How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 4

I was once again, standing on the porch of the Alpha. I bit my lip. I so hoped he would say yes. You don’t realize how much I was worried about you, Jenna, do you? Ana had attempted to distract me by taking me on a tour of the entire werewolf neighborhood. I was tense the entire time. There's just something about peeking into werewolve's houses without them knowing that made me feel on edge.

Ana knocked on the door and the Alpha answered and declared, "I decided that my Pack will help your sister. I will send six wolves to get your sister back under two conditions."
"Oh thank you, thank you!" I shouted, jumping up and down, my stress relieved. Boy was I in for it. "Anything! I'll do anything!" Ana smiled at me.

"The first condition is this: that your sister will join our Pack. She already knows too much for us to let her live among humans." the Alpha stated.

"Sure!" I faintly remember you telling me that you dreamed of being a werewolf. And I know that at one time you had your room decked out in a wolf theme...

"And the second?" Ana asked getting more excited. I knew that she was really lonely. She had told me, while she was giving me the tour of the neighborhood, that she was the only girl her age around here. Their Pack hadn't had many female werewolves lately and she was glad that I had come to her house, despite my reasons. You and her would really get along.

"The second is that you will be my mate." he looked down at me.

I gulped and managed to choke out, "You mean Ana?"

"No, you." Whoa! I swore my mouth dropped open and Ana was practically hopping up and down with glee. She was going to have two new girl friends!

Let's get this straight, Jen. I don't like this guy. I'm not even attracted to him and he wants me to be his... mate. Ugh. I hate that word. It sounds so... dirty. And if you look back at what I just wrote, you'll see that it was all his idea. None of it was mine. Heck! I don't even know this guy's name. I don't think he even knows mine. Are humans and werewolves even compatible? Well this is going to be awkward!

"Er...Uh..." I guess I looked like I was going to pass out because he stepped forward and caught me as I collapsed. I could faintly recognize that he was taking me into his house, the living room. He laid me down on a sofa -that was way softer than the couch back home- and brought me a glass of water. Ana flitted around unsure of what to do.

I grasped the glass with shaking hands. Could I do this? I know that I wanted you back and all, Jen, but could I give up my life of meeting other boys? Of getting married to someone normal? Now, I will admit that I don't really have a relationship with any boy right now, -well I really have never had one. That was always your thing.-, but did this guy mean forever? Or just for this year or whatever.... I don't even know the werewolve's... uh.... reproducing habits.

"Do we have a deal?" He looked at me, almost concerned like. Well this is weird.

"I... Well..."

"Can she have a while to think about it, Alpha?" Ana, my savior, asked.

"She can have till dusk. I will let you stay here till you decide." Guess he didn't want me going anywhere just in case I tried to escape. Great. Just great.

What will they do with me if I don't agree to his 'conditions'? He said that he wanted you, Jenna, to be part of his Pack because you already knew too much. Well, I think I know just about as much as you do now. The Alpha took my glass and refilled it, and then left the room. I hadn't realized that I had drunk anything. Guess I was in too much shock.

After he left, I asked Ana, "What will they do to me if I don't agree?"

"Why wouldn't you?" She looked so happy. How could I crush her happiness and throw away your safety?

"I don't know... Are humans and werewolves... are they even...?" I trailed off. I can't believe I'm even having this conversation with her.

"Compatible?" she giggled at the word. Odd that she used the same word I was thinking.

"Oh yeah. They are. It's just the offspring isn't as strong as purebreds."

"And, why would he want me instead of some other werewolf?"

"Maybe you seem like a more 'top she-wolf' kind of person. Which is pretty ironic, considering as though you’re not a wolf." She starts to giggle. Ugh. Any other person would see that I am a stressed out and grossed out mess! And all she does is laugh! See what I do for you, Jen?

I sat on the couch, thinking about my situation -neither though I already knew my answer- while Ana blabbers on and on about different things. And before I know it, dusk is here. I feel his presence in the room before I see him. Ana, knowing she shouldn't be in the room right now, left.

"Have you decided?" he rumbled. I looked at him. For real this time.

He had dark hair. I think it was black, but it may have been just dark brown. I couldn’t really tell in the light. He had light brown eyes and lightly tanned skin, like he had been outside for awhile. He was wearing a choker necklace that had 3 blue beads of different sizes on a black cord around his neck. He had on cut-off shorts with a light t-shirt. I couldn't exactly tell his age -I'm horrible at that type of stuff-, but I guessed him around his mid-20s. Way too old for me. He's so old this relationship is illegal. Perfect. Just perfect.

"Yeah I have." I whisper, looking away from his eyes. I take a deep breath, thinking, "This is for you, Jen."