How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 18

"Where is my sister?" I say calmly, turning to face Abe.

"No hello? No how are you doing? I'm hurt, really hurt." He feigned innocence.

"You lost your right to the 'how are you doing' when you kidnapped my sister." I growled.

"Well then. You just lost your right to see your sister."

"What?!" How could he be so heartless?! "What do you mean?!"

"Is that not what you are here for? You don't get to see your sister till you ask me how I am doing." Gr... I hate this man.

I sigh, "Fine then, how are doing this fine day?"

"A bit nicer."

"Abe, it is so good to see you here!" I cry trying to fake enthusiasm. "How are you doing?"

He snickered at me, "Fine, thank you for asking!"

I waited a few moments to see if he was going to say anymore, he didn't, so I said, "So where is my sister?"

"Oh, you want to see her now?" He faked surprise and slapped his forehead, "Gosh! I didn't know."

"Abe come on! I know you have her! Now give her back!" I shout, getting angry.

"Now, Julie, come on. Use your head. I would never just give her up. I might... With something in return..." He ventured.

I didn't have a good feeling about the 'something'. "What? I'll do anything!"

"Anything? Maybe... Naw. You would never do it..." he said teasingly. Man! I was fixing to hit this guy!

"Just spit it out Abe! I am not in the mood!" I yell at him.

"Reow!" He said, imitating a cat, "I was just going to say, if you want your sister back, you would trade your mortality."

Of course. He just had to word it weird so I would have to ask to make sure. "You mean... turn me into a vampire?" He nods. I sigh... "Would it hurt?" I ask, uneasily. I didn't have a really high tolerance of pain.

"Only as much as you believe it will." Gosh. Does this guy ever just agree? "So what is your answer?"

Can I? Will I? Gosh... It's Jenna. Of course I will. Anything for her. "You have to let her go first. Audric's werewolves are somewhere around here. Have your vampires take her to them."

He nods. "Consider it done."

I look around unsure... Now what? Is he going to... to turn me? He's just staring at me... with those eyes that look so much like Audric's... Oh gosh. He’s coming closer... He's taking my arm... His mouth is coming closer to mine... I hear him whisper, "To bad Audric isn't here to save you this time..." He plunges his teeth into my neck and I spasm with pain. I see stars before my eyes as he holds onto me tightly. I writhe and groan in pain, fire coursing through my veins.

This feels different than when he's drank from me before... He releases my neck and cuts his own wrist with his teeth. I tremble at the blood that bubbles up. He presses his wrist into the wound on my neck and I feel his blood pulse into mine. My neck is pounding and when I open my eyes, the only thing I see is black. The fire... Oh it hurts. Why doesn't it stop? How long can I last?

I feel Abe let go of me, and I fall to the earth. I cry out and curl into a ball, my body shaking with the transformation. Oh Jenna! Was this worth it?! The pain... is unbearable...

And then, just like that. It's over. The fire is quenched. I unclench my muscles. The first thing I see is Abe's eyes looking down into mine. I squint into the bright sunlight as he moves away from me. Sunlight? But the sun was going down when I met him... Has it been an entire night? How long did the transformation take? I don't feel any different.

I sit up and take in my surroundings. Apparently something did change. My vision. Everything is in a wonderful clarity. I can see the detail of every single leaf and every blade of grass. I can hear, if I concentrate hard enough, the patter of bugs crawling on the ground and a bird crying out far away.

I look at Abe, completely overwhelmed, "What did you do to me?" Even my voice sounds different. It sounds clearer...

"I made you one of us." He walks over to me and holds out his hand. "Welcome to the world of the undead." He seems more... relaxed and cut loose now. Odd.

I take his hand, "I'm a... vampire? How long did it take? I thought that it was sunset and now... well now its morning."

"You had a particularly fast transformation. The quickest I've seen in a long time. Do you feel rested?" He asked. He sounded concerned. If I closed my eyes I could almost imagine it was Audric.


The thought of his name... The words that once came to my mind when I heard his name was loving, old, well 20ish, handsome, powerful. Now the words that come are werewolf, enemy, prey, attack. That scares me...

"I do... I do feel rested..." Normally when I'm in Abe's presence, I'm scared. I feel weak. Now I feel like an equal. Like he can't hurt me. Why am I feeling this way? "Is Jenna okay?"

"Yes. She is with Audric and his wolves at this very moment. I do hold my promises. You are ready to leave then?"


"Of course. Back to the clan, coven. Whatever you want to call it."

"I can't leave! I can't believe you would even suggest that! I have to go back to my parents, to Jenna, to Audric..." I insist.

"Audric? Really? I thought you would feel... different about him." I flicker of confusion flashed across his face, but he quickly pushed the emotion aside. If I had still been human I probably wouldn’t have caught it.

I wasn't about to admit to Abe that he was right and that actually some of the old feelings that I had for Audric were beginning to migrate towards him -yuck, I was not about to admit that to him-, "No. I don't. I want to go back."

"Then be my guest. You being near Audric will only hurt him more. All the more better for me, but take heed Julie: you will come back to me. You will. When you are ready, come back to this clearing." He took my hand, kissed it like from one of those old movies, and left.