How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 13

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In The


What made it so hard was the fact that I lied to my Mom about what happened those three days I was passed out in Audric's bed. I told her that I had fallen off my bike on the way back home and Audric had just happened to find me. He said that I had a serious head injury and I had to stay a couple nights with Ana because he didn't want me moved. Hehe. I was scared sick that Mom would ask why he just didn't take me to a hospital or just drive me home. Luckily, she didn't. I wonder if she thinks he is some sort of doctor.

What also made it hard was the fact that I had told Audric that I loved him. I'm still not sure if I do or not and so now I'm really nervous when I get around him. Like 'Does he remember what I said' sort of nervous or 'Does he think I was just high off of no blood still?' nervous. Either way, I was avoiding him. Hardest thing I have ever done.

And don't forget the last reason. I'm pretty sure I failed my Algebra II quiz. That is something I do not need Mom finding out about. I have never failed a quiz in my life and now is not a good time to start.

I think the last reason is the worst. Hehe. Not.

"Julie! Phone for you!" Mom hollered.

"I don't want to talk right now!" I holler back. I knew that it had to be Ana calling for Audric.
Audric couldn't call himself because that’s just plain weird. It's been a week since I stopped talking to and avoiding Audric all together. I probably would've avoided Ana and Jenna, but I see them at school so that doesn't work out to well.

I'm being a coward. I will admit that, but I'm just terrified that Audric will want something more now that I told him I loved him. Something more personal from me. Yeah. That's all I'm going to say. I know we're supposed to be mates -Ugh!- but I'm just not ready for that yet. I don't think I ever will be.

"Julie! Ana says she won't ever hang up till you talk to her! Just come!"

"I'm doing homework!" I shout. I'm not really. I'm lying on my bed thinking of ways to avoid Audric.

"It's Saturday! You don't have any homework!" Okay. She does have a point...

"Grrr!" I grumble, "Okay! I'm coming!" I pound down the stairs loud enough for Ana to hear on the phone and pick it up."Ana?"

"No. It's me." Audric. Of course.

"I don't really have the time to talk to you right now..." Ouch. Low blow. I feel horrible. This is the first time I've spoken to him and I already feel guilty.

"Okay then, just meet me at the park in an hour then." He hung up. Well. That was a blow to my self esteem. A boy hung up on me. Even if he is 20 something.

Now I face a new problem: Do I go? He sounded pretty desperate... Ugh. I am such a coward, not even able to face my very own boyfriend/mate... I took a deep breath and got ready to go to the park to meet my impending doom.


The stupid icy wind blew at my face. It was an unusually cold day in September. Normally, this time of year I just needed a light jacket and I'd be okay. Soooo not true. I rubbed my hands together and stuffed them in my jacket's pockets. I was sitting on an ice cold bench freezing my ice cold butt off waiting for Audric.

"Julie?" I looked at Audric coming down the pathway. We were the only people insane enough to be outside at the park.

"Hi..." He sits down beside me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I looked up at him. He didn't look the least bit cold. He was wearing a dark jacket and mittens that complimented his eyes very well. He looked hot. Both in the good-looking way and the warm way.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" His brown eyes searched mine.

"I just..." I could feel my cheeks flame. "I'm just not so sure about what happened..."

He looked slightly confused. "You mean that you told me that you loved me?"

"Er...yes." I looked down at my freezing hands, very embarrassed. "I'm not sure if I... really meant it."

"I understand. You just got caught up in the moment. You could've just told me."

"I thought that you would've wanted to... take our relationship to the next level..."

He laughed. Yeah there was an actual laugh there. "Julie, I told you that I would never make you do anything you didn't want to do." He smiled at me.

"Really?" I felt extremely better. He was such a good guy. How could I ever be mad at him?
"I'll do anything to make you happy." And then he actually got down on one knee and held up his hand to me and sang, "But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door-"

I was laughing by the time he finished the chorus of 'I Will Walk 500 Miles' by the Proclaimers. "Stop! Stop! Okay I get it!" He was laughing too now and I reached down to him and hugged him. I breathed in his scent of sweet cinnamon -his cologne- and pine needles -he must've ran through the woods to get here-. "I'm sorry."

He stood up, still hugging me. "There's nothing to be sorry about. You just didn't know." He mumbled into my hair. We stayed like that for a few moments till I began to shiver even in his embrace. "Cold, aren't you? Forgot to bundle up?"

"Hehe. Yeah. Forgot to wear a bigger coat." He wrapped his arms around me tighter and I leaned into him.

"Alpha!" Shouted a voice from behind us. We turn and see Jenna and Ana running towards us.
I felt Audric tense up going into Alpha mode, "What’s wrong?"

"Selena and Markus spotted vampires on our territory!" exclaimed Ana.

Audric's arms tightened around me, "Did they attack them? How many were there? Was Abe with them?" he demanded.

Jenna looked like she was about to faint from fear, "There was a whole clan of them, Markus said. Around 23 at least. He doesn't know why so many of them are together-"

Ana interrupted Jenna looking just as frightened. "And Selena said it looked like they were just spying. The two they seen and followed were younger ones. She followed them back to their clan and fled as soon as she smelled Abe and all of them. Markus ran back and tried to find you but couldn't-"

"So he told us to come find you!" finished Jenna.

Audric was deep in thought, absorbing all the information Jenna and Ana thrown at him. "Who is Abe?" I ask squirming in his tight grip on me.

He let go of me and said, "He's my brother... and shouldn't be messed with. Jenna, Ana, take Julie back to her house and guard her. I don't think they'll go that far. I'll send a patrol to guard the area." He shoves me at them and shifts. This is the first time that I remember him shifting. He whines and wags his tail at me and takes off into the woods. I watch his retreating black form.

"Come on!" Ana grabs my arm and pulls me in the direction of my house. "We have to hurry." Jenna followed close behind us, but not before she quickly glanced at the bushes Audric just ran through.


Ana is staring out my bedroom window in full protection mode and Jenna is pacing back and forth in her werewolf form. I was sitting on my bed, my knees pulled up to my chin. "Is Audric going to be okay?"

"I'm sure he will." murmurs Ana, her eyes focused on our driveway.

What is he doing being a werewolf when his brother is a vampire, Ana? Jenna asks.

"I'm not for sure. I could never get the whole story out of my parents. What I did learn was just from eavesdropping. When they were both young, the boys, they were seven and nine at the time, Abe being the oldest, and their parents lived in the woods away from town. One night a clan of vampires attacked their house and slaughtered their parents. A Pack of werewolves was passing nearby and they could smell the vampires so they came to investigate. But before they got there, the vampires had taken Abe and the only way they didn't take Audric was because he hid in the bathroom cabinet. The wolves guessing the vampires turned Abe, took Audric in and changed him when he was old enough."

Wow. That's sad. I can't believe all that happened to him. His parents getting killed and then his brother being taken... I didn't know that that had happened. I just assumed they never liked each other. I wonder if they were close as kids?

We all jumped as we heard something thump against the window. Ana, while telling her tale, had turned to us and left her post at the window. She quickly jumped around and shifted. I screamed. We heard glass shatter downstairs and my parent’s scared screams. The vampires were here.