Status: active - slow updates

Deceit Brings Fire

Chapter 3

Thanks to Brian, I was feeling considerably less sleepy by the time we got to Matt’s house a few hours later. He’d bought me a large french vanilla iced coffee - my favorite - and the caffeine was actually making me a little hyper.

“You all right there, Bec?”

I grinned, sucking the last of the coffee through my straw, leaving only ice, and making a loud slurping sound in the process. I’d been practically bouncing in my seat the whole ride there, dancing and singing to every song that came on.

“I’m great,” I said, unbuckling my seatbelt, “actually, I’m more than great. TGIF. Really. I hope Johnny brings some Vodka.”

He twisted the key out of the ignition and laughed softly. “Oh, so it’s gonna be one of those nights.”

“You know it,” I answered, sliding out of the car. “Why? Can’t handle it?”

He stepped around to my side of the car and we walked up the driveway. It looked as though Jimmy and Zacky were already here.

“Hah. I’ve gotta drive your drunk ass home tonight. Remember?”

I was about to reply, when I caught sight of Matt on the porch. He was sitting on a bench with a beer in his hand. “Bella, stop,” I heard him say. His dog Bella was pacing back and forth on the porch, tail wagging in excitement and barking like crazy. She whined loudly at the gate as we got closer. I felt Matt’s eyes on me as we approached the stairs and the butterflies returned to my stomach in full force.

I opened the gate and was immediately greeted by a very happy Bella. I bent down and ruffled the fur around her face and head as she attempted to lick my face all over.

“Did you miss me, Bella?” I shot a smile at Matt, which he returned, his eyes sparkling in the sun.

Matt stood up, setting his beer on the railing. “You guys hungry?”

I pet Bella one last time and stood back up. “I’m starving, actually.”

“C’mon. We got a bunch of pizza’s. Jim and Zack are here though, so let’s go make sure they haven’t eaten it all.”

I laughed and walked inside as Matt held the door open.


Jimmy ran over and pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged him back, grinning.

“JIMMY!” I said, just as loudly, “I missed you, bud. It’s been a whole entire day.”

Zacky laughed. “Hey, Bec.”

I smiled. “Hey, Zack.”

I followed Matt into the kitchen. There were six pizza boxes on the table. He was opening each one and closing it, no doubt looking for a certain topping.

“Damn. Got enough pizza?” asked Brian, with a laugh.

“My thoughts exactly,” I said.

“You can never have too much pizza,” said Zacky, pausing to take a bite of his slice. “And plus, you can eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner if we don’t eat it all.”

“Onions and peppers, right?” said Matt, holding open the last box.

I smiled. “You remembered.”

He grinned and handed me and Brian a plate.

“The party. Has arrived.”

Everyone turned around as Johnny entered the kitchen, carrying a paper bag in each arm. He looked to be struggling slightly and Jimmy laughed, grabbing one of them and beginning to take out the bottles.

“Well Rebecca, what’ll it be? Pick your poison.”

I thought about it for a moment. I knew better than to drink on an empty stomach. “Actually, I think I’ll just start off with a beer. Thanks though.”

“Oh, you’re no fun. Okay, Brian?”

Matt set an opened beer in front of me and I smiled in thanks as my mouth was full.

“I’m driving.”

“What the fuck?!” he slammed his hand on the table. “Is someone going to have some fun with me tonight, or what?”

“Fuck yeah, Rev,” said Johnny. “Screw these guys. Here.” He set a bottle on the table from the other bag. “There’s the good stuff. Good ol’ Jack Daniels.

“Don’t worry Jimmy. I plan to get hammered tonight,” I took a swig of my beer, savoring the taste, “I just don’t want to go too fast too soon.”

Three hours later and the house was bouncing - literally. Music was pounding through the house and we were all more than a tad intoxicated. Even Brian had gotten a good buzz on, but I knew he wouldn’t drink much more. He’d never drink and drive with me in the car. The rest of the girls had arrived about an hour and a half ago - Johnny’s girlfriend Rachael, Zacky’s girlfriend Felicia, and my best friend Megan.

Now, we were all seated in the living room, playing a game of drunken ‘truth or dare’. The only difference here was that if you refused a truth or a dare, you had to drink a shot.

I was seated on the couch with Brian on my right and Felicia and Zacky on my left. I was resting my head on Brian’s shoulder. The alcohol wasn’t helping my tiredness in the least.

