How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 2

So right now, I'm laid out on my bed thinking about you. How vampires took you away. How your boyfriend Steve/Frank/Jimmy is a werewolf. How there are actually werewolves and vampires. How there is a police officer standing outside my bedroom door trying to get in -I propped a chair against the doorknob like I see in movies. It actually works!- to talk to me about what happened. I don't want to talk. I know no one will believe me. I told the nurse who was taking care of me, and she instantly got me a doctor, who then got the psychiatrist. Or whatever they're called.

"Julie. I need to come in and ask you a few questions." the police officer stated.

"Why do you wanna ask me questions when you won't believe the answers?" I grumble and stuff the pillow over my head.

"What did you say?" This police officer was really getting on my nerves.

"I said, I don't want to answer your questions!" I yelled tucking the pillow around my head tighter. Maybe if I suffocated myself he'll go away...

"Please Julie!" This was Mom now, "Please answer his questions! Don't you want Jenna to come back?" Her voice cracked. I could tell she’d been crying.

I got up and cracked the door open, "If I tell you the truth about all the werewolves and vampires you won't believe me!" I could tell once I said 'werewolves and vampires' they were seriously considering sending me to a therapist.

"Sweetie, this is all just something that your mind has made up to explain the situation." Mom explained. Psh. She thinks she knows it all. Haha Mom. You don't.

"I didn't make it up! See this is why I'm not letting him into my room!" I jabbed my finger at the police officer then slammed my door.


*A Week Later. Thursday.*

So this past week hadn’t been that great. I spent most of the weekend locked in my room while police officers stood outside my door trying to get me to talk to them, and then when I did finally come out; it was Mom and Dad who were questioning me. I wanted to yell at them to get a ladder and climb off my back, but they were my parents and they would ground me if I said that.

I was sitting at the lunch table, alone, enjoying the quiet buzz of people talking all around me, when I heard someone plop down in front of me. I looked up from stabbing my food, "Yes?" The girl looked vaguely familiar.

"Hey. It's Julie right? Your Jenna's twin."

"I'm not answering any questions about what happened to her." I grumbled, staring down into my food.

Believe it or not, Jen, you’re actually pretty popular around school. Turns out I'm not. Half the people that came and talked to me thought my name was June and the other half didn't even know I was your twin. You were always the outgoing one. Me, well… you know.

"I'm not looking for answers about her. I'm already in the loop." She popped the ‘p’ in ‘loop’. I stared at her weird. She was kind of odd looking. I'm not making fun her, no; I'm just saying she looked different than most girls. She had black hair with tanned skin. Her eyes were dark, almost black, she was wearing dark-rimmed glasses, and she had brilliantly white teeth. But the way her features were positioned... They almost looked... Dog-like. Hehe. Boy was I in for it.


"Come on! I want to help you, but I can't say how I can help you because then I'd be telling our secret."


"And so guess! Tell me what happened that night and I can tell you how you can get your sister back." She seemed really excited and hyper… She reminded me of you when you drank that energy drink once…

I looked at her strangely. "Why should I tell you if you’re already in the loop?"

"Because that’s the only way I can tell you how to get your sister back! Come on! Just tell it!"
To me, it looked if I didn't tell her what happened soon, she was going to explode.

"Okay. I was in the car with Jenna and her boyfriend Steve/Frank/Jimmy-"


"Right." I eyed her warily, "Jimmy. Anyway, before I knew it there was a vampire on the hood of the car and Jimmy morphed into some werewolf and jumped out and fought it. Then there were two more vamps. Jenna tried to get out of the car and got snatched and taken away. I got thrown across the clearing. Four more werewolves came into the clearing and fought the rest of the vampires. Then the Alpha guy sent two wolves after Jimmy and a woman brought me to a hospital."

"What did the woman look like?"

"Black hair, tanned skin, she was strong... Her face was shaped like -oh my gosh your her daughter aren't you?"

"Yup! That's what I wanted to hear! And what is she?"

"A werewolf?" I ventured.

"Victory!" she pumped her fists in the air. "And what does that make me?"

"A werewolf?" I asked incredulously.

"Now you know. I did not tell you, okay? You figured it all out by yourself! I'm Nirvana by the way. Call me Ana. Oh! Do you want your pudding cup? If not, can I have it?" She licked her lips, hungrily. This girl was making me feel really tired. Waaaay too much energy for this time of the day.

I gave her my pudding and a spoon. She tore it open and started to eat it. "Now, how can you save my sister?" I can't believe one moment she's dying for me to guess her secret and the next she wants to take my pudding. How random is this girl?

"Oh!" Her eyes light up again. "You can come over to my house for a sleep over tomorrow and we can ask the Alpha!" She squealed thinking her idea was brilliant.

"Ummm... Ana? I'm not exactly a werewolf. Will he listen?"

"Of course! Well..." Her face fell, "Maybe. He might. It's worth a shot isn't it?" She was right, but I seriously doubt Mom and Dad will let me go to a sleep over, especially after what happened to you.

"Okay. We can try, I guess. Er, thanks." For the first time, I was actually feeling that I had some tiny seedling of hope. She scribbled down her address on a napkin and shoved it at me.

"You can come by right after school if you want. I'm not going to be here tomorrow, sorry about that, but just go to the brown house with the green mailbox. Got to go! See ya! Thanks for the pudding!" She slid her books off the table and skipped off. Yeah she skipped. That's not weird at all. I watch her go, thinking, "Man. What am I getting myself into?”