Status: Incomplete

How My Life Changed

The Begining

This is a story about a boy named Max.
This story begins on a rainy afternoon, Max was sitting in his room on the computer, searching for somthing to do, he looked, at games, puzzles, word searches, but nothing intrested him, after 20 minutes he decided to get off, but as he was closing everything he saw an advertisment for a website called my yearbook. Max was interested, so he clicked the ad.
Max looked all around the website. Max had met lots of friends on this website, but what Max was really looking for was a girl who he could love, and take care of. Max searched and searched but he could never find anyone. After four months Max gave up on the website, and he went on with his dull boring life hoping one day to meet his dream girl.
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Rough draft, This is only a rough draft i might change it around later.