How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 12

I shrieked as the vampire lunged at me. I threw the stick at him with a very girly sounding grunt. He landed in front of me and the stick bounced off his shoulder. Well that went well. Hehe. I am so dead meat. The vampire licked his lips and grabbed my shoulders.

I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines of "Eeep!" And tried to curl into a ball. I'm not too good when it comes to violence -er self defense. I'm not good at hitting anyone period. Where was Andres?!

"You're going to be a good snack..." The vampire pulled my head back, grunting. When I wanted to be in a ball, you were not going to stop me. I pulled my head back down with my hands and after a few minutes of struggling, the vampire out-matched me and I was stretched out in a very uncomfortable position with his teeth inches from my neck.

As I was lying there, very uncomfortably I might add, smelling his rotten breath -vampires do not have good smelling breath-, I was thinking. Some wolf you are Andres! Come save me! Gah! Where are you?! I clenched my eyes shut and "Eeep"ed.

The vampire chuckled at me and I felt his lips touch my neck. I cringed and gasped. It was a sharp pain that I had to fight my reflexes to knock away. I squirmed uncomfortably as I felt the blood flowing out of me. This was not a pleasant feeling. I squirmed some more, my body locked in this position by the vampires strong hands, when I heard growling come from behind me.

The vampire slowly let go of me and turned towards the noise. I tried to get up but he pushed me back down. I was glad he did that because I didn't feel all that great, I felt like I was just going to collapse. I reached up and touched my neck. It felt wet and sticky. Ugh. I pushed down the feeling to vomit.

"Let go of her, Abe," growled the Alpha. The vampire's hands locked on my shoulders. I could see some of my blood drip from his mouth. I shuddered and my vision was going all blurry. I really don’t do good in the sight of blood.

"And why should I do that? Who died and made you Alpha?" He laughed at his own lame joke. I think I was going insane with blood loss because I was laughing uncontrollably too. That was the lamest joke I have ever heard.

"I'm going to give you one minute to release her, Abe, before I let my wolves have a go at you." Audric warned. To tell you the truth, Audric, I don't think I can last a minute. I was still laughing at Abe's joke.

"If you would look at her, Audric, you would be able to see that she's not going to last a minute without some help." He looked at me and stroked my neck. It tickled and sent me off laughing some more. Gah. I am an idiot.

Audric stiffened and the whites of his eyes started to show. He was fixing to change. "Na uh." Abe waggled a finger at the Alpha. "You take a step closer or attempt to shift and I'll finish her off right here and now." I laughed at his finger. I was so dead. I could feel my heart racing and my eyes were starting to get heavy.

Now if I wasn't so -I'm not sure what you would call it, but I'm going to call it 'high off of no blood'- I would've been wondering how these two knew each other. Apparently, they don't really like each other. Even I could see that and I was going insane. I was also wondering, "Where the heck is Andres?!" Except in my mind I used a little harsher word than heck.
Turns out, he was waiting for the Al-Audric's signal to attack the vampire dude hanging over me. The last thing I seen was his dark brown form blocking out the sun.


I woke up in a bed. I opened my eyes just enough to see that it was night.


I woke up again in a bed. My head still felt foggy and heavy. I closed them.

I woke up once again in the same bed. I felt disoriented. My hand strayed to my side and I felt a warm arm wrap around me. I felt safe. I closed my eyes.


I jerked awake from a nightmare. I sat up too quickly and felt dizzy. Groaning, I rubbed my head and looked around Audric's room. It was dark in the room with some moonlight coming in from the window. It gave the room an eerie look. There's just enough light for me to see the still form of him sleeping beside me. He senses that I'm awake and sits up. He gently pushed me back down.

"You need to stay laying down for awhile." Gosh he looked sexy. The moonlight was behind him, so it made him look like he was glowing. His brown hair was messed with sleep and I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. Three words:


I mumbled something along the lines of, "Earg Nfm." Not sure what it was supposed to be, but my throat was on fire. I needed some water. As if he was reading my mind, Audric reached over to the night stand beside the bed and picked up a glass of water and brought it to my lips. I gulped it down. "Thanks." I whisper.

"Do you feel okay?" He hung over me, brushing strands of hair away from my face.

"I think so. I've felt worse I think." I fumble with the blankets, trembling from his touch. What's wrong with me?! All of a sudden his touch is making me feel all warm and my heart is practically beating four times as fast as it normally does. I feel like crap, I probably look like crap, and all of a sudden I'm getting horny?! Stupid teenage hormones.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think he would find you..." Audric mumbled looking down. A sign of submission.

"It's okay. It all worked out well, I think. What happened? Did you kill him?" I said a bit louder looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, he got away. The Pack is still out looking for him."

I stiffened, "What about Jenna? Is she okay?"

"Yeah she's fine. She's at your parents I think. Assuring them that you’re okay."
I relaxed a bit, "How long have I been out?"

"Three days. I think you have been conscious for some of that though. Just asleep." I wasn't sure what to say. I tried not to focus on how close he was to me and how he looked like a god sitting on the bed in front of me. He leaned forward to me, I shivered as his breath tickled my face, "And those were the worst three days of my life." He kissed me soft at first, and then it got fiercer. His hands clutched my face and mine ran along his back. "I love you." He told me in between his kisses.

I wasn't sure if what he said was true. If it was just a wolf-mate thing or an 'I'm-scared-to-death-since-I-almost-lost-you' thing. What I do know though is that I'm pretty sure I told him that I loved him too.