Status: Just thought of trying something out... (:

The least I could Do

The Lone Wolf.

Pilnin took her brother's hand and started to climb, making it difficult because of the little pain in her leg. As they climbed, even higher, Pilnin notices that the sky was getting dark, meaning rain clouds are going to rain to while they are climbing. "We gotta speed things up if we wanna get away from the rain storm," Steve, her brother suggested. As he said this, the rain cloud grows bigger, and Pilnin could even see the lightning and hear the thunder. "Um, Steve, I'm scared", Pilnin said, with fear flowing through her voice. She was right. With her condition, she's more likely to fall from the cliff if rain even touched the mountain.

*Munch, munch*

I ate the food my old friends bought for me. I really did miss the smell of fresh syrup in the morning, and the sight of plates and spoons. Maryth was rubbing her tummy, for the baby inside her seemed to kick her. Jonathen chuckled as Maryth just smiled at her husband. I drank my last drop of syrup tea and said,"Thanks for the meal, but I best be going now. I got somewhere to to go, and I don't want to waste anymore of your time." They both laughed,"You think we're just gonna let you leave? We need to make some plans for the next time we'll meet!", Maryth suggested. "Okay, um... Meet us at the biggest town in the country, which is west from here. By the next few months," Jonathen added. "Um, alright," I hesitated.

Next few months? Uh, I'm busy. Especially when I was going to meet someone. Someone who proclaims to help me. Help me with my curse, I mean.

We gave our good byes and it's off to traveling solo again. The wind is cool and the sun is beating down on my head. I head over to a town nearby, where the ground is decorated with colorful stones and the buildings are high-class, as in, not in wood. The shops are clustered in the middle of the town, surrounding the factories in it. Followed by houses and hotels surrounding the whole thing. Just then, I knew the name of the town.

"Roses' Circle!"
"Welcome to Roses' Circle!"

I facepalmed. It was one of those annoying advertisements to show where they work to sell goods.

"Would you like an apple pie, m'lady? Best in town~"
"Uh, no thanks..."
"Or how about my sparkled honey! Looks like beer, but tastes like mom's honey milk tea"
"I dont wa--"
"Or how about some exotic antiques? Half priced!"
"I said NOO!!"

I walked out in fustration. It's so anoying. They never leave me alone, especially when they know I don't want any.

I walked over to a hotel. The ccheapest-looking ones, I don't want to over pay anything, but even the cheapest ones looked like it cost anyone's wallet down to half. Oh well, I needed a place to stay for a few days, then I'll leave. But first, time to buy a few things for the meeting with this guy. I went over to a very simple store and bought something cheap. A glove. Cheapest. Out of everything.

I went back to the hotel. My room looked like it was fit for a simple count, the bed was nicely made. With red sheets and a white blanket to cover half of the bed, because of so many pillows. On both sides of the bed, were a little step and on top is 2 towels. At the far end of the corner, there is a fancy fireplace and a small table with a flowers on a vase and a small chair to compliment the small set. A night table, with a candle lamp beside the bed, far end. And a window infront of the whole bed and set. The walls were beautiful grey bricks and dark wood for the floor.

"This is the life," I must admit,"I should visit my friends more often!"

Then, there was a knock on the door.
Wonder who could it be?
♠ ♠ ♠
Finished! At last!!