Status: Drabble

Stop Being Afraid


Gerard licked his lips, tapping his fingers nervously on the counter. Mikey and Ray were supposed to be back. Frank was supposed to be back.

Gerard heard a engine rev and his head shot up.

"Come on Poison! Times a wasting!" Frank called out the back window. Mikey smiled at him, adjusting his sunglasses. Ray just nodded, smiling over at Mikey. Gerard took a deep breath, this was it. He grabbed his ray gun and jumped into the seat next to Frank.

Frank was staring at him, his expression longing, aroused, loving. It killed Gerard. He had to control himself, they couldn't risk their feelings getting in the way. He licked his bottom lip then bit down hard on it.

Frank moved his left hand onto Gerard's thigh, rubbing a small circle. Gerard bit harder on his lip, trying not to make noise. Frank smiled at him, sweet and caring.

"Stop being afraid." Frank mumbled, leaning closer, "Just stop, Gee."

Gerard met him half way, letting out a deep breath as their lips touched. Finally

Mikey and ray snickered in the front but Mikey's smile told Gerard he wasn't upset in the least.