How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 3

My bike tires whizzed on the sidewalk. Yeah. I'm biking to Ana's house. Thanks a lot Mom! You’re the best! Total sarcasm there. When I got home, Mom was wiped out crying on her bed and Dad was at work, so this was my only option. I was so not going to wait for Mom to get up. One time she was in her room for three hours straight.... Anyway, so yeah. Here I am, biking my way to Ana's house just to save you. See? Aren't I a caring sister? Sure I'm the mate to your crush.... but I had good intentions. And aren't you dating Jimmy?!

I miraculously made it to Ana's house. I have a horrible sense of direction. I dropped my bike at the stairs leading up to her porch and knocked on the door. Luckily, Ana answers. "Hey! Julie! What's up? Glad you found my place!" She grinned happily at me. She was wearing shorts and a light purple t-shirt. She was barefoot and I think there was some dirt beneath her toenails. Wonderful. She had probably been out running. And I don’t mean in human form.

"Yeeaahh.” I smiled uneasily, “I'm glad too. You’re kinda out in the middle of no-where aren't you?" There were trees surrounding all sides of her house for miles. It took me an hour to bike there from the edge of town. I could barely see her neighbor’s houses the trees were so close together. If I lived here, I would go mad with claustrophobia for sure. That is, if I had it.

Oddly enough, I wasn't nervous about walking into a werewolf house in a werewolf neighborhood in werewolf territory. Ana's family seemed friendly enough. Both of her parents were home and I was kind of scared that they would come and sniff my butt -they didn't- for a greeting, but they shook my hand like any other normal person. I was starting to think that her Dad wasn’t a werewolf, but then he kind of growled at a squirrel outside... and yeah. He was definitely a dog.

Ana showed me to her room and I dumped my duffel bag on the floor. I swear she was talking so fast and so much and changed topic so randomly, I was getting whiplash. She reminded me of you, Jen, when you sometimes get into one of your talkative moods and I stay up till one in the morning listening to you jabber. Funny that you never mentioned werewolves, huh?

I followed her back down the stairs, Ana was still talking like wildfire, when she stopped mid-step and I crashed into her. "Oh my gosh! I completely forgot why you were here!" she cried, turning to face me.

I stumbled back on the step and attempted to not look like a fool while trying to catch my balance. "Yeah. I was thinking that you did. Hehe." I righted myself and we continued down the stairs. "So, how can you help my sister?"

"We'll go talk to the Alpha and see if he will send any wolves to track down the vamps that took her. I'm sure he will..." she said brightly, then added in a smaller voice and slightly quieter, "That is, if he's in a good mood."

"What if he's not in a good mood?" I asked, chuckling a bit, hoping she was joking. If he was in a bad mood, would he eat me? I shuddered.

"Er... Let's just hope that he is." And she skipped out the door. Yeah skipped. Here I am being all Miss Doom and Gloom thinking about being eaten and that I hope your okay and she is skipping around like Elmo. Is this the person that I'm really going to rely on to help you? Hehe. Yeah right.


"Here's his house." Ana said, suddenly getting all fidgety. She stopped grinning and hopping around. She sure must be scared.

"The Alpha's?" Boy am I being Miss Obvious today.

“Yeah. Sssh!" she knocked on the door. I was almost expecting to hear giant footsteps and 'Fe Fi Fo Fum!', but then I remembered that that was Jack and the Beanstalk.

Turns out, there were no giant footsteps at all. There weren’t even any scary noises like I imagined. The door didn't even squeak when he opened it. Some mighty Alpha he is. Psh. "Yes?" he looked at Ana and then at me. I could tell that he smelled me because his nostrils were flaring.

"Um... Alpha?” Ana said meekly, “I was wondering if you could do Julie, here, a favor." Ana gestured towards me. I was trying to make myself invisible. Suddenly, I didn't want to be near him right now.

"And what would that be?" he rumbled.

"She wants you to go rescue her sister, Jenna, who was kidnapped by the vampires a week or so ago." Man. She got straight to the point. No small talk. Nada. Zip. So unlike her. Maybe the Alpha made her nervous too.

"Is that right..." he looks at me.”You were with Jimmy, right?"

"Yes." I squeaked. I cleared my throat, "Please, sir, I'll do anything to get her back." Haha! See Jen? I was trying to do the right thing!

"I'll think about it. Come back here in an hour and I'll give you your answer." And just like that, he was gone. Back into his house.

"Well. That's all I can do. If he says yes, awesome! If he says no, well let's just hope you’re a good runner." Seeing my shocked face, she laughed and said, "Not really! Man! You've got to liven up!" She slapped my back and we went back to her house. I was so dreading coming back.