hoping they might take the hint.

"Are you guys that good of friends?" Mom asks, saddened.

"Yeah... We're good friends. She would love for Jenna to stay with her. At least, till Jenna cools off and all... Do you want me to call them?" I head for the phone and pick it up.

Dad stops me, "No this is our job as her parents. We'll ask them." I told Dad her number and left the room. I know when I shouldn't be somewhere.

I take my glass of chocolate milk outside onto the back porch, well away from Mom, Dad, and the phone. I close my eyes and feel the brush of fur next to me. I look down and there is Jenna lying on my feet.


"Hi. You know you have Mom and Dad really upset."

She whines. I know. I still don't want to be here though. She paws at my foot.

"Stop that." I laugh and pull my foot out from underneath her. "They're calling Ana's folks now asking if they'll let you stay there."

Cool. She lays her head on her paws. Audric visited you last night didn't he?

"Yeah he did. He told me that you were okay. Did he tell you he stopped by?"

Naw. She licked her paw. I can smell him on you. He smells dominant. Is that all he told you? Just about me staying with Ana?

Her ears pricked up at my answer, "Yeah just that basically."

Basically? She cocked her head.

"Well, and that he thought I was pretty. Hehe." I giggled. My inner girl was coming out.

Hm... Wonder why he didn't ask you...


Oh did I say that out loud? Oops. Just forget I said that.

"Tell me."

No he should tell you. She looks up at me and I hold her gaze, trying to use some sort of dominance contest to get her to tell me. Hahaha! That's not going to work, Jules!

"Hey. I had to try!" I laugh. Her ears pricked up at the sound of approaching footsteps.

Whelp, that's the parentals. Gotta go! See ya, love ya! She runs off the porch and into the woods. I watch her crash through the underbrush till she's out of sight. Mom opens the sliding door and leans against it.

"The Mendez' said that they would be delighted to take in Jenna. Is that okay with you? I know you guys are really close and I hope that this doesn't affect you as much. You'll still get to see her at school and she can still come here..." she trails off.

"Mom, I'm okay. Really I am. You’re the one that I'm worried about. Is this okay with you?" She nodded her head yes, but I'm afraid she wasn't as okay with it as she wanted me to believe.


It was after school on Monday, and I had ridden my bike over to Ana's, with Mom's permission of course. I ran into a werewolf on the way to her house. He was the one who had saved Jenna; I think his name was Andres. He immediately shifted back and said, "The Alpha is running around here somewhere. I can find him for you if you'd like."

"I'm not looking for Audric, thank you though." He looked slightly confused about me not wanting to see Audric, I rode on anyway.

I knock on Ana's door. Jenna answers. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Bringing Mom's apologies. She still feels horrible." I say, walking into the house.

Jenna laughs. "When is she going to get it that I'm not mad at her?" I follow her up to Ana's room. Ana greets me with a hug and a huge smile. She's always so peppy! How can she be so happy?

We hang out for awhile, suddenly, Ana and Jen tense up. "What’s wrong?" I ask. I could feel something different in the air. Something, dark. Tainted. Audric bursts into the room and grabs me.

"Come with me." he practically pulls me out of the room. I'm still asking "What's wrong?" but no one is paying attention to me. Ana and Jen follow him out of the house.

Outside, people are running around everywhere. Some are in human form, others in werewolf form. Tension crackles in the air. "Andres!" booms Audric. He is so going all dominant. "Take Julie away from here. As far as you can get. Do NOT let them get to her!" He shoves me at Andres who immediately shifts into his werewolf form. Audric sets me on top of Andres and tells me to hold on. I look at Jenna and Ana, they're shaking from exertion of not shifting when their instinct is telling them too.

"What's going- Aagh!" Before I could finish my sentence, Andres takes off at a powerful speed. Pretty soon, I can't hear anymore howling or general panic noise, just the rush of wind in my ears. Andres runs for at least ten more minutes before he is satisfied that we are far enough away. I get off him when he stops in a clearing. I could tell he was tired, his fur was wet with sweat. He sniffs the air before changing back.

"Are you okay?"

"What is-?"

"Are you okay?" He shakes me gently.

"Yeah I'm fine, but-"

"Good. Now sit here and be quiet. Do not move a muscle." He shifts back and bounds off going who knows where.

I sit down and pick up a stick. I draw in the dirt with it, drawing my name and Audric's in a heart together. How girly is that?

"Aw? Isn't that sweet?" says a creepy voice behind me. I squeal and turn around. Behind me, is the dude that started all this. The vampire, who kidnapped Jenna, sprang at me. I scream and throw up my hands as he lunges for my throat. The only thing I have for protection is the stupid stick.