Status: Just thought of trying something out... (:

The least I could Do

Simple meets Danger

"Why would it start raining at this hour?! Such a bad time to let the water flow..." Steve complained. Pilnin was turning pale, she can feel her leg slipping. Before Pilnin could catch her breath, bracing to fall, her brother caught her hand,"Happy your brother found the best seat to watch the show?" before Pilnin realizes it, her brother was just seating on a ledge, big enough for 3 people to seat. Pilnin gave a big sigh of relief. "Brother dearest, you're a bigger idiot than I thought. I love you."


Another night for spilling some blood. Animal blood. I was able to walk away from the other towns from hunting and came across a field of wild deers and mooses. Um, I didn't remember what happened that night, well every night, but there's always trees faling around me, a couple of puddle of animal blood and the ground is full of dead grass, for some reason. Or rather, it's the fur I shed while I'm completely consumed in the curse. It is spring, and almost every animal has to shed from their winter coating, I think.

I walked back to the hotel, to get some sleep. You see, I still can't control the curse inside me, the curse of the werewolf. Before I went back, I took my stash of clothing from my popular hidding places, places where I can easily find my clothes, yet no animal or human can ever think of finding it.

The guest who knocked at the door was a man. Red hair and slightly lighter eyes, he was pretty cute. He was supposably the man I was suppose to meet. Here's how the night went out;

"Hello, m'lady. You must be Ms. Madison."
"Hi, um, who may you be?"
"I'm the person who contacted you while you were traveling." he bowed.
I gave out a confused expression,"Contacted?"
"I'm the one who wanted to help you."
"With my curse?"
"Yes, now may I come in?"
"Um, sure."

He came in and sat at the bed steps. He patted the empty space beside him, he wants me to seat.

"Tell me what exactly your having trouble with."
"Controlling the curse."

And... That's all I remember. The last thing Iremember he said was,"... Hurting, and dicipline... You're... Loved Ones..." I got upset. I can't believe I forgot the most important quotes in my life to control this evil inside me! Oh well, he did say to meet him in Aeriel Flight. A place that seem to be in the clouds, a land where water is the biggest natural source in the country. There's so much water, the houses float on boats and farmers harvests fish and sea plants.

I took a nap, I hope no bodydisturbs me...

*Knock Knock*

ARGH! What now... I opened the door and nobody was there.

"Is this some type of a trick?!" and all of a sudden, a group of 3 vampires appeared. They were all upside down. I've heard of the quote that vampires means eternal beauty, but these are the opposite of my expectations as a vampire.

"The master is unhappy. VERY unhappy." the first vampire hissed and landed on the ground, now showing the beuty side of her. "He demands you come back to the castle and set up a new mission..." The second landed in the same motion. The other just stood silent, or rather, just hissed rudely at me. It was a man, or a male vampire. He did't change his appearence, and just stayed up down. Then a woman just screamed at the sight of the 3rd vampire. She ran away, calling for help.

I smirked,"You better get going, or you'll end up seeing that Hunter from across the street. He seems interrested in killing a group of vampires for his fame," I then shut the door and ran out the window. I didn't want them to think I'd stay until help comes. Vampires are strong enough to kill 7 men at a time. What 'll stop them from getting me?

I ran out the open window and made a run for the church, makes sense, right? I opened the church doors and closed them as soon as I stepped into the church's carpet, I nearly lost my slippers. The church was empty, but I feel as if someone is right beside me. I turned around and found the man with red hair, he was beside me as if he went through the whole trip with me. "M'Lady," he bowed. I stood there in shock. Not only he caught me off guard by his pressence, but that ashes were shed out of his sleeves. That's when I knew he was also a vampire.

"You're one of them?! But how?! What are you ddoing here?!", questions were coming out of my lips, yelling at him. I dragged him outside the church, to help him regain his strenght and recover his flesh. "Are you trying to help me, m'Lady?", he looked at me, expressionless. I blushed, then thought up a response so he could keep his mouth shut,"If I were a vampire and trying to help enhance a werewolf's power to control, I'd want someone to save me from burning away!", then I closed the door.

That's who I am, I help others, friend or foe, it's a habbit I can't control. No matter how easily self-controlled it can be. I believe helping others can come back to you. One way or the other.

I sat at the last seat in church, knelt down and prayed. Prayed that this crazy moment would end, and for protection if it happens again. And then, no matter how crazy it is, thanked in prayer, that something exiting happened during my travels. Lastly prayed for guidence to keep myself from making the wrong decisions, you'll never know, just in case.
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Thanks for reading!