Sequel: Desert Instinct

Days in the Desert

Chapter 14

"Hello" He said grinning his disgusting face twisting into a gut wrenching smile.

"what do you want" I said standing up to the man

"an eye for an eye" He smiled and i couldn't help but cringe

"what do you mean an eye for an eye?" I asked already knowing the answer to the question

"it means" Korse said signaling one of the Dracs forward and flicking his wrist toward Jet. i pushed him down just in time

"you wanna be a hero for your friends i see" He said in a "therapist" voice "i will give you all one chance, join or" I cut him off

"die, we get it. i would rather die than go with you. I've been given the opportunity to join three times now and i don't see myself behind you yet. so what makes you think i will break this time?" I asked feeling my life is about to end and i will NOT cower in front of him like a bad puppy.

"this time you won't win" He stated frankly loosing all smile "what makes you so sure about that?" I asked, my turn to smile. he snapped and my smile slid off of my face. we were surrounded by hundreds of Dracs.

"so sure now young lady?" He said getting the sick smile on his face again

"one more chance. come with us or die" I looked back at the guys for a split second they all looked scared.

"Die" I stated holding my head proud.

"die" i heard behind me. Party stepped up next to me and grabbed my hand

"die" Ghoul said grabbing my other hand. a tear streaking down my cheek.

"DIE" Kobra said wiping away the tear and grabbing Party's hand "die" Jet spit grabbing Ghouls hand.

"i'm gonna die anyways" I heard behind us. Doc came up and put his hands on my shoulders.

"very well" Korse said raising his ray gun. Doc moved next to Kobra and took his hand. Ray guns behind us, we prepared to die.