“Becca. Truth or dare.”

I picked my head up, staring at Megan. I thought about it for a moment.


She smiled widely and I felt a pang in my chest, instantly regretting my choice.

“Do you, or have you ever, at any point of your life, had feelings for somebody in this room?”

I swallowed, feeling everyone’s eyes on me. I forced a small laugh and leaned forward to push my shot glass toward Johnny on the coffee table.

“Do me in, Johnny.”

He looked at me, eyebrows furrowed. I felt my cheeks flush, feeling everyone’s eyes still on me, Matt’s gaze being the strongest. I looked toward Johnny, refusing to look anywhere in Matt’s direction. I was seriously going to kill Megan. Murder her in her sleep.

Johnny shrugged and poured me a shot of tequila, before pushing it toward me. I downed it immediately, wincing slightly as it burned all the way from my throat to my belly.

“Okay,” I said, sinking back into the couch, “same fucking question, Megan. Do you have any feelings for -?”

“No,” interrupted Zacky, “you can’t ask her after she asked you. You gotta ask someone else.”

I glared at him.

He smirked slightly. “Hey, hey. Not my fault. Rules of the game.”

“Fine” I growled. “Zachary, truth or dare.”

He stroked his chin, as if in thought, when we all knew what he’d pick. “Dare.”

I smiled deviously. “Kiss one of the guys here. Your choice. Atleast ten seconds.”

Zacky stared at me, eyes narrowed, the disgust plain on his face.

“No nose goes!” yelled Jimmy.

One by one the guys put a finger to their nose within seconds. Brian groaned, as he hadn’t been paying attention. He folded his arms across his chest, leaning back into the couch. “Oh, fuck no. I refuse.”

Everyone started laughing, looking between Zacky and Brian.

“Just drink the fucking shot. What are you waiting for?” said Brian.

He sighed and reached forward to give Johnny his glass.

“Ugh. You guys are no fun.” I said, and Felicia nodded in agreement.

Zacky started talking again, but I barely heard him as I felt my stomach lurch. I stood up quickly, wavering as my vision turned double. Brian grabbed my arm from the couch to help steady me, but I pulled away, pressing my hand to my mouth and half ran,half stumbled in the direction of the bathroom.

I barely made it. I practically fell to my knees in front of the toilet as I hurled what seemed like the entire contents of my stomach. I groaned, my eyes already watering, and tried to catch my breath.

I heard a knock at the door and I turned my head slightly, expecting to see my brother. But it wasn’t Brian; it was Matt. I felt my hair being pulled back from my face. I sniffed, taking shaky breaths, while Matt rubbed my back softly.

“Matt y-you don’t ha-have to do this. I’m fi-“

I was unable to finish as another wave of nausea came over me. This time was the worst and by the time it was over, I was exhausted.

“Fuck, ” I moaned.

Matt moved behind me and I heard the faucet turn on.

“Here,” he said softly, holding a cup of water out toward me. I reached for it with a shaky hand, but he took my hand and helped me guide the liquid into my mouth. I swished it around in my mouth and spit it back out. Then I swallowed the remaining water, my throat still burning from the acid. I felt Matt’s hand on my forehead. It was cool and soothing. I closed my eyes and allowed my self to slump back against him slightly. He helped me sit up against the wall and I rested my forehead against the cool linoleum of the shower. I didn’t bother to stand up. My head was still spinning.

Matt stood up and I heard the door open.

“I’ll be right back, okay?”

I forced my head forward in a slight nod, all that I was capable of at the moment, and let my eyes drift shut.

I didn’t realize that I had fallen asleep until I felt a hand under my back, attempting to pick me up. I blinked my eyes, but couldn’t manage to open them long enough to see what was going on.

“It’s okay,” said Brian as he managed to hoist my limp upper body upright. “Go back to sleep.”

His other arm gripped under my knees and he finally stood up, my body bouncing slightly in his arms. My stomach lurched at the sudden movement and I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to fight off the nausea.

“Sorry,” he whispered.

I was laid down onto a soft surface and the nausea faded enough for me to relax again. I felt a cool, wet washcloth on my forehead and I struggled to open my eyes again.

I heard a soft chuckle coming from somewhere next to the bed.

“Don’t fight it, Becca.” It was Matt. “You’re fine. Go to sleep.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A longer one this time. Hopefully that's a good thing. :)