How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 5

"Yes. I agree to your conditions." I was all tense for some reason. Was it because I was worried about you? Or was it because I just agreed to be this dude's mate? Or was it because I forgot to clean my room yesterday and I know that Mom is going to freak at me when I get home? Talk about the little things in life. Yeah, I think it's the last one.

"Okay then. We'll set out and find your sister. We'll be back before morning." As he headed out of the room, Ana came back in. She looked like she was fixing to explode with happiness.

"Oh! This is going to be so much fun!" She cried and hugged me, hard. "It's going to be me, you, and your sister! We'll be best friends forever!"

So yeah, maybe the best friends forever thing was kind of childish, but I can't help but feel glad that someone is benefiting from this situation. I sure wasn't. "Yeah we are, aren't we?" I grumbled.

"You're not happy?" She stared at me, her eyes brimming with sadness. Man! This girl is emotional!

"Well wouldn't you be if you were in my position right now?!" I shouted. I probably shouldn't have said that, but hey, I was going through a lot of stress right now for 5 reasons.

1. Your kidnapped by vampires and there are werewolves coming to rescue you (hopefully).

2. I just pledged myself as some Alpha's mate for the rest of the year/life.

3. I know Mom isn't going to be happy about this one bit. You getting kidnapped by vampires and joining a werewolf pack and me dating some dude that’s like 10 years older than me.

4. I don't know what the Alpha meant by 'join our Pack'. It could mean that he just wants you to stay close or he wants to turn you into a werewolf. Either way, Mom and Dad are not going to be happy.

5. I forgot to clean my room and that might be the last thing Mom wanted to hear.

Her eyes started to water. "Look, I'm just really stressed right now. About a lot of things. And... erg. I don't even know his freaking name and I'm supposed to be his mate?! This is all just too weird for me right now." I leaned back against the couch, trying not to cry.

"His name is Audric. He's really a nice guy..." Ana said softly, sitting down next to me.
"Says the person who doesn't have to be with him for the rest of the year." I whined.

"Er... not exactly a year." Ana replied, uncertainly.

"What?!" I screamed sitting back up, my body going all tense again.

"Well, it might be sooner!" she tried to say happily. "If another female challenges you as top she-wolf and wins, then she will become his mate. If not... then you’re stuck till someone does."

I groaned, "Great! Just what I need to hear!" I slapped my forehead. "How does a challenge work? I don't have to like attack them or something, right? Because I don't exactly have the teeth and claws to do that with. I would really like to not be scarred from this."

She thought for a second, "Probably with you, there will just be a staring contest."

"A staring contest?" I shrieked. The outcome of my whole dating-life is going to depend on a staring contest?!

"Yeah. The humans stole it from us. It's one of the ways that we show who is superior and dominant."

"Great, great, great. My sister is going to be running around with a bunch of people who play staring games." I groaned again.

"Hey. At least you'll have your sister with you again. There's always a bright side to everything!"

And that's when I remembered one of the past nights that you were having one of your talking spells. It was around 12:34 in the morning and you were talking about boys. I faintly remembered you mentioning that you had a crush on a guy who was older than you and that he wore a necklace with blue beads on it that really turned you on... Oh gosh. It was him! It was the Alpha! You were so going to kill me! It was like some unspoken rule that you do not mate with your sister's crush! I am so dead!

Ana must have seen my shocked face and thinking that it was me just being stressed, she said, "Come on. Let's go back to my place and do something while we wait for the others to get back."

Suddenly, I was hoping that the vampires had killed you or something. I mentally kicked and scolded myself. "There is no reason to be thinking about her that way!" I really did want you to be alive. I really did, but let's just say that you aren't the funnest person to be around when you get angry. Or betrayed... Betrayed was way worse. And I had a feeling that that was what you were going to be feeling. I was so dead.

I numbly followed Ana, enveloped in my own thoughts. Ana kept talking, completely oblivious that I wasn't paying attention to her. We got back to her house and played Guitar Hero till around one a.m. Yeah isn't that weird that werewolves have Guitar Hero? Oh well. Playing on expert with the guitar didn't really give me time to think about how you were going to rip my guts out when you found out about him. We were starting to play 'Cliff's of Dover' when we heard the pounding of feet outside.

"They're back!" Ana screamed excitedly and threw down her guitar. I threw mine down, not nearly as excited as she was, and followed her out of the house.

We ran outside and there you were, in some werewolf’s arms, not the Alpha's. You look all limp in his arms and I feared that you were dead at first. Tears brimmed my eyes, but I looked at your chest and I could tell that you were still breathing, barely. You had cuts from where the windshield glass cut you and then bigger, deeper ones from the vampires. You’re covered in dried blood and I moaned and shuddered. I was never a big fan of blood. "Is she okay?" I whispered, groaning and holding my stomach. I could feel my lunch of pop tarts rolling around in it.

"We had to turn her in order to save her. She will heal quickly now that she is a werewolf." the werewolf that was holding you said.

I doubled over with relief that you were safe and fell to the ground. All the blood on you. It was making me sick. How could you be okay? There was so much...blood... I was swaying back and forth on my feet. I hated blood. I felt strong arms wrap around me. I felt safe and warm in his arms as he carried me away. I fell asleep. For the first time in a long time, I slept deeply and without worry about you. You were safe. You were a werewolf. You were going to kill me, but you were safe. And for the moment, that's all I cared about as I slipped into the dark void that was welcoming me so.