How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 8

"Jen?" I knock on the door, listening for her.

"Go away! I'm not talking to anyone!" I hear something hit the door. I back up slightly and look at the Alpha -er- Audric behind me.

He pushes me aside and leans his head against the door, "Jenna?" You could practically feel the dominant vibe coming off him as Jenna refused to talk. "Open the door." He rumbled. After a few moments, the door opened and I seen Jenna. Defeat was in her eyes.

"What do you want?" she spat. Venom in her voice.

"I want you to talk to Julie." He stepped aside and let Jenna get a full view of me. I wave my hand in a girly wave.

"Hey. Do you still want to kill me?" I chuckled jokingly, she didn't laugh. I could see that Jenna did want to still kill me, but was fighting it since the Alpha was still there. Audric. Not Alpha.

"Now more than ever!" she fiercely whispered to me, eyeing Audric -yes! I said the right name!-. "How dare you show up at my door with him?!"

"Technically, it's Ana's." I could see her bristle at me pointing that out, but she kept her hands from punching me. "I brought this for you." I hand Jenna the notebook. She took and threw it on the floor. "Huh? I wrote that for you! It explains everything that happened!"

"And you think I want to read that? I know what happened. You betrayed me, Julie!"

The Al-Audric put a hand against my shoulder, ready to jerk me away from Jenna, and growled. Yeah he growled in his human form. How weird is that? "You will read it, Jenna. I do not want two females in my Pack fighting." I could see Jenna resisting his command, but being weaker than him, she slowly picked up the notebook, hatred gleaming in her eyes.
"Hey Al-Audric? Can I talk to her alone? I'm sure she won't hurt me after she reads this." I ask, looking at Audric.

He eyes Jenna warily. "I'll stay right outside the door. I'm not going to leave you completely alone with her, yet." He warns getting all overprotective of me. Must be a stupid werewolf mate thing.

I brush past Jenna and sit down on Ana's bed. Audric closes the door, leaving me trapped in the room with Jenna and my only escape point is jumping out of a two-story window. This will be fun. "Read it." I pat the bed beside me, and she stiffly sits down and flips through the notebook.

After she is done, she tosses the notebook on the floor; my story splayed on its open pages, and says, "I can't believe it." She looks at me and for a moment, I think she is going to rip my head off, but her gaze softens and she hugs me instead. "I'm sorry." I hear her whisper. "I didn't mean to be such a jerk..."

"It's okay." I hug her back and we sit there for a few moments.

"And I'm not going to start sniffing people’s butts. No promises on the growling at squirrels though," she says and laughs. I laugh along with her. "So you and the Alpha, huh? Never thought your first boyfriend would be so... old." She says the 'old' part loud enough for the -Audric outside to hear.

We hear him fall against the door and a muffled, "I'm only 25!" We laugh and lapse into silence, enjoying that we don't feel the need to kill each other when we hear Ana pounding up the stairs.

"Julie! Phone for you!" she calls and pushes right past the Alpha -dang! I mean Audric!- and tosses me the phone.

"Er... Hello?" I say, uncertain.

"Julie? Hi! How was your sleepover?" Mom asks, sounding worried.

"It was uh... fun." I look at Audric, who has now come into the room, my eyes trying to ask him if I should tell Mom about Jenna.

"Great! Great! I wanted to just call and tell you that your grandparents are coming over, so I'm going to have to come pick you up early. Is that alright?"

Oh gosh. Is that alright? No. I hate my grandparents. There always talking about how 'back in the old days' they never had electricity and they had to sit around lanterns all the time...
Audric was gesturing for me to go ahead and tell Mom about Jen. I wonder how I should word this. "Uh, Mom? I have a little er surprise for you." In answer to her confused, "What is it?" I shove the phone at Jenna.

"Hi Mom!" she says happily.

We could all hear Mom screaming, "Oh my gosh! Is that you, Jenna?! Dave!" Dave is our Dad, "Come here! It's Jenna on the phone! Oh baby? What happened to you? How did you get to Ana's house?"

"Jenna! I demand you tell us what happened right now!" That was my Dad on the phone. Jenna's mind was racing, trying to think up a lie to tell them. She looked helplessly at the Alph- Audric.

He simply took the phone from her hand. "Hello?"

"Hello?" That was my Mom's voice.

"Hello? Who is-" Dad's voice.

"This? Where is Jenna?" Mom's voice.

"-mand to tell me who you are!" That was Dad's.

"This is Ana's Uncle Audric. We just found Jenna outside my house in the woods, unconscious. I assure you that she is alright. She doesn't have any broken bones." Mom and Dad's voice were quieter, so we can't hear them now. They must've calmed down. "Yes. Yes. She is perfectly safe. No. Please don't attract any more attention to this case than you have to. Just tell the police that you have found Jenna and to call off the search. No. No, please don't. She doesn't need a medical doctor to look at her. Yes. No. No payment is needed. Really, yes. Good bye."

He pressed 'end' and hung up on my parents. He had an amused look on his face. "Do they always ask that many questions? They wanted to have me talk to an official about coming down here and making sure that this area is safe. The last thing we need is someone poking around here. Hehe." he scratched the back of his neck and handed Ana the phone. "They'll be here in half an hour."


I'm not sure if our parents will want some more information on what happened or not. The -Audric told us to just play innocent and stick to the story. Whether Mom and Dad still believed it or not, they were still pretty ecstatic over seeing Jenna safe and sound. They practically told her she was never going out without them again. Hehe sorry Jen.

I was watching the family reunion from Audric's porch. There were enough trees in the way that they couldn't see me, but I could see them. I think Jenna was slightly annoyed at all the attention they were giving her, but I could tell she was glad to see them.

I hear Audric come up behind me. I turn and look at him; he has my duffel bag in his hand. I take it from him. "Thanks." I say, a bit uncomfortable. I still wasn't sure about this whole 'Dating the Alpha' thing. I don't think he is either.

Before I knew it, he had gathered me up in a hug and I felt his teeth graze my ear.

"Remember you are mine." He whispered, his breath tickling my cheek. He kissed me softly on the lips, leaving me paralyzed in his arms. Well that was surely unexpected. He let go of me, his cheeks burning. I think mine were too. I was feeling tingly all over. "Your parents are ready to go. I'll see you soon... Julie."
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Thank you guys for the nice comments! they really mean a lot to me! :)