How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 15

Here is my life story:

A werewolf, the Alpha Audric, is in love with me and is my mate.

My twin sister, Jenna, is a werewolf.

A vampire, who is Audric's older brother named Abe, is holding me hostage to get revenge on my boyfriend.

My parents don't know anything about this.

And lastly, I forgot to clean my room, again.

Yeah. Isn't that just the greatest life you could ever imagine?

"You’re using me to get back at your younger brother?!" I practically shriek, throwing my fists in the air. “Um, isn’t that a bit sixth grade-ish?”

“It won’t look a bit sixth grade-ish when I take you to be one of mine.” Abe replied, shrugging his shoulders.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” I questioned meekly. All of the confidence I felt when I said the sixth grade-ish comment left me. A little pit of doom settled in my stomach.

Before I knew it, I was pressed up against the wall, struggling for breath. He laughed, his voice sent shivers down my spine, "You pitiful human, I want you to become part of my clan. You will be a great addition to it." His mouth was close to my neck. “Oh, I’ll love to see the look on his face when I take what was his and make it mine. He’ll suffer and I’ll enjoy every minute of it,” he said sneering. His hand put more pressure against my chest, making me squirm.

"I want Audric..." I whimper from beneath his hands. Just like that, I went from feeling superior to a weakling. I really did not want to be a vampire. I really did not want to be here. I knew I was in a bad position.

"Audric isn't here. I am." He kissed the base of my neck and I collapsed to the ground as he let go of me, shaking. He walked swiftly out of the room. I curled into a ball on the floor and sobbed.


A little while later, I had cried myself to exhaustion. My throat was dry and I wished I had some of the water I had chucked at Abe earlier… I lay down on the bed, my head pounding. It always pounds after I cry. I wish stupid Abe would bring me some aspirin. I wish stupid Abe would take me back to Audric. I wish stupid Abe wouldn't turn be into a vampire... I really don't want that last one to happen. One thing I know of, at least I think, I do not look good with fangs.

I guess I fell back asleep because I dreamt of Audric. Oh sweet handsome Audric! Of all the times I loathed you, now I just want to be in your arms and safe. Not in some bloodsucker's house.

When I woke up, my pillow was wet with tears. I knew I had to do something despite the constant throbbing of my head. Maybe I should try to escape from here…

I was sitting on the bed attempting to come up with ways to break out when I suddenly realized that I didn’t even check the doors or windows to see if they were unlocked. I mentally hit myself. I walked over to the door to jiggle the doorknob. Locked. I walked over to the one window and looked down. There was no way I'm going out that way, not unless I wanted to become Julie-paste. I had to be at least 4 stories high... My hopes for escaping plummeted, but my hopes for Audric finding me were still there. I still believed he could swoop in and rescue me like a knight in shining armor… or shining fur in my case.

I was just settling down by the window to watch the sun setting out of sheer boredom when Abe burst in through the door. I could tell he was mad.

"Er... Why so mad?" I ask him sweetly, standing up and backing away from him.

"Now is not the time!" he cried and slapped me. Slapped me hard. I don't think he knew his own strength. I flew across the room and hit the wall with a thump. I groaned and he strode over to me. He picked me up and threw me again. "How did he find you?!" I hit another wall.

I moaned and held me head. I was so not made for being tossed around like a rag doll, "Who found me?"

"Who do you think, b****?" Oh no he didn't!

As he's running over to me, to toss me again I believe, I lash out with my leg. It collides with what feels like rock steel. My foot hurt. "Ergh!" I clutch my foot holding it against my body as he picked me up again. I tensed, waiting for the feeling of me crashing again, but I'm just floating in midair.

"Can he talk to you? Audric that is!"

I'm slightly grossed out by the spit that landed on me, but I wasn't about to tell him that, "I don't know! I haven't heard his voice or seen him!" That's not technically true, I did see him in my dream, but I don't think he could be able to tell.... Could he?

"Erg! You worthless human! I should just finish you off now!" He threw me and I crashed against the table. I swear I got a splinter in my butt. I lay against the ground, hurting.

"Audric!" I screamed.

"Stop saying his name!" He slapped me again and my face stung.

"Stop slapping me!" I screamed back despite my pain. He hissed at me and lunged for my neck. I threw up my hands, but he simply knocked them away. He plunged his fangs into my neck and I screamed and jerked. This time it hurt a lot more. I shrieked and clawed at his face, trying to get him away from me. He latched onto me, holding me still. I can feel the blood flowing out of me, faster this time.

Not again! I screamed mentally. Last time I had Audric here with me, this time I don't. I hear thunder outside. It must have started to rain. Weird.... Now I feel strangely calm.... I feel all.... floaty... I'm pretty sure I've lost more blood this time than I did before... What? What is he doing? I heard the crash of glass and feel some sprinkle on my face. Abe's fangs leave my neck and I see him arch back. He swiped at the air and I felt the brush of fur against my face. Abe's form is replaced by Audric's.

Audric cups my face in his hands. Everything starts to spin. The pain is terrible. I writhe on the floor beneath Audric. I hear the door get beat open and I see more werewolves come in. I see them pounce on Abe, who is motionless on the floor.

I twitch and spasm and I feel Audric's rough hands hold me down as I try to get from underneath him. The pain is going away... Am I dying? Am I turning into a vampire?... I hear Audric's voice... It's saying... Hold on... Hold onto what?......