Status: Just thought of trying something out... (:

The least I could Do

Up the sleeve tricks.

Pilnin was abit scared, she heard about the mountains curse. Of course, she's a witch, after all. Her brother climbed the wall first, knowing he was the best climber in the village. The curse was said if anyone have the slightest of hope, or faith, or even skills to climb the mountain, they will be badly harmed, or even die for not giving thanks to the person who created the curse to give them mercy to live. Besides Pilnin being the water witch, she was the weakest out of all the village. In her early teens, she had an accident with the horses, causing her to loose her ankle to move. Plus, the mountain is steeper, as if it was ready to blast down any second now. Her brother reached out a hand,"You're safe with me, Madison, don't worry."


The morning sun made the water look so warm, yet, it feels like it's filled with ice! Oh well, I'm used to it, I was born in a land best known for it's snow and ice. I left my cloths beside a rock and my slippers just before the water could touch them. I gotta tell you, the cold water made me feel like a giant ice cube! Brr...

There was a market nearby, I'm about 3 miles away from the market, and it's on a hill, so they wouldn't be able to find me, or noticed I was... You know... In the water, I saw a school of salmon and a family of ducks. It felt nice to swim in clean water, I heard that all the way to the middle of the earth, the water there is as thick as mud and as green as dead grass. I felt sorry for them having nothing to drink, but that.

When I came out of the water, it felt like a heatwave just slapped me in the face, it was now hot again. It was Spring.The flowers bloomed and the grass is at it's greenest. I put my cloths on and thought about getting something to trade with for cloths. I made my way to the market, thinking and playing with the ground with my feet. The wind blew so peacfully through my hair, as if an angel combed my hair with it's fingers. It was a long winter, so I missed the spring air. I was thinking to catch some fish, then trade it for a coin exchanger, then use the coins for cloths, and maybe food for brunch. That piece of bread is okay, but when I swam, I gave away alot of energy and became really hungry...

I need tools, or a net. My dad taught me about hunting, about being patient, and estimating the prey's move. It's harder than it looks. There was a wagon nearby, stopping by. I glared. Even though it's the 1600's, it's still dangerous to have strangers stop by when you're around them, too. One was a woman, pregant for about 8 months, and a man in his early 20's. They're a married couple, and they don't seem to be that mean or dangerous. Rather, familiar. "Hi, Shimin! It's us, Maryth and I. Wanna ride to the market?", the man said, smiling to see his old friend. That's right! That's Johnathen and Maryth, I met them 5 years ago. There was a really bad blizzard, and we only had a cave to live in for 5 days, we all nearly died of boredom... Haha, I guess they fell in love and was married. "Hey, no wedding invitation for me?", I teased. I really did missed them both, now that I remembered them. "We were just heading to a market near the lake," Maryth paused and giggled,"you need to update your cloths! Is that from back then? Eww~", they both giggled at me. "Oh, jee thanks. I bet every girl would like to be expressed like that," I sighed. "Get on, we'll buy you some food and new cloths. It's the least we could do, since you ran straight into the blizzard for food... Not the smartest idea," Johnathen gestured.

We arrived at the market. It was small, hardly anyone here. The perfect place for a timid person like me. There are a few cool things in one market, another is full of pretty cloths, and the last is a restaurant. What a coincedence, just what I needed.
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Thanks for reading. :)