How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 6

I woke up in a bed. Well that sounds pretty normal, doesn't it? Well it isn't. This wasn't my bed, and it sure wasn't Ana's. Ana's bed was decked out in purple and orange. Not colors I would choose, but still. This bed had white sheets and a pale blue comforter. Soooo not her bed. So whose bed was I in? I sat up and noticed that someone was kind enough to bring me my duffel bag and set it against the wall. I listened closely and I couldn’t hear any noises in the house. I looked over at the clock and 6:42 looks back at me.

I lay back down, reveling in the quietness and thinking about what happened the night before. They said you were okay, Jen, so I was really relaxed and kind of wanting to fall back asleep. I sprawled out in the bed. It sure was big enough. It was queen size- and waited to fall back asleep. Apparently, my body had other plans. I had to find a bathroom and quick. I got up out of bed and wandered through the hallway. I peeked quickly in a few doors, they were all closets, and to no avail. No bathroom. "Nhmmm..." I really needed a bathroom. I darted in another connecting hallway and found the bathroom through the last door.

I did my thing and while I washed my hands I decided to go ahead and make myself presentable for the day since I didn't think I’d be going back to sleep in a stranger's bed. I dashed back to the room and grabbed my duffel and locked myself in the bathroom. While I put the finishing touches on my hair, I heard a door slam downstairs. I jumped and about knocked myself with my hairbrush.

I quickly stuffed everything back into my duffel bag and made a mad dash back to the room where I woke up. I waited a few minutes on the bed, and then decided to take a look at whoever was downstairs. I crept out of the room and walked slowly to the edge of the stairs. I could hear whoever it was banging pots and pans around. The smell of bacon frying in a pan lingered up to me and my stomach growled.

I put my hand over it and gave it a mental "Ssh!” I peeked over the banister and seen him. I yelped, but quickly covered my mouth, and jumped backwards. What was I doing in his house? Was I in his bed? I remembered seeing that the covers were pulled back on both sides and both sides looked slept in, but not thinking anything of it... Had he brought me here last night when I passed out? A feeling of dread crept into my stomach. Oh gosh! We slept in the same bed last night... but we hadn't done anything, had we? I sure didn't remember anything...

"You can come down from up there. I made some breakfast." His voice sauntered up to me. I squeaked. He knew I was there!

Not wanting to make a fool of myself, I stood up and walked down the stairs. Thank goodness I didn't trip. I sat down at the table.

"Hungry?" He set a plate of food down in front of me, pancakes with blueberries, syrup, and bacon. How did he know this was my favorite breakfast dish? Lucky guess?

"You sister told me this is your favorite. Is it okay?" He actually looked like he cared. Hm... This is too weird.

"Yeah. It's fine." I took a bite of pancake. It was good. Yum. Seeing that I was satisfied, he went and started to clean the kitchen. Did he make this just for me?

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked, finishing off a piece of bacon.

"I already have."

"Oh." I mumbled and quickly finished my breakfast. I winced a bit when I went to my plate in the sink and he just finished washing the dishes. You’ve got to love those awkward moments. After I was done, he took my plate and set a glass of chocolate milk down. Was this guy good or what? I drank the milk and he took the glass and washed it.

"When can I see my sister?" I asked, unsure of what to do now.

He wiped his hands on a hand towel and said, "Anytime you'd like. I think she is at Nirvana's."

"Thank you for the breakfast... uh... Alpha." Well that was awkward. What am I supposed to cal him?

"Sure thing. Go ahead now. I can see that you can't wait much longer." His voice gruff, but kind. I took off.


I knocked on Ana's door. I didn't think I could just go barging in... Her Mom answered, "Oh. Ana and Jenna are up in Ana’s room." She stepped back, her eyes cast downward, and let me through.

"Thanks!" I shouted and ran up the stairs. Yeah, I know Mom has always told me, 'Don't run up stairs.' but I was feeling rebellious today. Today of all days, I tripped and crashed down. Luckily, I didn’t hurt myself. I got back up and ran the rest of the way.

Ana's door was cracked, I knocked politely. After I hear a 'Come in!' from Ana, I opened it all the way and seen you sitting on the bed. "Jenna!" I shouted and grabbed you up in a hug.
"Let go of me!" You squirmed out of my arms, sounding kind of irritated.

"Huh? What's wrong? Aren't you glad to be back?" I asked, worried. I looked at Ana, at her eyes, and she quickly looked away. I'm puzzled. Why are you mad? Why isn't Ana saying anything about how we're all going to be best friends forever?

"I am glad to be back. But not with you here." Ouch. I flinched at your words. That hurt. Talk about burned!

"Why? I'm the one who freaking saved you!"

"Yeah! I know! Can't you see that everyone knows what you've done? How you've 'saved me'?" you shouted at me. I can tell that your hurt and I keep trying to make eye contact with you, but you keep looking away.

"I don't understand why you’re angry at me!" I screamed back at you.

"This was my thing! This was my secret! And you just had to come and butt in and make yourself queen of everything!" you shrieked.

"What? I don't care about any of this! I just wanted to get you back safely! I was doing this for you!" I pleaded trying to get you to understand.

"Well you didn't have to go and make yourself the Alpha's mate to do it! You b****!!"

“Yeah you called me the b word. And guess what, Jenna? Your technically more of a b**** than I am because you’re a dog! So take that!" Okay, so that’s what I wanted to say, but I thought you would've torn my head off if I did.

"Just go away! I never want to see you again!" You screamed. I put my hands up in a retreating gesture.

"Okay, okay. I'll go. But, Jenna, I will come back later, after you've calmed down." I backed out the door just in time to shield myself as you chunk Ana's lave lamp at me.

Yeah you are so thankful I saved your sorry butt.