Sequel: Desert Instinct

Days in the Desert

Chapter 27

"What happened?" I said getting off of the bed. pain everywhere.

"The babies.. we don't know what to do!" Party said still in a frenzy

"OK, calm down and help me get to them" I said, grabbing some sweat pants and putting them on.

"alright" Party said helping her to the hall. There was a mess EVERYWHERE! Babies laying on the table, blankets everywhere, rags thrown astray

"what's wrong?" I said going over to the babies

"how do you get them to stop.. going to the bathroom?" Ghoul said sitting down, exhausted

"put them in diapers. but since we don't have any, we have to make our own. get me a sheet." I said picking the babies up. Ghoul rushed out and came in with a sheet. "cut out two large squares, and the excess sheets we can use to secure them" I said bouncing the babies on my hips. "now bring one over." I said, all of the guys piled around "now you put the baby in the middle, bring the back up fold the front over it. now tuck in the corners and hand me some of the excess sheet. good now tie it." I said showing them the diapered baby.

"now repeat with this one" I said handing Kobra Twisted.

"ok, so you put it in the middle, then take the front and put it back..?" He said looking shocked

"no, you put the back on front" Ghoul said correcting him.

"ok, then you bring the front to back and tuck in the corners." Kobra said holding up the baby, the diaper fell off

"you forgot to secure it" Jet said grabbing a thing of excess sheet.

"oh yea" He said handing the baby to Party.

"K, so back to front, front to back, corners, secure" He said like a pro. showing us the finished product

"very good guys" I praised

"thanks" Ghoul said, smile plastered on his face.

"ha. like you did much" Kobra said, punching him in the arm

"like you did much better" He said also hitting him in the arm

"yo! be careful around the babies!" I said hitting them both upside the head. I handed Sigh to Jet and went to take a shower. i'm tired of the blood.

I walked past the guys room to get a towel. Tears escaping my eyes i gasped. Sliding down the wall i just stared at the beautiful nursery they had made for the babies.

"oh guys!" I said as they all came into the hall

"do you like it?" Party said, Smiling at Twisted, who cooed. He handed him to Saint and helped me up. I walked into the room in the corner was my old rocking chair where i used to rock Dessey to sleep

"we found it in the shed. i hope you don't mind" Jet said walking over to the chair and sitting down with Sigh.

"i love it. and no i don't mind, it's.. perfect" I said walking over to the one crib.

"we are working on another..." Party blushed. Saint walked in with Twisted, he gave him to Jet. Wrapping me in a hug

"i hope you know we weren't trying to be mean, we were all just working so hard on the room." He smiled. all of the guys, one by one hugged me, and i finally got time to relax.

~Eight years later~

"mom. i'm not eating this" Twisted said pushing the plate of muck away

"then you don't eat" I replied taking a bite of the disgusting grey stuff the guys brought back.

"just stop fighting and eat it" Sigh said resentfully also taking a bite. The door opened and all of the guys shuffled in

"what now" Ghoul said looking at Twisted

"He won't eat it" I said taking another bite

"eat it or you don't get dessert" Party said dishing some up for himself and looking at it with heavy resentment

"ooh.. canned peaches.." Twisted said rolling his eyes

"OK, your grounded" Jet said pointing towards the twins's room

"I hate you!" Twisted said running into his room

"can i be excused?" Sigh said pushing her plate away and scooting away from the table

"yea, sure, whatever" I said pissed. I took another bite of food and pushed my own plate away

"we need to find some food" I said looking up towards the guys.

"MOM!" I heard Sigh yell. Everyone was up, and running towards the room

"What happened?" I said getting to the door

"He's gone" She said pointing at the open window

"SHIT!" Ghoul said running out the door. Saint came in after, with a hand full of supplies.

"What happened?" He asked putting the supplies in the corner

"Twisted ran away. and that means Dracs." I said upset

"Eight years without incident and he decides NOW to go running off" Saint said throwing his hands in the air and grabbing his gun, walking out the door. all of the guys followed suit.