How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 19

My life is perfect.

Haha. Not. My life is as far from perfect as perfect can get. If that makes any sense... Let me tell you that Audric was ticked and upset when I came back as a vampire. I wasn't too happy about it either. The only good thing that came of this is Jenna was alright, mostly. She was upset and angry and ready to tear my head off -geez, that's the thanks I get?-. Even Mom and Dad could tell that something was wrong in the air and they were like 50 billion miles away (not really but still) at the house watching t.v. That's how emotional the Pack and Audric was about my turning. Don't believe me? Well I'll just tell my story after Abe left me and then you'll see.


I somehow miraculously made it out of the woods alive just to be almost killed by one of Craig's wolves. Remember Craig? He's the visiting Pack Alpha who was helping Audric find Abe. Apparently, Abe was trespassing on their territory too and he didn't like it. Anyway, since his Pack is here, they've been helping out with keeping an eye on Abe and, I guess, me.
So here I am, walking along minding my own business, when I get a mouthful of fur and get pushed down onto the ground. I'm struggling to not breathe in because werewolf breath is not the best smell in the world. "Get off me!" I command and push up on the wolf. Guess I have super strength too, because the wolf goes flying. "Oops." I say as he crashes into the bushes. "My bad."

The wolf just snarls and leaps at me. I put up my hands to fend him off and he crashes into me. Down I go. This time his teeth are at my throat and my muscles are bulging, trying to push him off me, again. His teeth are snapping closer to my neck and I hiss -yeah hiss. So am I some sort of cat now?!- at him. My fangs sprout out and he yelps in surprise. I think I'm just as surprised as he is.

I bite at his leg and manage to make contact. Eew! Gross! So not pleasant. He growls and jumps back, letting me up. I sigh with relief. Let me tell you, having a really heavy wolf pin you on the ground is not something to joke about. I spit out wolf fur and get up, getting into a battle stance.

I make some sort of growling noise as he jumps at me again. Suddenly the looming wolf isn't there anymore. He's pinned on the ground like I was a few moments ago by a huge black wolf.

Audric shifts back, thank goodness he has clothes on, and commands the other wolf to shift back. He does. "What were you thinking, Phillip?! That is Julie! You do not attack her!"
Phillip bows his head in submission, but manages to add, "She is a vampire though... Vampires are enemies... I thought she was with Abe. I am sorry ally-Alpha."

I see Audric stiffen and turn to me. I look him in the eyes and my heart plummets. I don't feel all warm or giddy like I used to when I seen him. Now I feel like a predator. Like I should be attacking him... "Julie? What happened? I knew I should have sent wolves with you! He changed you didn't he?!" His voice boomed in the clearing.

"Yes. Abe did change me, but it was of my own will. The deal was he would send Jenna back if I let him turn me. So he did." I didn't feel like the weak human I used to be. I felt stronger. I felt like I could stand up to Audric. I hate this feeling!

Audric looked shocked. "I'm going to kill him!" He shrieked his self control slipping.

I just stared at him, unsure of what to say. Normally, I would've been like, "No don't hurt him! It was our deal! It wasn't his fault! You must calm down!" but that was the old Julie. The new Julie just took it and didn't say a thing.

"Julie? What happened to you?" He said in a softer voice, knowing being silent wasn't like me. He walked slowly over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, worry swimming in his eyes.
It took all of my strength to not push his hand off of me, and say, "He turned me into a vampire. I don't know how much plainer I can get." There was some menace in my voice. He is a werewolf. I am a vampire. There just isn't any good blood between us. Wait! Stop thinking like that! This is Audric! Audric the one who save Jenna the first time, the one who is my boyfriend/mate! The one who said that he would do anything to make me happy! He isn't just a werewolf. He is my boyfriend and as much as I would like to kill him right now, I have to show some kindness too. I grit my teeth, "And I'm sorry, but this is the way it has to be..."

"Julie..." He wraps his arms around me, and my nostrils flare taking in his werewolf scent. It about kills me, but I let him stay like that.


I am in my room, at my house, trying to think of anything but Abe. 3 words.




I had left Audric in the woods after a few more minutes of the torturous hugging, and came straight to my house. I knew that Abe had kept his word and sent Jenna back to the wolves, so there was nothing for me to worry about. Psh. Yeah right.

My parents had wondered if I was alright. They said I was looking 'unnaturally pale'. Haha. Jokes on them. I just told them that I didn't feel too good and that I just wanted to go to my room to lie down. So I did.

In my room, I had found a note in Abe's handwriting.

Dearest Julie, (who says 'dearest' anymore?!)

I forgot to mention to you that there are some rules that go with being a vampire around here. I’m the leader of the clan of vampires that are native to this area, so I, being the kind self that I am, -(not)- have written them down for you. Please read through all of them and do not disobey any of them.

1. Do not show to anyone that you are a vampire in anyway.
2. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses outside in the daytime. You will burn badly, and the sun will give you a major headache.
3. When you drink, only drink your fill and no more.
4. If you drink from a human, do not kill the human or you will be expelled from the vampire world.
5. Do not leave any trace of you when you drink.
6. Do not drink from a person without their permission.
7. Do not kill and drink from any endangered species.

Thank you for reading these and say hello to Audric for me.


I set the note down on my nightstand. Great. I forgot all about the whole 'drinking blood' thing. There is one thing in the world that I do not like. That is blood. Guess I'll have to get over that... The note didn't say how often I should er.... drink. I wonder why I don't feel thirsty right now?

I looked back over the note. I wonder what they do when they 'expel' someone from the vampire world... Does that mean kill? Maybe-

I hear knocking downstairs and I tense up. The door opens and I wince at Mom's excited cries. My nostrils flare as the scent of werewolf greets me. It's her. Jenna.

The one who made me like this.

The one who made me feel different towards Audric.

The one who started this whole mess.

All of a sudden, the only thing I see is red.