How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 9

Thankfully, Mom and Dad didn't ask too many questions about Jenna. They were just happy that she was back.

Not thankfully, our grandparents were coming over and they are completely senile. They're like any other old person. They just talk about old timey things and they smell funky. I was so not looking forward to their visit.

Thankfully, they aren't coming till this afternoon, which means I get to take a nap!
Not thankfully, Mom made me clean my room which cut into some serious sleepage time.
Something pokes my shoulder. "Nrgh!" I groan and roll over, pulling the blanket I have draped over me up more. "Go away!"

Whatever it was, it pushed at me more. I shoved at it and my hand brushed a wet nose. "Eeek!" I sit up and look down. "Agh!" I scream. The wolf tackles me, quieting me. "Who are you?!" Yeah, I asked the wolf who are you? I need some serious sleep. I've been around werewolves for too long.

The wolf whines. It was a pretty auburn color with pretty deep brown eyes. "Jenna? Jenna is that you?" I ask surprised. "You shifted? You have to shift back!"

"Julie? Are you okay up there?" I hear Mom shout up the stairs.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I shout back.

"Jenna? Are you okay?" Gr... Talk about over protective...

I adopt my best Jenna-impersonation, "Yes! I am! I'm trying to sleep!" I look at the wolf on my bed, "You have to shift back! If Mom sees you she'll freak!" I whisper.

I don't know how. I jump. Where did those words come from?

"Come on Jen! Come on! Turn back into human! Come on! You can do it!" I say in a puppy-dog voice.

You don't have to talk like that. I can understand you perfectly. I don't know how to shift back.
Who is that talking? "Is that you, Jenna?"

Duh. You nitwit. Now call someone and ask them how to turn back!

"How did you shift in the first place? Why did you? You know Grandma and Grandpa will be here soon!"

You don't think I don't know that?! I don't know how I did. Just one moment I was watching a squirrel and the next I'm looking at two furry paws!

"I don't know who to call! I don't have Ana's number!"

What about the Alpha?

"No. I don't have his either. Maybe they're in the phone book..." I start to think of the ways that I can get some privacy to ask Ana how to shift back, not very many... "I'll go look. Stay here!
And don't bark at anything!"

I'll try not to.

I attempt to walk down the stairs inconspicuously, but it doesn't really work out. "What'cha doing, Jules?" Dad asks from the kitchen table. Great right next to the phone. Why don't we have an up to date phone that doesn't have a cord?

"Just going to call Ana." I grab the phone book out of the cupboard and look up Ana's name. I dial the number and on the seventh ring, she picks up. "Ana?"

"Yup. That's me! Who is this? Julie? Hi girl!" Ana says happily.

"Er, Ana. I need some help with my essay-"

"Essay? We don't have an essay due."

"About wolves and the myth of how humans can change into wolves."

"Huh? I don't understand." Erg! She is so clueless!

"Do you know how they change back into humans?" I ask crossing my fingers.

"There was no essay assigned, Julie. I think you’re mistaken." Ana said. Ugh! Thankfully, she was talking quiet enough so Dad couldn't hear what she was saying.

"I think it would be cool to talk to an Alpha wolf. Do you think I could someday? I think it would be neat if his name was Audric. I've always liked that name."

"Oh!!!! You want to talk to Audric? Well of course silly. You should've just said so. He's right here in the living room." Man! She gets that I want to talk to my mate/boyfriend but she doesn't understand my question? Gah!

"Hello?" The Alpha asked. "Julie is that you?" His voice rumbled over the phone.

"Er... I've already told you Ana! I would like to know how werewolves can change back into humans. I'm uh having a problem on finding out how they do it and all."

"Oh, you’re talking about Jenna?" I bit my lip. I hope Dad couldn't hear Audric's voice rumbling over the receiver. He was pretty loud. I glance at him. He's still drinking his coffee and reading the paper.

"I know how they already shift into their werewolf form, but I'm stuck on the part where they shift back." This is hard! Come on just give me the answer!

"It's usually just instinct on shifting back. Normally, you just think about becoming human and so you become human. In Jenna's case, she just has to think about the things a human can do that wolves can't. It will get easier in time."

Finally! "Thanks Audric! I have to go now!"

I hang up and I think that I'm home free when my Dad asks, "Why were you talking to Ana's uncle? I thought you were talking to Ana?"

"Um... I was asking him about my essay project that's due on Wednesday. He is kind of the expert on wolves." Dad shrugs and I race up the stairs.

"No running on the stairs!" I hear my Mom yell.

I burst into my room and there is Jenna, still in wolf form, drooling happily on my blanket. "Jenna!" I tear the blanket from underneath her.

So did you find out?

"Yeah. Just think about being a human he said."

He? So you got to talk to Audric? Was he nice? I swear if dogs had eyebrows, her's just wiggled.

"Just change back!" After a few moments of complete concentration on Jenna's part, she slowly morphs back into a human. Thankfully, she had clothes on. Most of the books that I've read about werewolves, they aren't so lucky to change back with clothes on. Hehe.

"That was so awesome!" Jenna cries and flings herself at me, her tongue lolling.

"Um, Jen? Your tongue." I warn laughing.

"Oh. Hehe." She smiles. We hear a car pull into the driveway. Jenna's eyes go all attentive and she runs to the window. "Grandparents are here. Yipee." She says in mock joy.

"Let's go out and meet them!" I say sarcastically and we walk slowly down the stairs.


"Oh!! Jenna! Julie! I'm so glad to see you!" Grandpa said hugging us.

"Glad to see you too, Grandpa!" I hug him back. Jenna is oddly quiet. Her eyes are clouded with confusion, her nose working fiercely.

"You too Grandma!" I hug Grandma. Yuck. They smell disgusting. I think I read somewhere that the weird smell that you smell is actually their insides decomposing...

"Jenna! Come give me a hug!" Jenna almost snarls at her, but I quickly elbow her. She puts on a fake grin and hugs Grandma. "Jenna, dear, you smell almost like... a dog. When was the last time that you showered?" Yeah. Grandma doesn't only smell weird, she also is very rude. I looked at Jenna and she looked so... wolf-like.

"Jen!" I whisper and elbow her again. Grandma and Grandpa are looking at her weirdly.

Grandpa turned to Mom and Dad, a grim expression on his face. "Dave, Janice, do you think we could have a few minutes alone with Jenna and Julie? We think it's time that they learn our family secret." They smile happily and leave the room. They looked really proud. We follow them to the living room. Dread fills my stomach. For some reason, I don't want to hear this one family secret.

We sit down and once Grandpa and Grandma are all settled, Grandma looks at us with a twinkle in her eye and puts her hand on Granddad's knee. "Jenna, Julie, we are so proud of you two. You two have finally gotten old enough to learn the family secret... and trade if you would like to do it." Here is old people translation for trade. Trade means job. Why couldn't she have just said job? "You two are descendants from a grand line of werewolf hunters."